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Reward Points:96
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

One idea is to go as a moose with a target pinned on you, since this is the Season of the Moose. Pretend that you're hiding from Sarah...

Another idea is to go as a President McCain, ready to "win wars" and attack America's enemies. You know the talking points.

Maybe you should go as Senator Ted Stevens in jail clothes, afraid to drop the soap in the shower. He's a mean old cuss..

Or go as Bill Aryes as a Weatherman, now college professor, or as Rev. Jeremiah Wright, screaming "God Damn America!"

Take your choice.

3 points

McCain's choice of Sarah Palin for his running mate has shook up the presidential campaign. Right or wrong, it has energized religious conservatives and rallied the Republican Party base to McCain's side. Palin, a fundamentalist Christian who has turned whistle-blowing against Alaskan leaders like Don Young and Ted Stevens into a fine art and electoral advantage, is not known for being quiet. A woman with a limited world view, she is the counterweight to the alleged light experience of Barack Obama. Her religious views shape her world views, and that is a delight to some Republicans.

Supporting Evidence: Palin Speaks To Church Audience (
5 points

In an ominous turn of events for Ted Stevens., the selection of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as John McCain's running mate has hurt Steven's re-election chances and helped Mark Begich. Prominent Republicans like Bree Buchanan, sister of Pat Buchanan, are talking about how Gov. Palin has "stood up to the corruption of Ted Stevens" and canceled "the bridge to nowhere". McCains talks about how Palin stood up to the Alaska Republican establishment, and he means Stevens and Congressman Don Young. When your political party starts running against you, look out!

1 point

The choice of Sarah Palin as McCain's running mate raises more questions than it answers. Yes, it is temporarily grabbing headlines away from Obama's acceptance speech and creating a "buzz." The Arizona senator named a running mate who has spent her entire live in Alaska except for college attendance in Idaho. She a former beauty queen, runner-up to the Miss Alaska crown in 1984.

Governor Palin also has an ethic probe into her attempted firing of her ex-brother -in-law, a state trooper, and has admitted 25 contacts with the relevant authorities to fire him. This shows that Palin might have used her public office to settle a personal score. Palin was the youngest Alaska governor at age 42, and the first born after the state joined the union in 1957. She is young and she is female, and that seems to be why McCain selected her.

Supporting Evidence: The Sarah Palin Story (
2 points

Senator Landrieu, an "independent" Democrat from a politically prominent family, seems headed toward re-election. After trailing earlier this year, Landrieu has overtaken former Democrat-turned-Republican state Treasurer John Kennedy by 56% to 39% margin in the latest Rasmussen poll. Recent ads against Kennedy point out he supported John Kerry for president in 2004 and is a party-switcher. Landrieu points to her conservative voting record in a heavily Catholic state.

Supporting Evidence: Louisiana Senate Election News (
3 points

Senator Cornyn visited El Paso August 19th to meet with local Homeland Security officials and attend a fund raiser organized by Karl Rove, according to the El Paso Times. El Paso is also the location of the Tigua Indian's Speaking Rock Casino that Cornyn sued to shut down as Texas Attorney General, and Senate opponent Rick Noreiga has mentioned Cornyn's actions as part of the Abramov Scandal. Cornyn leads Noreiga 9 to 1 in fund-raisng, and it takes large amounts of money to advertise in Texas's 20 media markets, according to the According to news reports most voters can name Cornyn but not Noreiga.

Statesman Cornyn VS Soldier Noreiga
4 points

It's true that Jeff Merkley is a traditional social and economic Democrat. When voters are deciding whom to support in this race for the U.S. Senate, there is a clear choice: a Democrat who behaves like a traditional Democrat, or a Republican, Gordon Smith, who sometimes votes like a conservative Republican, sometimes votes like a Democrat, and gives lip service to both sides. With Jeff Merkley, you can generally guess what way he'll vote. With the current Senator, it's hard to guess.

Merkley The Democrat with Other Democrats
4 points

Senator Gordon Smith, in a tough re-election year for Republican senators, continues to play both sides against the middle in his race for re-election. Realizing that Barack Obama is likely to win Oregon in 2008, Smith has played up his associations with Obama, even though Obama has called Smith "a Bush Republican." Smith, a devout Mormon who's brother is a Bush-appointed federal judge, has both opposed and supported the current Iraq War. He has also supported anti-discrimination legislation against gays and lesbians, yet supported the Federal Marriage Amendment, which gays opposed. His second cousins, Tom Udall of New Mexico and Mark Udall of Colorado, are Democrats running for the U.S. Senate in their home states. A conservative who votes moderate in a state which leans liberal, Smith has an even chance to win his race.

Smith Pretends To Be An Obama Supporter
3 points

Texas has the highest number of uninsured adults in the U.S., yet Senator Cornyn believes that the rest of America should follow Texas's example. He appears to believe that creating a pro-business environment despite public concerns about health care is the way to go. One of 18 senators to recently oppose the national expansion of health care for children, Cornyn also has been rated the number three Bush supporter in the U.S. Senate for his near automatic support of Administration policies.

Supporting Evidence: Cornyn Happy With Current Health System (
6 points

It happens to be true that Alabama is generally a conservative state with strong conservatives representing its interests in the U.S, Senate. One of these senators, Jeff Sessions, is up for re-election this November to his third term. Sessions, known for opposing environmental issues, civil rights, and any limits on torture for suspects in U.S, custody, strongly supports wiretapping within the U.S. and Vice-President Dick Cheney's initiatives, according to Wikipedia.

The incumbent senator leads his main opponent, black Democratic State Senator Vivian Figures, by a large margin in a red state that last voted for a Democratic presidential candidate in 1980.

Vivian Figures Dicusses Senate Race
Displaying 2 most recent debates.

Winning Position: Yes, it needs reform.
Winning Position: No, he's not too old.

About Me

"I live in beautiful Austin, Texas and own and operate my own business."

Biographical Information
Name: David Terrell
Gender: Male
Age: 67
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Independent
Country: United States
Postal Code: 50542
Education: College Grad

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