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DJSNuva1's Reward Points: 78

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Is the Democrat party the party for ugly women?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should teachers have to follow the same rules as the students?
4 Added Argument Should teachers have to follow the same rules as the students?
1 Added Argument The Aryan Race
1 Added Argument Corpocracy?
1 Added Argument Is Hitler's political views closer to conservatism or liberalism?
1 Added Argument Glenn Beck: Arguing With Idiots
1 Added Argument What will happen now that the Democrats have lost their super majority?
1 Added Argument Is the confederate flag racist? or is it heritage?
3 Added Argument Why is the Healthcare debate not being televised?
5 Created Debate Why is the Healthcare debate not being televised?
1 Added Argument Why do men rule the planet?

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