
DebateMan's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of DebateMan's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I think that Vick has served his time and should be allowed to play in the NFL again. While he did commit a heinous crime, he has been brought to justice by the courts and he should be reinstated into the NFL.

1 point

I think they need to shore up that offensive line. They need someone who can block for Portis, so I'd go with Andre Smith from Alabama. Drafting a QB, RB, or WR or even worse, giving up future draft picks to draft one of these positions would be disastrous. I will burn all of my Redskins gear if they draft Mark Sanchez.

6 points

I think that this is an outrage. These executives are the same people who approved the credit default swap underwriting that would have tanked the company if it weren't for the US government's bailout of them. They should not be rewarded for this behavior by getting paid a huge bonus.

4 points

Compared to the total cost of this measure, it will not provide relief to people who are struggling financially. $13 a week barely provides one meal a month for a family of four. I do not think that this measure will provide any noticeable lift in the economy.

2 points

7th graders are old enough to realize that there are bad words out there on the Internet. They will also quickly realize that using foul language to make their argument sound better actually has the reverse effect, and their arguments will likely be voted down by the community if there are cuss words in them. They'll learn that eloquence is much more effective than trash talk / cursing.

3 points

Writing: "I don't even know what the fuck a quail is"

Picture: Man with a gun

10 points

I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my Grandfather, rather than screaming in terror like the passengers in his car.

2 points

I love the It Turns Out, Pimpin is Easy shirt. Very funny.

4 points

I think it's the best debate site, and I've tried all the others. This place just seems to have a much better community, a cooler interface, and more features than any of the other sites. I hope that CreateDebate continues to grow and add more users because I love the variety of opinions I find here.

3 points

I love the new front page. It's much cleaner and easier to navigate. I especially like the "Active Debates" portion of the site where you can see what debates have some new activity, even if they are older debates that have been stale for a while. Great job CreateDebate!

2 points

I like to watch the debates, even at the local level. I look for someone that I personally connect with, versus just someone who spits out rhetoric that you can tell is just pandering for votes.

2 points

I will likely cut my spending by about 25% due to concerns about the economy and making sure I have enough of a nest egg to weather the storm.

1 point

In his time in office, Ric has done a great job representing Florida in the House and fighting to lower taxes for Americans.

Ric voted "no" to raising taxes by over $600B and instead supported an alternative budget that contains no tax increases, repeals the Alternative Minimum Tax, and imposes a moratorium on earmarks. Congressman Keller has voted to lower the marginal and capital gains rates, kill the death tax, end the unfair marriage penalty, and extend the child tax credit.

Ric has also focused his efforts in Washington on curbing wasteful spending, like closing a loophole that allowed convicted child predators to receive federal financial aid to take college courses. In some instances, sex offenders were putting their financial aid towards buying blue jeans and DVDs while they were behind bars. It's no wonder Ric has been named a "Taxpayer Hero" by the Citizens Against Government Waste. - Ric Keller's website

3 points

I like the look of it, especially since there is so much attention around the elections this year. I like reading and debating about what people have to say about the candidates running for the House and Senatorial elections. Also, if I get sick of the CD 2008 template I just hit "All Topics" and it goes back to the way it was before.

1 point

I agree, I really can not believe that he chose Palin as his running mate. It really seems like McCain sold out here to get a few extra female votes, and was more concerned with picking a good candidate than someone who would actually make a good Vice President. She has no foreign policy experience, very little leadership experience (besides those years on the Alaska PTA), and is relatively unknown in the political arena. This election is shaping up very poorly for the Republicans.

4 points

Bill Hedrick is the type of leader that the fighting 44th District needs. The ruinous policies of Rep. Calvert over the past four terms have left the 44th in a much weaker position than it has been in years. We need some new blood to help drive change and get Southern California back to an economic and educational beacon for the country.

2 points

This sounds like a great idea in concept. Rather than punish them and throw them in juvy it would be better to take a realistic approach to rehabilitating them to come back to being productive members of society. Encouraging and rewarding good behavior vs. punishing bad behavior should be the primary focus.

2 points

Dude, what's with all the hostility? If you aren't interested in someone's debate then just don't participate in it. No need for personal attacks.

-4 points
2 points

I agree, putting those Democrats in charge of Congress has royally screwed the entire nation. It's time that we get rid of the Democratic majority party in Congress and get an Executive and Legislative branch that is Republican to get us out of the mess that we're in.

2 points

I'm pretty sure that's what happened to that chick from "There's Something About Mary". Disgusting!

1 point

I think that providing teachers with a mechanism to defend themselves is a good idea, as long as they are properly trained and the weapon is properly secured. Given the right precautions are taken, this could help prevent or mitigate a lot of the tragedies that have taken place on school campuses in the past several years.

3 points

Maximus lead one of the largest Army's in the history of mankind. William Wallace lead a bunch of hooligan's who were not professionally trained warriors. There is no comparison, Maximus' troops were better prepared, more strategic, and superior to the Scots.

"On my word, unleash hell"

6 points

Republicans have carried Alabama in every Presidential election since 1980, and there's no reason to believe that 2008 won't be the same. Jeff Sessions enjoys a comfortable lead over rival Sen. Davis and will coast his way to another term in this perennial right-wing state.

1 point

Chambliss is an established politician and has served Georgia well during his tenure in the Senate. His policies and voting record have helped move Georgia forward economically, and there is no reason to expect that replacing him with a lesser candidate.

