
FromWithin's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of FromWithin's arguments, looking across every debate.


You are describing Islam TODAY without Christ! Muslims rejected Christ!

Christ brought love and forgiveness to the world. Christ ended salvation by works. Why is it you never post New Testament Christian verses to prove your bigotry?

Oh, I keep forgetting. You are a hate filled anti Christian bigot!

Islam believe's you can work your way to heaven by killing the infedel. Why not live in these Islamic controlled nations if you think they are so wonderful? You are a joke!

Now go play in your mommy's basement high on weed. IGNORE

-2 points
0 points


Do you think repeating lies over and over again changes the truth?

What evil people did in the name of God means NOTHING!

Were you not a fool, you would know that people who are like the KKK are not Christians. The Bible says you will know a Christian by their love. But you could not care less about the truth!


If Trump ran for President in Iran, he would probably win in a landslide, but fake news tell you he is hated.

Hey fool, the truth hurts doesn't it! Go climb back in your terrorist hole you mindless idiot.

-2 points
FromWithin(8241) Clarified
0 points

Exactly correct!...................................................................................................

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

Yes, it would be better if America stopped Iran's nucler ambitions rather then Israel. Either way we would end up involved.

0 points

Obama would have told Hitler we will talk after the election. Hitler would have agreed to some lame deal and Obama would give him back Billions to attain an atom bomb.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
0 points

Yes, but those people being killed in big cities do not give money to the Democrat Party. Hence they get no mention!

Impossible! According to the Left, Trump was going to cause the stock market to crash!


I guess Obama's dead Socialist economy was just waiting for a Business man to make America great again!

Like Trump said, we would get tired of winning while the Democrat Party is sure tired of losing.

Well thank you for noticing the same thing I always notice.

I guess this goes in line with my beliefs that Democrats could not care less about LGBT groups if it were not for money and votes.

It's nice to have new blood on this site that lives in the real world of facts. Let me say what a pleasure it is to have a new rational member.

It's truly amazing that they know we will show them their hypocrisy, but they do not care!

That says everything about what Democrats think about their low end voting blocks. Democrats realize that they can tell pure lies to their voters, as does Iran, and the peasants will swallow it.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

The first and formost requirement for getting special mention from Democrats is money and votes.

They would not be giving dsyfunctional groups the time of day if there were not political benefits.

-1 points

So you do the percentages on 24 people out of 330 MILLION, and then compare that to other groups.

If it does not bother you when politicians take our money to pander to their special interest base, then WAKE UP!

Another sky is falling doomsday scenario proving false once again.

This is why Republicans do not swallow all the doomsday models from activist environmentalists.

First it was global cooling... WRONG!

Then it was Global warming... WRONG!

Then it was beach front homes swimming in ocean water from melting glaciers.... WRONG!

Then it was record numbers of hurricanes in Florida... WRONG, it was record FEW hurricanes!

Then they got tired of being wrong so they just called it Climate change... This way they can claim they were right when the weather changes, like it has been doing for millions of years.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

Yes, well maybe those lizards were infedels and deserving of death!

Obviously Iran chose not to escalate tensions, understanding our strength. If it had been Obama at the helm, it might have been a different story.

I heard that Iran was telling their people they had killed many Americans in the missile attack.

How can these Muslims be such sheep to allow their Government to be such corrupt liars.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
0 points

Yes, every time the economy shows good numbers, fake news buries the story. Remember when there was talk of possible recession? Where did that go?

Every thing Democrats hope for never pans out. Remember when Trump told us we would get tired of winning? I think Democrats are definitely tired of losing.

How many times have these fake news jokes pubished unsubstanciated reports. It's no coincedence because they keep doing it no matter how many times they are shown to be biased fools.

They are as fake as fake gets and goes to show you how dysfunctional Leftists are to keep watching them.

-3 points
-1 points

Try googling the numbers and it always says $150 BILLION.

Yes it was their own assets that we had seized for their anti American actions. Obama also gave 400 million in cash on the same day Americans were released. Iran also wanted another 1.3 billion for what they called interest.

That $400 million would buy a lot of missiles! The money we had seized from them should have been kept to help pay for the trillions of dollars we spend trying to protect the world from their terroristic actions.

