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RSS Mnewsome

Reward Points:6
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9 most recent arguments.
1 point

Im sorry in all of the galaxies and on all the worlds it would be hard for me to not believe there is life out there I'm not saying they are three foot green men who come to are planet and probe people or that they are any more advanced then us but I do believe there is something out there.

1 point

Really Im glad the adults could agree on this.let me guess only adults voted on this argument.

1 point

Im sorry I think this is a rediculous debate. Most historians don't even debate the fact that if the bombs were not dropped there would have been much higher cassulties on both sides both soldiers and civilian casualties. Estimated to be in the millions. There are also many reports before the bombings and the emperors surrender that entire villages of women taking their children to cliffs throwing there children off the cliffs and then jumping off after them while soldiers begged and tried to stop them. That was the way of the kamakazi so I'm sorry but that was the least deadly of the two options.

8 points

I will say as a console the PS3 is superior how ever it is definitley lacking in the titles department.

5 points

Lightning doesn't strike in the same place twice because it knows Chuck Norris is looking for it.

Chuck Norris once scared Michael Jackson so bad that he became white.

Chuck Norris was born in a log cabin he built with his own hands.

Every night, the bogie man checks under his bed for Chuck Norris.

If at first you don't succeed, you aren't Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris once visited the US Virgin Islands. Now they are just called the US Islands.

1 point

Come on historically if some thing has happened in eastern Europe whos fault has it almost always been.

3 points

No not a chance especially depending on the video games you play. Now if you give a five year old the bloodiest game ever it could do something to them same as movies or anything else but in the end video games dont mess up kids minds idiot parents who pay no attention to what their kids are doing are the real problem.

1 point

Video games easily I am in a bowling league however I definitly agree bowling is not for everyone. While video games pretty much have something for everyone including bowling games.

2 points

Master chief is just a green storm trooper on steroids of course Chuck Norris would desimate him.

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