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RSS Timmy404

Reward Points:4
Efficiency: Efficiency is a measure of the effectiveness of your arguments. It is the number of up votes divided by the total number of votes you have (percentage of votes that are positive).

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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

Should we find the bigot gene and eradicate it? Oh wait that's a choice. Wow that really makes you look like an ass.

1 point

So your point is you're going to base your opinions on a fairy tale that most of the world thinks is crap now?

1 point

right quote your book that is about as credible as the existence of unicorns. OH WAIT!! Your book says they exist!!!

1 point

Right cuz God does SO MUCH for us!! (Sarcasm btw) Where is God when babies are born with defects? Where is God when His followers are getting tortured? where is God when the world is its own hell?

timmy404(4) Clarified
0 points

It's ridiculous because it sounds like a dragonlance novel that's why.

1 point

while i don't believe in the Christian god i do believe that there is a God. there are plenty of reasons. one the Christian God, as described in the Bible, which i also believe is crap, is an ego maniacal attention hog who is about as just as the justice system. not to mention the bible has more contradictions than you would care to admit. for example, the bible says that Adam and Eve were the first men and women but before the story of Adam even begins the bible mentions Gods creation of men and women. plural. Then the Bible says that God cannot be in the presence of sin yet in the story of Job he was talking to Satan face to face... The god of the bible also seems to have little common sense, if he is omniscient, why create Lucifer knowing of his betrayal, why put the tree in the garden knowing what it will cause, why flood the earth knowing it isn't gonna help, why sacrifice your son knowing people won't care?

Winning Position: Yes

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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