It was a $150 Billion pay off we should never have given back.

-1 points

LOL, the fake account stalker should really get a job, and leave debating to rational people.

-2 points
-1 points

Obama would have given Soleimani billions more to stop killing Americans.

Democrats act like fearful store clerks payng off the mob for protection.

-1 points

Hey fool, nobody wants terrorists killing women and children all over the world. When these barbaric animals stay in their own country, we will do the same. Now go climb back in your terrorist hole!


0 points

I have never seen such hypocrisy and double standrads from the Democrat Party, and low end voters will still vote for them.

Truth and the Left shall never meet.

It is one distortion and deception after another. If they did not use fear tactics to force through their Big Brother control, they would be the laughing stock of the world.

Listening to Iranian rhetoric is like deja vu with America's Democrat fake news network.

They will spew the most ludicrous distortions of the truth, and mindless Muslims actually believe it.

It has been Iran pushing their anti American hatred, shooting down our drones, bombing our people, attacking our embassy, and then when we respond, these fools act like they are surprised!

Lying and deception and fake news are all part of the Left's strategy. Low end voters actually believe them. I guess American low end voters are very similar in mindset to Muslims who allow Kings and dictators to rule them with an iron fist.

Yes, no Muslim nation should ever have a nuclear weapon because they would use them to try and wipe Israel off the face of the Earth, as they have all vowed.

0 points

These gun hating Hollywood elites have body guards who have conceiled weapons. HYPOCRITES!

-2 points
FromWithin(8241) Clarified
-2 points
-2 points

Yet one more fake account.........................................................................................

-1 points

I knew the truth would not change your stance because you are a Left wing phony like all Left wing phonies. Your tolerance is conditional.

Your compassion is conditional.

Your humanity is conditional on convenience.

0 points

LOL, who is calling names you hypocritical fool! IGNORE.............................

You had a chance to actually respond to the debate, but as per usual you chose to insult me.

Now go and whine how you were banned for simply disagreeing... FOOL!

-1 points

We still have Democrats spewing lies about this war................................................

0 points

Another fake account from the resident anti Christian bigot. What was I going to say?

Oh, that's right.... IGNORE & BAN

Democrats are shwoing their true colors. They have such disdain for Christians, that they would have preferred if the entire congregation were killed before the police got there.

The clowns running for President in the Democrat Party are deniers of the Constitution, and all want to transform America into yet one more dead Socialist economy.

The fools voting for these extremists care about nothing but themselves. The sickest part is that they can't even grasp how they are hurting themselves if a Democrat wins.

-1 points

By the way, every Democrat running for President has declared their desire to end the Hyde Amendment, which has been the aw of the land for decades. This law keeps Government from forcing tax payers to pay to kill babies.

These are the extremists you support, so therefore it makes you an extremist.

Your age is showing and the very reason I said I will wait until you have lived life and are capable of seeing through all the lies from the Left.

0 points

Now there is the true tmackenzie44. It only take a few posts to bring out the true Liberal who judges Conservatives and Christians.

If you truly believe there are limits to what stage a woman can have an abortion, it truly shows what a great job the Left has done spoon feeding you fake news.

Here are the facts... not that you could care less.

The Democrat Party has prevented the GOP from passing a federal law limiting abortions to 20 weeks (FIVE MONTHS), unless for extreme cases which would still be allowed in late term.

Each State decides for itself what restrictions they have for abortions. There are approximately nine states that allow No Restriction abortions for any reason at any stage! THOSE ARE THE FACTS!

Any woman in any State can travel to one of those nine States and get an abortion at any stage!

The GOP has tried to stop this depravity, but the Democrat Party almost unanimously votes down every attempt! THOSE ARE THE FACTS!

Every Democrat politician running for President has declared their support of keeping No Restriction abortions legal! THOSE ARE THE FACTS!

When you vote for these politicians, you are keeping No Restriction abortions legal! THOSE ARE THE FACTS!

You are yet one more ignorant self consumed millennial who looks the other way when electing these barbaric animals. It is people like you who keep it legal to kill viable babies for any reason.

