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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

to some great degree i must answer "yes"

even prior to the Scopes Monkey trial, the fundamentalist Christians have had an ongoing war with Darwin and all things related to evolution

in terms of attitude (and some actions), fundamentalist Christianity is essentially a mirror image of the Taliban

1 point

the foundation of fundamentalist Christianity if that of "faith"

and this is simply defined believing something without the need for supporting facts, evidence, etc.

as a consequence when these untested beliefs run contrary to facts, evidence, etc. there is a conflict

for example, it was Catholic Church fundamentalist faith/belief that the sun rotated around the earth. even though this was later disproved by science the Church refused to acknowledge the truth and went as far to even place scientist on trial and jail scientist

for a more recent example, i site you the 2008 Republican candidates debate. when they were asked about evolution, the Repub candidates raised their hands and expressed disbelief about evolution

1 point

obviously the answer is excessive trust

this is most true and relevant if one examines Christianity especially fundamentalist Christianity

2 points

as usual, your claims are near 100% misrepresentation of the facts

for example ... people are not demanding "free health care".

what has fallen upon your death ears (and brain) is that people don't want the continued gouging from big corporate insurance companies

it is not FREE health-care but pooling money together via taxes and using those resources to obtain health-care

the only groups i see that are really benefiting from government handouts are big corporate America. for example ... look at all of the no-bid contracts

2 points

attn Jessald:

so after falling all over yourself in praise of Our Dear Leader, do you realize that nothing he said will curb the rising premiums, deductibles, etc.

why can't we have universal healthcare or singlepayer or public options

who is gonna control these "exchanges" --- another corporate industry invention

2 points

attn RKMc ...:

it was simply a speech with a lotta flowery talk and rhetoric

no universal health-care, no single payer, no public option, real regulation for insurance companies, etc,...

all Obama wants is a health-care bill (doesn't matter if it good or bad or works or doesn't work) and he wants bipartisanship (defined as having at least one Republican voting for his bill)

2 points

i would've loved it if i were an insurance company executive

but, i'm just an ordinary person with skyrocketing healthcare premiums and co-pays

3 points

attn Palinin2040:

the double standard used by many anti-abortionist/pro-lifers makes me kinda blah about the so-called abortion debate [just give 'em education and contraception and watch the number of abortions drop]

they wail-n-moan about innocents murdered in the womb (something the government has nothing to do with in comparison to war) but turn a blind eye every time a bullet or bomb. that they paid for, kills murders an innocent Iraqi or Afghan child

why even bother discussing the thousands of Vietnamese killed in "free fire zones" and during "carpet bombing" raids

a young woman decides to "kill" her baby and the "lifers" don sack clothes and ashes.

your government kills and the "lifers" rally behind the flag and cry patriotism

thank goodness this rank hypocrisy is being well documented and will not be erased from history

0 points

nearly everyday of the week, the US government (your tax dollars) is killing innocent children in Iraq and that does NOT seem to be such an issue

1 point

yes - i agree that abstinence is 100% absolute protection but i still await your explanation of how you would enforce such a policy

Winning Position: no - it should NOT be limited

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Name: thePrevaricator theDdSs
Gender: Chap
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States

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