
AR3YU0WHIPPE's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of AR3YU0WHIPPE's arguments, looking across every debate.

niot necessarly nuke them because they are to small of counrty and the radiation would kill others in different countries but deffintly blow them up with differnetn missels and mortars

you never hear about bombings in other counrties when something like the boston bombing hapened and people were sent to hospitals right away in the east you dont get to hear .... if they were soilders then we should thank them for their service and sacrfice

have you ever heard of the vietnamies... they tortured usa soilders... played with there mind and beat them physically

when america enters war you usaully has to do with freedom our current wars are nation building those can`t be couinted as wars we won them in a few years but when we commit all out war other countries are Fd

do what you love who cares about the pay if you are doing whast you love then you want have to spend money to entertian yourself

2 points

bring back all the dinosours if possible.. spinosours train it ..... hello north korea

i do and dont it just seems more reasonable not to .. people with the money can pay the extra ten thousand dollar tax

the world has been cooling and warming since the begenning of time so it is the only reson there is the possiblity of blobal warming its naturally cuased humans might help out a very small fraction

it sounds like me and your friend that do alot of durgs get along pretty well.... just kidding kcick his ass and send him to rehab

you really really really want to know what makes me tick..... the whole damn world

go to church and thank the lord for granting my prayers....

you should not quit playing what makes you have fun i will platy video games my entire life probably if i get put in a nursing home ever im going to turn the volume way up and start playing zombies or some sort of game like that... i might try to become a devloper

yes there should be because most the people in the usa are idiots or just want to nuke people like me but im crazy so dont take my word

the swingign yelling and stuff would be awesome to do and who reads books any more

no the people that grew up sexually asulted or crazy people who will proabably abuse the child should not unless there spouse can control them

2 points

i manly play video games or do sports or watch old chilhood shows on the internet and when you said cat that made me laugh i hit on e this morning

she is doing it for a good cause at least thats one good part about it

no they cant get rid of it because when your bill is not an even number say its 23 bucks you dont want to have to carry coins around or have to pay more and get no money back

2 points

if it can go fast i dont care what it looks like good handleing and speed good for me

if they are going to tax they should have a flat tax on everyone in the counrty say 10% federal 8% state and only like 6% local then very low sales tax , but if youy make more than 500,000 your taxes would be at 20% federal and so on but billioraires should have to pay over half of what they make also corprate taxes should be at about 25% even if they arnt based in the usa and donations should not be tax deductible and no property tax we bought the land we own it

i like the way you metioned more of a poisionus snake and i agree that the un is most of the counrties that were on teh winning side during ww2 and; or have severe money to throw aroun d such as china seeing as how japan was basically kicking the shit out of them during the war

no it takes a pretty smart person to make a bomb.. the ones there were terriost attacks against the usa so we might be going to war again some where else

you nuke the usa thats a suicide statement right there we would shoot them down then nuke you so there really wouldnt be a threat we just have to keep people in line

you are a true patriotic person and have my support on nuking people who think the usa isnt a great contry...... just dont set the nukes off in america

so you want to make a sex slave out of all the woman on earth you have my support

yes and no but more yes it would have been another dday kind of invasion and the bombs ended the war quickly after the second one went off because they no longer had the materials to keep fighting after be destryoed the 2 cities it made it a lot less bloody then it probably would have been.... and if they had the bombs they would have completely wipped out america

no if your bro had a tough ending like your saying with their ex then they should not see each others ex`s and move on

i would say it is the worlds slowest moving liquid becasue over time bubbles can be seen at the bottom because all the glass moves towards the bottom

they taste good but you could just eat plain sugar for the same results

not at all if it was real you would see blood every were like the ufc which is real fighting

you make a very good point howevere then should we also get frid of the middle east for trying to make nukes ... i say yes

what happened at the end of ww 2 we used a nike to save hundreds of thousands of lives because if we did a land invasion it was going to be d-day all over only twice as worse because the japanese were f*ing crazy

so your saying instead of just wiping them off the face of the planet send in our own military and wgae a bloody war were millions are killed sounds very effective to me

If the peson in question has committed several rapes murders and theift then it is perfectly ok to tourch the person because they have caused just as much trouble and pain

that's because the username is Don`t Be A Thomas...........

I feel the sarcasim in what you said and for that I would personally like to thank you

did you even look at both pages before taking a side is my question

that or he was extremely creappy and trying to rape the poor cow

i bet it could be because at any given moment if he wnated to he could start it all over and make new species or we coould just be a saved file in which he got really far and stopped playing and thats why there hasnt been any prophets since jesus and since the universe is never ending other plants are also other saved games

who ever created this needs to go and get help from a psychatrist and should be lockesd in a mentasl insituation

what would be really wierd is if we are all really babies right now and are living our lifes and then we experience them for instance ww2 is actually going on right now

2 points

i only have to go with marvel because they are making superheros that todays generations are grwoing up watching while our praents watched dc they do have alot more superheros but marvel comes up with new ones instead of remaking the old ones

as much as i agree with you that the airforce could and would win a major conflict in less time have you seen the navys new lazer cannon weapon they can shoot down any aircraft you can think of... unless it is moving to fast to get a track on

the government all ready takes long enough on making decisions now add another 200 million people you have to please and what do you get a stand still government... say we get attacked by another counrty we wuld have to vote either do we go to war or do we surrender by the time a decsion is made we would be ruled by somebody else

the reaso the government is in debt is because they give away to much money if people arnt looking for a job then they shouldnt get and help at all if someone gets laid off and are activlly looking for a job then yes they should be able to recieve benifts until the are employed again

2 points

well there are few instances in which a woman doesnt try to get preganant and does, one night stnads under the influence, and marriage for an unplanned pregnancy

after a long time alcholism can start to run in the family and it becomes much easier for some one to become addicted to a substance such as alchol

your right i the fact that if you live in a bad home growing up and say a parent is abusive and drinks alot then you are more likely going to end up a bad parent and the cycle continues until a child or person decides to do something about it or is encoureaged by someone outside the family, but then if the abusive parents finds out and disagrees with this the childs life becomes more complicated

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