Now go back to your self absorbed world of hating the very Party that is trying to save those viable babies. You are brainwashed by fake news, and could not care less what the facts are.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
1 point

I'm still waiting for you to deny supporting late term abortions of viable babies for any reason while electing Democrats who keep it legal. I will give you credit for not insulting my intelligence with that denial. As soon as I hear you deny it, it's ignore time.

I will not waste time debating liars.

I will never ban a person when they are honest with what they support. The bigoted fools on this site keep trying to say I ban people for simply disagreeing with me. Absolute lie!

So far, you have not been a vulgar deceptive bigot, so I can deal with that. I want you to have a great life, but also know that if you go down this Progressive path of self love, your life might include many self created problems. I would not wish that on anyone.

I hope you someday understand that mankind is selfish and evil, and Big Government is the worst of mankind.

Put your faith in God, not man! Especially not a politician!

0 points

I could also wish you a happy life and go on about my existence, but guess what? Conservatives and Christians DO CARE for the least of us and can not so easily ignore what people like you and politicians support.

Because of people like you, the killing of even viable babies for any reason will continue. I can not be so flippant when it comes to issues of humanity.

I wonder if you would have also ignored slavery back when Democrats supported it. It took Republicans to end it!

Funny how your Party is always on the wrong side of humanity.

Case you missed it, we were talking about being Republican or Democrat, and abortion has been the number one issue defining the two Parties for 50 years! I realize you want that issue to go away because it shows your true intolerance and lack of compassion for the least of us.

You can't piously preach about caring for the poor, while supporting No Restriction abortions with your vote. YOU CAN'T!

As per usual you had to bring up extreme case abortions to try and hide what you truly support which is ALL ABORTIONS FOR ANY REASON AT ANY STAGE.

LOL, you Democrat are like clones of each other.

So you go ahead, sleep well pretending to be a tolerant open minded Democrat while supporting the killing of Special Olympic babies simply for being diverse or inconvenient.

Watch those Special Olympic children competing on the track field, and bury your head to the fact that these viable Special needs children are constantly being dismembered in the womb for their diversity. This is how much you truly care for them!

These kids are not what you Democrats would call "normal" people. KILL THEM! THEY LOOK DIFFERENT!

Have a great self absorbed shallow life. I myself have to sleep at night.

0 points

Sleep well knowing you support viable late term babies being dismembered for any reason. Go have a love sit in for some mass murderer while supporting the execution of innocent viable babies.

0 points

You are one of the biggest judgmental hypocrites I have talked to on this site. You actually pretend that you do not judge people? LOL

The Democrat Party has absolutely NO TOLERANCE FOR THOSE WHO DISAGREE WITH THEIR POLITICS. They judge constantly, as do you!

0 points

I will NEVER become a Democrat and do you know why? ABORTION!

I am not some depraved animal that looks the other way when electing politicians who keep it legal to kill viable babies!

It's truly sickening the lack of moral values in so many millenials. You are the me me generation of self love.

You have swallowed the Left's rhetoric and think your selfish convenience super cedes a viable baby's life. Don't you dare talk about extreme case abortions!

I am talking about killing viable babies for any reason. That separates the GOP from Democrats.

You sit there so proud of yourself saying how you will always be a Democrat. THAT'S SICK when you don't care abut the inhumanity you support.

You believe all the Liberal Professors and all the fake news telling you how Republicans do not care for people, all while these barbaric hypocrites in the Democrat Party have never found an unborn life worth protecting!

Screw your judgmental rhetoric against Republicans who have more humanity in their little toe then you have in your entire body.

If the Democrat Party were pro life and not constantly plaing identity politics, and denying our religious freedom to disagree with Big Brother, I might vote for them. BUT THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN! THEY ARE TOTALLY TAKEN OVER BY EXTREMISTS.

0 points

Yes there is something wrong with taking money from tax payers just so you can go to College.

Our nation is over 20 trillion in debt, and it's because of the millions of people who believe they are entitled to other's money.

Socialism has proven to be a complete failure, and these Liberal Socialist Democrats are bankrupting this nation, all to buy votes.

