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RSS Bianca1M

Reward Points:7
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7 most recent arguments.
1 point

Internet over use may cause depression due to the loneliness and virtual emotions. Though Internet could be used as an useful tool, manly youngsters do not know when to stop and return to real life. This behavior disturbs the real life relationships. So, since a young age, people should learn how to use Internet for their own benefit and recognize their limits.

1 point

Well, there are always going to be someone to say that you must fit in what they consider "perfect" or "right". Beauty is inside our own minds. It is up to us to live happy with who we are despite the pressure society does. It is a struggle, but worth it in the end.

1 point

I believe cannabis should not be legalized. Though somebody can say that they are natural and healthy, they may be harmfull if applied in a wrong way. They can make some differences in medicine, but how could we draw a line between what it is considered "safe" and what is not?

1 point

I agree with GabiAlkmin: it would be very hard (if not impossible) to allow drinking in stadiums and, then, ban again.

And, besides, there are other places that everyone can drink, if they like. Drinking in stadiums could just increase the violence.

1 point

Privacy is a really difficult question to discuss nowadays. I mean, where does the line between "public" and "privacy" stands? We sure expose ourselves on Facebook much more that we would do to someone we have just met.

-- But that's my "private" account. I can, theoretically, post whatever I want but I must be sure that I will have to respond to what is said that. For example, if I post a photo that one of my friends didn't like, I can have a big trouble about it.

On the other hand, firing someone due to what was side on social networks seems a little extreme. For me, it sounds like firing someone because of a conversation he/she had with their friends during lunch.

All we have to do is pay attention to what it said and what will be the repercussion because everything goes so fast...

1 point

Well, I have seen many of you talking about vegetarianism and I am a vegetarian myself and I will talk about my experience.

I decided to become a vegetarian when I was 14 years old. Nobody has ever told me to become one or to stop eating meat because I was "mean" enough to kill an animal.

I realized that I didn't feel good knowing that an animal was killed for me to get my lunch or whatever. I realized that a meal without meat would make me feel better.

I've seen some of you saying that becoming a vegetarian would not make a difference and I totally disagree. Well, let's assume that each person has his own cow to eat. If I didn't eat mine, it would be alive. That's the same logic in real life.

And about vegetarians that stand for it and try to convince another person to become one as well, all I have to say is: been there, done that. But I realized that was effortless. And here I have to say that, as a vegetarian, I am truly bored about non-vegetarians that every single day try to make me eat meat with arguments such as some I have seen here, like "that's not healthy for you!". Well, neither is drinking alcohol in excess or not exercising, but I don't give speeches about it.

1 point

I agree with Narayan. It's very easy indeed to ban the use of plastic bags, but the main question is what will replace them.

Well, we have seen here that the so-called "recycled bags" are not that ecofriendly.

And we must face that our world (as well as supermarkets) works based on MONEY. So, we have to ask ourselves: WHO is interested in this new "green age" and how does that affect our life style?

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