
Debate Info

i think we do nope we dont
Debate Score:31
Total Votes:33
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 i think we do (16)
 nope we dont (9)

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Westley(50) pic

do humans really contribute to the extinction of animals

today many animals are going extinct.the quiestion is do we really  enhance the extinction of these animals?

i think we do

Side Score: 22

nope we dont

Side Score: 9
2 points

The more our population expands and industry seeks to make profit then we will encroach upon native animal habitats and so the end result is the slow and inevitable reduction in some populations until they simply become extinct.

Darwin is quoted as saying that "It is not the most intelligent or knowledgeable species that will survive it is the most adaptable"

So those native species that lose their habitat and food source through land clearing etc etc will simply become extinct if they cannot adapt to other resources.

Side: i think we do
2 points

I believe there are some well documented examples of human's causing a species' extinction: Passenger pigeon, Thylacine, Dodo.

The real question is how big of a deal is an extinction? Is it bad? Should we care? If you think we should, why?

Side: i think we do
1 point

Extinction is bad, and we should care. Albert Einstein said that if bees became extinct, the human race would have 4 years before we became extinct ourselves.

Side: i think we do
1 point

We certainly do, and that includes ourselves. Partly due to the expanding global population we continue to ''appropriate'' and destroy the natural habitats of many animals, hunting various species to extinction for food or sport and contaminating the earth with our industrial and human waste matter. Yes sirree Bob, we selfish, greedy, thoughtless and filthy humans represent the biggest threat to the future of the world.

Side: i think we do
1 point

Well, we obviously do: we can't get away from the fact that we are destroying animal habitats, hunting animals for their resources, and many more cruel things, all of which are killing animals by the second. How can you say we don't contribute to the extinction of animals when you eat pork or fish or something like that at least 5 times a week?

Side: i think we do
0 points

Well you can't simply blame the humans for animal extinction sometimes lack of poaching leads to the overpopulation of one species and extinction of another,besides people adopt animals and create animal-care centers to protect the endangered species so definitely,we don't contribute so a very high degree

Side: nope we dont
1 point

How many species went extinct in the same time period that aren't on that list?

Side: i think we do
Madz710(4) Disputed
0 points

Yes let's all stop to think about all these important shit happening around the world and save some elephants -.-

Side: i think we do
XxashleyxX(1) Disputed
1 point

All human life relies, in one way or another, on animal life. Though the absense of some species would have a smaller affect on the human race than the absense of others, all species affect us indirectly.

Either way, importance is relative.

Side: nope we dont
Amritangshu(892) Disputed
1 point

Well elephants are really not on the verge of extinction,maybe the kiwis,or the black buck or even the snow leopards can be considered in that case

Side: nope we dont