No not all kids get assistance. My children did not get money from tax payers. We knew better than getting in huge debt for that degree.

Some of us live within our means. The reason College costs so much is because Government subsidises it. Universities charge what the market will bare, and with easy Government loans, the Colleges charge WAY TOO MUCH! This ruins it for everyone.

0 points

LOL, when did I judge you fool?

I said when you grow up, get a job, pay taxes, get married, have children, you will probably become Republican because you will be sick of enabling able bodied dead beats who want to make a career living off your sweat!

Only a Democrat would call that judging someone.

-1 points

Thanks for the info...

It's amazing how often Democrats scream over things Trump has done even though Democrats have done the same things.

Are these Democrats clinical hypocrites, or simpy CORRUPT FOOLS!

-1 points

The UN is made up of corrupt Socialists who absolutely hate Trump. Obama could do no wrong because he was a closet Socialist.

-2 points
FromWithin(8241) Clarified
-1 points

There is no shame in banning fools. Fools deserve to be banned because they have no desire to actually debate. They want to spread their hate towards anyone who disagrees with them.

Keeping our debates free from vulgar hatred is the only intelligent thing a person can do. Why allow the haters to destroy good people's debates?

Let them spew there hate on their own debates. No one is stopping them from creating any debate they want. But this is not what they want. They want to demonize the good in this world.

-1 points

How could this be true? Are you saying that Democrats are two faced hypocritical fools who will deny reality itself to demonize Trump? OK, you of course are correct.

What amazes me is that after Obama received his Nobel Peace prize for his apology tour, his diplomacy, and supposedly bringing the nations of the world together, these Muslim nations did not become peaceful pacifists?

Why is it that Leftists never learn anything, and never fix anything, and will keep implementing the same failed policies over and over and over again?

Did Leftist skip school on the day they created the saying, fool me once shame on you, fool me a thousand times and I'm an idiot!

It takes strength to hold onto peace. Leftists most love wars!

-1 points

Hey fool, maybe you missed the fact that most of these Islamic controlled nations pledge to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, and you sit there saying they never start wars?

The Middle East has been in a state of war for milleniums, and you sit there acting like they are peace loving? It was not long ago Iran was at war with Iraq. Wars in Syria? Hello? Libya? Lebanon? Hello? Remember when Hussien invaded Kuwait? Hello? Who protected Kuwait from Iraq's agression?


Were it not for America's support of Israel, Muslim nations would be in a state of constant war with Israel.

Are you a joke, or clinically stupid?

2 points

Yes, we have seen the utter failure of Socialistic bleeding heart corruption.

These hypocrites who piously preach tolerance and compassion for the least of us are the very ones supporting radical Pro abortion policies. These phonies even support killing viable babies for any reason!

They have no core values other than pushing their failed Socialist Big Government control.

This one question will determine a person's core honesty...

do you constantly make fake accounts to fool people into talking with you, or do you possess the security and integrity to be who you are and not hide from it?

Another way to ask the same question is...

do you need to make fake accounts because people stop wasting their time with vulgar hate filled fools?

Another way to ask the same question is...

do you create fake accounts so you can try to censor and down vote those who shine a light on your vile hate?

But I digress...


FromWithin(8241) Clarified
-2 points
-1 points

LOL, the fool liar with yet one more fake account. Funny how there are many people who I disagree with, but not banned.

They are not vulgar hatefilled idiots such as yourself.


-2 points
-2 points
-2 points
-2 points
-1 points

Well said...

Yes the Socialist world loved Obama and his way with words. They loved his apology tour around the world after getting elected.

He apologized to the world for the very things anti American Leftists have been saying for decades. The Socialists of the world have always hated America for it's Capitalism and freedom from Big Government.

Obama was the American President they had always wished for. They even gave him the Nobel Peace prize in the beginning of his term for his efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people. How did that work out?

Funny how his supposed great diplomacy meant nothing to the Islamic extremists of the world. He did everything Muslims wanted him to do, and still it meant nothing! ISIS came to power during America's weakness and capitulation.

Iran kept doing what it always has done, spreading terror around the world, hating Israel, etc. etc.

