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RSS Wanderley1M

Reward Points:9
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

This polemic topic made me remind a interesting quotation of Karl Marx which says: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions". Can marijuana be positive for medical treatment? Absolutely. If you take a look at this page, you will find some medical opinions around that:

However, how can we handle the legalization in order to control its use exclusively for health purpose?

1 point

Particularly, this topic is the most interesting I've seen so far! It really gives food for thought! It made me think about my own attitude in social network. In the daily rush of life, we do things without considering the consequences of our actions. It also reflects on the way we use internet: we neglect the precautions and starts flooding our timeline with useless information (pictures, coments). We do not pay attention that it is a selfish posture, since everything relates to what "I" think, what "I" do, what makes "me" happy or angry. It is a unnecessary overexposure.

I would like to share with you some tips I found in order to be less selfish and being more polite on social networks:

1 point

That is a interesting question because it leads us to a broader point: Brazil has been considered as a no man's land. Looking back and forth to our history, we always have been influenced by other countries necessities in other to resign to their expectatives.

Even though it is a international event, we should not let them do whatever they want just because of their wills. Brazil is not a madehouse. If we want to allow or prohibit beverages, we should firstly consider our reality and necessities.

1 point

Banning exclusively the use of plastic bag will not make a difference. Perhaps it is a short first step, however, another actions should be created in order to enchance the enviroment. Let's consider supporting the creation of recycling cooperatives. The South Shore Recycling Cooperative is a great example of how recycling is a positive attitude not only considering environmentalists' interests but also for economy. Take a look at the their page on internet:

I trult believe that if we want to make a change, one isolated effort will not be enough.

1 point

I have to confess that it is a complext subject for me to discuss since I do not know so much about it. While I was doing some researches, I found this interesting article. It is obviously a satirical approach of how vegetarian diets are not a feasible extent for economy. However, there is a proverb which says: "when a thing is funny, search it carefully for a hidden truth".

Supporting Evidence: Are Vegetarian Diets & Vegetarians Good for the Economy? A Satirical Assessment. (
1 point

It is preety funny to see that not only the beauty standand became a pattern in our society, but also there is a counter flow in vogue nowadays. Lady GaGa in her song "Born this way" sings: "I'm beautiful in my way/cause God makes no mistakes/I'm on the right track, baby/I was born this way". She claims that people should not try to fit in models and love and respect their own unique individuallities.

I would like to share a snippet of an article concerning this perspective of beaty and its standards concernig Lady GaGa and how it reflects the question in a broader view. If you want to read it wholy, there is also its link.

"A quick Google search reveals countless articles like “How to Look Like Lady Gaga”, “How to Get Lady Gaga’s Poker Face Look”, “How to Dress and Act Like Lady Gaga”, indicating she has become a role model, whether parents like it or not. "

1 point

Well, well, well... I don't think that the mayor point of this debate should be "Is pink a colour for boys or girls?". Mass media and children's development is a broader question. In general, not only children are victims of this kind manipulation, but also adults. It is crystal clear how mankind demands are used in order to enhance comsuption. That is the capitalism motto. For instance, let's considerer how the cristians holidays, as Christmas, became totally focused on consumerism. We are lacking culture and trying to fulfill this emptyness by having a superficial perspective of life.

1 point

Perhaps this subject is as tendentious as your questions. I don't know what I should state: if I'm for or against your point of view. I would like to read more about that topic so we could discuss in a centrered way. The video of these little girl is interesting but seems superficial and not strong enough to support your argumentation.

1 point

There is a few things that I'd like to comment about this subject and I wish I'll be able to make myself clear.

I totally see the point of this subject and what you wanted us to discuss since not only internet dependency is a harsh topic but also every kind of dependency is a thing society must concern about. However, the first link you posted has only a introduction of the article, so I could not get what you wanted us to discuss.

Considering only the second link you posted, I could not help feeling it is too tendentious. Allow me to explain what I mean by pasting here a snippet I think it's preety interesting:[i]"This result suggests that young people who are initially free of mental health problems but use the Internet pathologically could develop depression as a consequence."[/i] Well, I do not agree with that. It seems to me kind unnatural to affirm that depression could be developed in people who were initially free of mental health problems. It is easy and comfortable to blame solely the internet instead of trying to see it as micropart of a more complex picture. This complexity lies on a cultural aspect. First World Coutries suffer more with that since it has a indirect connection with selfishness and loneliness.

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