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RSS Kuroshitsuji

Reward Points:11
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10 most recent arguments.

It depends on the child's age. If they're like, 5 or 6, no. If they're like, 14 or 15, why not? Teenagers are aware of what they're doing if they do such a thing, and it's really not hurting anyone.

If someone is peeking through the stall, whatever they see is their own fault, really. It's no more "unhygienic" than urine or feces, so why not? As long as they wash their hands after, it affects no one else, so what's the difference?

2 points

Freedom of press- they can print anything they'd like. It's implying what happens, yes, but it doesn't show any gore. I've seen much more questionable magazine/newspaper covers. This really isn't an issue.

3 points

As long as they are keeping it appropriate, there is no reason why they shouldn't be allowed to. I find it a bit rude that the question says "boys and girls", though. What about the people who are not straight? They shouldn't have different rules. You should be allowed to kiss who you want as long as they're okay with it. Really, kissing doesn't hurt anyone. I understand not allowing it in elementary school, but past that, everyone has seen kissing before, and it's a bit ridiculous to waste time banning it in schools. Would you rather have people going around kissing, or bullying? It doesn't distract from class if someone gives their boyfriend/girlfriend a quick kiss between classes, and they'd likely be doing it anyway outside of school.

You people saying yes are forgetting- what about the Atheists? Maybe everyone else would be praying to their God, but there are some religions (such as Atheism) that don't believe in a God. I feel that no one should be forced to do anything that goes against their religious views. Sure, they could stand silently and not pray, but that would make them feel singled out, and they could be made fun of. Regardless of whether there's a way for it to work or not, there is Separation Of Church And State. There should be nothing in schools having to do with religion. Personally, I even have a problem with having to say the Pledge Of Allegiance.

2 points

My favorite apocalypse idea would be if, one day, no one woke up. Something very sudden and painless, and very unavoidable

3 points

Guns do not kill people, people do. What would be next? Banning knives? Banning cleaning products? Banning water?

4 points

Absolutely not. Though there is the problem of obesity in America, it is not the school's responsibility to stop that. We get enough exercise walking to our classes each day, and more students than not take part in extracurricular activities. If they feel it is mandatory to have such a class, we should not get graded on it. Some people, like me, are just not good at sports. Multiple times, gym has kept me from getting on the high honor roll. Gym, for me, is first period- 7 am. At 7 am, I can barely keep my eyes open, nevertheless play a sport. I should not get penalized for this by getting bad grades.

If God existed, where would he have come from?

People believe in God because it is their only explanation of where the world came from.

I believe in Solipsism, or as some people call it, "The Matrix theory". Everything is all just a projection created by our own minds. Where else could everything have come from?

Parents always disagree with everything a teen does, and they do not get to be themselves. For example, being a teenager myself, I want to dye my hair black with red tips and bangs. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to because my parents don't like it. We have to wake up early every single day for school, and barely get enough sleep. Most teens need at least 8 hours of sleep. I usually get no more than 6 because of my school's starting time. We have to deal with homework, too. And most adults don't take our opinions into consideration when making a decision, because we are "kids".

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Biographical Information
Name: Carly Herman
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States

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