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zombee's Reward Points: 1014

Points When What Where
0 High Rated Argument Should Marijuana (Weed) Be Legalized?
1 High Rated Argument Would finding life on other worlds be a huge blow to Christianity?
4 Added Argument Could other animals ever develop human-like consciousness?
-1 Downvoted Argument Do gay males have a higher incidence of silent farts?
2 Added Argument Is homosexuality good for society?
1 High Rated Argument Request for ideas - CreateDebate modifications for 2012
1 Added Argument Being Bisexual Good or bad
0 Added Argument Pedophile's aren't bad.
2 Added Argument Request for ideas - CreateDebate modifications for 2012
0 Added Argument Do any women make sense?
2 Added Argument Online Shops Target Drunk Buyers: Have You Ever Shopped After Drinking?
4 Added Argument Would you class the human race as a parasite?
10 High Rated Argument Is the bible factual evidence?
1 Added Argument Women who workout like P90x or Muscle toning become muscled and are not Sexy to Men
10 Added Argument Is the bible factual evidence?
1 Added Argument Would finding life on other worlds be a huge blow to Christianity?
1 Added Argument Captain Kirk or Captain Picard?
2 Added Argument Would finding life on other worlds be a huge blow to Christianity?
3 High Rated Argument Is it okay for a woman to be a house-wife?
1 Added Argument violence is a great thing
2 Added Argument Cannibalism is a superior alternative to burial and cremation
1 Added Argument The Evolution v. Creationism Battle Has Been Blown Out of Proportion
-1 Downvoted Argument Remove "In God We Trust" from pledge and U.S. Currency
-1 Downvoted Argument Remove "In God We Trust" from pledge and U.S. Currency
0 High Rated Argument Dear Christians: Jesus has already had his 'second coming'.
2 Added Argument Who's the best and worse debater? (I'm really bored and can't think of anything,
1 Added Argument Is it okay for a woman to be a house-wife?
1 Added Argument Can we define "The Nature of Evil" as being "Hands On"
8 Added Argument Who's the best and worse debater? (I'm really bored and can't think of anything,
1 Added Argument Do You Think Rape Victims Still Have Their Virginity?
0 Added Argument Dear Christians: Jesus has already had his 'second coming'.
1 Added Argument Why don't escorts just become talking escorts, they would make more money
0 Added Argument Should Marijuana (Weed) Be Legalized?
0 Downvoted Argument If you allow someone to kill you, is that suicide?
1 Added Argument Is there anything wrong with doing the right thing for the wrong reason?
2 Added Argument Should Lowes have pulled their advertising sponsorship for the show All American Muslim?
-1 Downvoted Argument How can one take the Bible literally and be against it?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should Abortion be legal?
0 Added Argument Do Humans Suck?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should suicide and euthanasia be legalized?
1 Added Argument do you think child molesters should get an automatic death penalty in convicted
1 Added Argument Im Jumping Over The Christian Borders. Don't Shoot Me---Did Jesus Commit Suicide?
-1 Downvoted Argument Do you ever want to live long ago? When and where? Read the description, please!
2 Added Argument Do you ever want to live long ago? When and where? Read the description, please!
1 Added Argument Animal Rights.
1 Added Argument Are we hurting ourselves as a race by not letting things be natural?
1 Added Argument Are we hurting ourselves as a race by not letting things be natural?
1 High Rated Argument How to prove God is the creator of the observable universe.

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