
Debate Info

A is beter B is beter
Debate Score:13
Total Votes:13
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 A is beter (6)
 B is beter (4)

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apwdaredevil(10) pic

what is the best letter A or B

which leter is beter A or B

A is beter

Side Score: 7

B is beter

Side Score: 6
2 points

Maybe all the really clever people watch with amusement as we, the unenlightened argue about the relative merits between A and B as they wallow in the exclusive luxury of C.

Side: A is beter
1 point

B. Everyone seems to want to get ''from'' A ''to'' B, so the logical conclusion is that B is a better.

Side: A is beter
daver(1770) Disputed
2 points

Incomplete causality!

B may only exist along a path to better, and be not at all better than A

Frodo Baggins was at A and proceeced to decidedly not better B, in order to return to a more stable A.

Side: B is beter
1 point

A is better because my favorite name is Acacia which starts with an A.

Side: A is beter
1 point

A is better. It's the first letter of the alphabet, used for the best grade range in high school.

Side: A is beter

The reason I answer with "A" is because the letter is a vowel and this letter gains the popularity with me.

Side: A is beter
1 point

A is the first letter of the alphabet, and we all know everyone wants to get first place in a race. Also, people want to get A's in school because A's are better to get than B's. Additionally, I'm sorry, but I'm a huge spelling person, so you spell "beter" wrong ._.

Side: A is beter
2 points

Since everyone is arguing on the wrong side of their stated positions, I'll go ahead post on this side A is better because it is more useful to a wider range language than B. We could actually do without the convenient consonant, but we wouldn't even have a language without the all important, most used vowel.

Side: B is beter
HarvardGrad(174) Clarified
1 point

Just to play devils advocate why would the system of language be nonexistent without a particular letter? Are you speaking of the nonexistence of language without the vowel 'A', or are you suggesting English just wouldn't work without this specific vowel sound?

Side: A is beter
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

You used the letter 'A' 13 times in your post not counting the reference to the letter itself. You used 'B' once. Without the vowel sound of 'a', whatever you would be speaking would not be English.

A decent counter this may be that we can read sentences that do away with vowels all together and we can still find it intelligible. This wouldn't be the case with consonants.

Regardless of the language angle, 'A' is still better than 'B' because it represents scholastic achievement that is closer to perfection. No one studies hard trying to get a 'B'.

Side: A is beter
1 point


Side: B is beter
1 point

I believe B is better. Even though A out numbers B in positive conations, B symbolizes Banana's, therefore our body could possess the needed number of Potassium in our everyday life, therefore I like BANANANANNNANA

Side: B is beter