Strong leaders like Trump and Reagan, who actually put America first, understood that peace comes through strength. The evil of the world loved it when Obama became President.

For his entire terms, Obama could not bring himself to take out ISIS strong holds, while Trump accomplished it in his first year in office.

2 points

Why are Democrats such weak kneed jokes, who never dare to hold Muslims responsible for their terror.

2 points

If your son or daughter is killed in the military, Trumps cares.

If four Americans are killed in Benghazi, Democrats deliberately DO NOTHING!

It took Trump to kill the mastermind of the Benghazi attack.

2 points

So lets see, how many deaths of Americans does it take to get a Democrat to show the least amount of love for our troops and America?

They pretend to fear the reprisal from Iran when we actually defend our troops in harms way.

Trump s a great leader who truly loves America.

3 points

What a crock!

This Terrorists is responsible for thousands of deaths around the world and you have the nerve to talk about bullies?


FromWithin(8241) Clarified
2 points

Many Iranians did not like this terrorist Soleimani, and do not like their terrorist policies around the world.

In the past 50 years, the only thing Iran respects is power!

Remember when another Democrat pacifist Jimmy Carter was President, and Iranians kidnapped Americans?

Reagan quickly showed what a real leader can do and the Iranians stopped their aggression. This happened a number of times, and after eight LONG years of a pro Iranian Obama, they became power hungry once more.

This time it is Trump doing what must be done against terrorist nations. They NEVER respect weakness! Don't make the mistake that these leaders will change their spots and actually negotiate. They want nuclear weapons.

Did you know that this guy had killed a thousand protesters in Iran? There is no love loss for this terrorist. Don't believe the rhetoric from the Left.

When a person refuses to answer a simple question in a debate, he has conceded that he has lost the debate.

When answering a question shows your failed rhetoric, then this is why you refuse to answer.

It's obvious that the Democrt Party has climbed in bed with Islamic extremists. They put politics over humanity.

Come on Democrats, answer a simple question...

Are you in favor of forcing every Public school to allow boys, who think they are girls, into our daughter's sports?

This is what your Party tried to force!

-1 points

LOL, a couple years? YOU ARE STILL A CHILD!

Do you have a home, a mortgage, property taxes, children?

Do you provide your own health insurance?

Get back to me when you are truly not living off Government.

0 points

LOL, still denying the obvious point?

I could not care less who Trump hires, or Obama being friends with known terrorist Bill Ayers, as long as the policies of the Party or President does not push the agendas of the fringe groups.

CAN YOU GRASP A SIMPLE POINT? The GOP does not support or implement racist laws!

Try answering my question...


FromWithin(8241) Clarified
0 points

It's funny how things that have been self regulated since the beginning of time, all of a sudden have become a political movement.

The Democrat Party has no core values, and looks at every issue as potential votes. They could not care less about this LGBT activism if there were no political gain to be had.

The Democrat Party can not do a speech without lifting up this LGBT movement. With all the important issues before us, the plight of some boy who wants to play in girl's sports should be way down the list. It's ALL politics!

Private organizations such as Boy scouts, girl scout, should have every right to make their own rules to how their organization is run.

A private business owner should have the right to pick and choose if he wants to take a catering job. If the event goes against his faith, he should have every right to say no. It's not like there are not many other businesses who would gladly take the job.

If you were a Black man running a catering service, how would you like being forced to cater a KKK convention?

It's all got to do with Big Brother Political correctness forcing everyone to bow down to their PC beliefs.

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
0 points

I want you to actually address my facts.

Are you in favor of forcing every Public school to allow boys, who think they are girls, into our daughter's sports?

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
0 points

You can not bring up fringe groups who are not supported by the Republican Party.

I am speaking to a Democrat Party completely in bed with activist LGBT groups, activist feminist groups, Palestinian groups, etc. etc.

You bring up fringe groups who have no power in the Republican Party.

Those on the Left never comment on the facts I just agave showing the Big Brother extremism from the Left.

They will simply insult the messenger as per usual. They can't refute the facts so they must demonize those showing the facts.

0 points

This incedent was a perfect example of what Gun owners have been screaming for years!