1 point

We are definitely consumerists at heart. The constant barrage of marketing plus the innate "keep up with the Joneses" inherent in human nature causes us to always want more and more.

1 point

Agreed, subjective judges are always going to be biased. In the women's gymnastics they took major deductions for minor issues when it's a US gymnast but then give the freaking bronze medal to a girl who fell down on the balance beam.

-1 points

That would be hilarious. Imagine how much you could mess with everyone and how much $ you could make on ridiculous bets like the Giants winning the Super Bowl!

1 point

I'm not sure you can make a blanket statement saying that "all women are sluts". Surely there are a few left with some strand of moral fibers, no?

2 points

I have to vote for Alicia Sacramone. While she may not be the best gymnast on the team, I think she's the hottest gymnast on the team. I don't mind at all when my girlfriend makes me watch gymnastics as long as Alicia's competing!

Supporting Evidence: Alicia Sacramone (
1 point

I'd vote for Al Franken just based on his comedy routines. He would bring a huge amount of common sense to the Senate, which is something that is greatly needed at this point.

5 points

I think it further divides our world. The trash talking between the athletes and subsequent "foot in mouth" from the French 4x100 Freestyle Men's Relay team was a classic example of this division.

French and Americans notoriously dislike each other. The French said they were going to "Smash" the Americans, thus creating further discontent between the two nations. When the US ended up winning the Gold Americans not only felt a sense of pride in winning, but also in beating the French.

Combine that with China's militaristic style of athletic training to prove to the world that China is a superpower once again, and I think you have a lot of ill will towards other nations being "masked" as friendly Olympic competition.

Let's be honest, each country wants their country to win each event and show the rest of the world that they're the most dominant country in the world. There is not "One World" from the eyes of each of the competitors or their respective nations.

1 point

I believe that the people have a right to know the "whole person" that they may choose to elect in the upcoming Presidential Election. If prayer is a part of Obama's life, then American citizens have the right to know. I don't think that only the "PR recommended" information should be given out to voters, they should be able to know everything about the person they may vote for in November.

4 points

I think the US will continue it's dominance of the Olympic games. The "Redeem Team" looks unstoppable on the basketball front, Michael Phelps is essentially a dolphin swimming against minnows, and our Track and Field team is likely to continue the era of domination. I don't think any other country will even come close.

0 points

OK, you don't need to start Ad-Hominem type attacks on people. While I agree with most of what you're saying, attacking someone's character / intelligence, etc is not the best way to get a point across.

I agree that American's need to be better educated on why we went to Iraq, the history of Iraq before we were there, how it is now, etc and the litany of errors that has led us to where we are. I think that's why I like CD so much is it gives us all an outlet to let out our opinions. I just think we need to keep it a bit more civil than name calling.... (gets off soap box)

2 points

I've noticed that you sometimes add an argument to a debate that you create to further clarify what you're asking for, such as this one. I recommend using the "Debate Description" feature when you create a debate (or you can get to it via the Moderator Panel" for debates you created) to add this so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle of the voting. This will also help user's to focus their arguments on what you want them to. Hope that helps!

2 points

I agree! Welcome to CD, I'm glad to see some new fresh perspective and new debates on this site!

3 points

Wrong, God loves all of us. The Apostle John tells us that, "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16, KJV).

1 point

It's not pathetic at all. I find myself spending lots of time on CreateDebate looking for new debates to get involved in, new arguments to vote up or down, and new people to become allies or enemies with!

2 points

The biggest lie I've ever heard has to be Bush's "Mission Accomplished" speech he gave on that aircraft carrier. Thousands of soldiers have died since that day and it's clear that the "Mission" is still nowhere close to being "Accomplished".

5 points

Is that a mirror in your pocket, cause I can definitely see myself in your pants

4 points

AE- "Mission Accomplished"- what a farce that statement turned out to be.

1 point

Monster Energy XXL is my energy drink of choice. After I drink one of those I have more energy than Lindsey "Blow"han after a night of booger sugar with her friends.

2 points

Ethics are principles of conduct YOU choose as a guiding philosophy. Morals are conforming to a standard of right behavior SOCIETY or RELIGION chooses.

4 points

I agree. The cover was meant to create buzz about Obama, which it obviously has. The sad fact is that many American's still believe that Obama is a Muslim (which in their mind implies terrorist) and that he isn't patriotic because he didn't wear a US flag lapel pin. Hopefully this article and the controversy around it will teach some of the uninformed people out there the facts so they can decide for themselves who they should vote for, and not let the media decide for them.

10 points

The agreement is insufficient for a few key reasons. First, they neglected to set a reference date by which the emissions will be halved. Saying that you will cut emissions in half from an unknown starting point makes no sense. Second, they did not set any near term goals that will show significant steps towards the goal that is 42 years away. That is effectively "putting off" the problem for future generations to handle. Finally, China and India, the two fastest growing economies and major contributors of the world's pollution aren't even in the G8 so they are not held to this accord.

3 points

As a resident of the Bay Area, I love to see the fireworks down near Pier 39 over the San Francisco bay. This year they're having a few decent bands down there, including Big Bang Beat and Tainted Love.

Supporting Evidence: Pier 39 (
3 points

I don't always find him to be funny, but I do enjoy reading his contributions for the most part. It seems like he has started to post more relevant comments and has backed away from some of his earlier "spamming" techniques of just adding ridiculous content. Of course, most of his arguments are 'collapsed' by the time I get to them anyways, so he doesn't really bother me.

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