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FleshEaterUK's Reward Points: 34

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument If god existed would you worship him? (atheists only)
1 Added Argument If god existed would you worship him? (atheists only)
3 Added Argument How Christians know Heaven is real?
5 Created Debate How Christians know Heaven is real?
1 Added Argument Creationism v.s. evolution
1 Added Argument Proof of intelligent design.
1 Added Argument Are banana peels really that slippery?
1 Added Argument Do you value justice over mercy
1 Added Argument Should high fructose corn syrup be banned?
1 Added Argument Why does a mirror reverse left and right, but not up and down?
1 Added Argument Is it possible to imagine or spot a non-existent color?
1 Added Argument Explain the difference between Great Britain and the United Kingdom
3 Added Argument Are you a liberal or conservative?
1 Added Argument What kind of abuse is worse, physical or emotional?
0 Added Argument Is technology making us lazier?
3 Created Debate Liberty or Unity?
1 Added Argument Should KIDS be arrested when found to be roaming around the neighborhood late at night?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Creationism/Intelligent design be taught as a scientific alternative to evolution.
3 Added Argument Should Creationism/Intelligent design be taught as a scientific alternative to evolution.
0 Added Argument Appeasement policy caused WW2! It was totally unnecessary
0 Added Argument Appeasement policy caused WW2! It was totally unnecessary
1 Added Argument is atheism just a cop out?
1 Added Argument If Atheism is true, where is hope when you are dead ?
2 Added Argument What Makes Christianity and the bible supierior then any other religion?
-1 Downvoted Argument What Makes Christianity and the bible supierior then any other religion?
-1 Downvoted Argument What Makes Christianity and the bible supierior then any other religion?
1 Added Argument What Makes Christianity and the bible supierior then any other religion?
-1 Downvoted Argument One Country
6 Added Argument One Country

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