FromWithin(8241) Clarified
0 points

Yes, I have never had such enjoyment watchng Trump finally saying all the things i would have said to these corrupt Democrats.

I can't wait for his second term!

FromWithin(8241) Clarified
2 points

You are debating a hateful Leftist fool! Just saying...

I equate that with debating an eight year old.

I realize that this site has been reduced to a few Left wing fools, so we have a couple choices. Talk to fools, or leave and let this site die.

I know enough not to waste too much time bantering words with fools. I believe you are smart enough to understand. Thanks for your intelligent posts.

2 points

As you must have noticed, the small minded Left wing bigots on this site act exactly like those in the Democrat Party. They hate Conservatives and Christians.

They seem to drink the same cool aide and blindly believe whatever fake news tells them to believe.

You gotta understand that these people think it is natural and normal for two men to have sex and get married! They spit on the Science of Biology!

These lamebrains think it is OK for dysfunctional boys, who think they are girls, to play in our daughter's sports.

They actually think it is OK to have Transgenders conditioning our kindergartner's in public schools!

That type of fanaticism is beyond stupid! We can't expect to be able to have rational debates with these people.

EXACTLY! You are all a bunch of pathetic liars who do not care that Democrats keep it legal to kill viable babies.

Thanks for admitting it.

Thanks for once again proving me right.................................................................

Still waiting. Go ahead and create your own debate telling the Democrat Party that you are against late term abortions of viable babies for any reason.

You said you were against them! Why the silence with such an important issue?

-2 points
-1 points

Still no Democrats speaking out on what they claim to be against? WHY?

-2 points
2 points

Have you noticed these Democrats are bringing up Christianity on their campaign trails. The Left loves to use the verses in the Bible that suits their needs at the time, but then become the barbaric Pro abortion extremists they always are when talking to their Feminist groups.

They are as fake as it gets and why so many love Trump. Trump is doing everything in his power to protect innocent unborn lives, and the Left hates him for it.

Trump is appointing Constitutionalist Judges who will uphold our religious freedoms and help stop these extremist Democrats from destroying the intent of the Constitution.

The Left's activist Justices took a privacy clause in the Constitution, and twisted it to legalize killing unborn babies. I guess when an innocent life is located in the privacy of a mother's womb, his life can be sacrificed for convenience.

The Left twists the Constitution's right to bear arms, and trying to take our hunting rifles!

The Left twists the Constitution's words on equal right's, and forces every State to allow weddings between unnatural sexual orientations.

There is nothing sacred about the Constitution to Democrats. They call it a living document.

The Left hates Christians, and refuse to say anything bad about Islam because they kill Christians. It's that simple!

These Leftist jokes never show any proof of Christians hurting or killing innocent lives here in America today!

Why is that? Oh, I keep forgetting, IT DOES NOT HAPPEN! The fool Leftists on this site are absolute liars and should be banned from every rational debate.

Wait a minute... over 95% of abortions are done purely for convenience, and these pro abortion fanatics keep talking about extreme case abortions.

There can be no intelligent debate with that type of stupidity.

Just 1% of women obtain an abortion because they became pregnant through rape, and less than 0.5% do so because of incest, according to the Guttmacher Institute. Yet the battle over exceptions for both has garnered outsized attention in the national abortion debate.

0 points

Well, you just could not help yourself from responding to the lies of a dysfunctional fool. So tell me the lies I've said about abortion.

You've been added back on my ban list.


What kind of insecure basketcase will stalk my every word, even though my words are completely true?

What does that say about her irrational insecurity?

0 points

Gee, I once again missed where you explained these supposed lies. What a shock!

Do you fools ever get tired of trashing people who do not agree with you?

How about just once in your pathetic dysfunctional lives, try giving the evidence where I lied about ANYTHING!

The same fools follow this dysfunctional basketcase around with her stalking hate debates, never giving an ounce of evidence to confirm anything she says, and like children spewing mindless insults.

Then the fools wonder why they get banned. LOL


-1 points

Do you hear Republican election speech's lifting up White Supremacist groups?

NO! But these Democrat presidential hopefuls can not give a speech without pandering to their activist LGBT groups, or radical Pro abortion groups, or Feminist groups, etc. etc.

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