
Lucasban's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Lucasban's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

No, I think all students should be allowed to have something as simple as Ibuprofen with them, but I think that it would be ridiculous to treat it as a "special privilege" for "athletes"

1 point

Well it may be ridiculous but the question is one OR the other. In order to conserve some space I might as well put mine here. If reproduction was possible regardless of the circumstance I believe that men would more likely have less difficulty in this scenario, as they, at least in my experience, have an easier time getting along with each other, especially without women involved (interest leads to competition etc.) Regardless, I think that both scenarios would likely lead to many social problems, and even if reproduction were possible most men would still have an interest in the non-unobtainable opposite sex.

3 points

If you know nothing about your candidates then you dont deserve to vote.

0 points

No, its his jet.

1 point

Nope, he is a very intelligent man, even if you disagree with his policies.

1 point

Nothing really, I mean, some people are against embryonic stem cell research because of their beliefs, and I respect that, but I don't think that they should be dictating the well-being of many in our society just because of the beliefs of a relatively small group of people. I say we have a nationwide vote on it :P.

3 points

I am pretty sure the conclusion was that it allows the semen to be pulled in farther therefore increasing chance of pregnancy.

1 point

Eh, as long as one of my children has children I don't care, who else to leave all of my stuff to?

1 point

This could have helped a lot of people.

0 points

No government will recognize this, he is just duping a bunch of people.

1 point

This sounds like quite a loophole, but it is "technically" true, unfortunately.

2 points

Well, regardless of laws, one side of the argument will always have a weapon.

1 point

I haven't tried both of them, but to learn fully I am pretty sure that it is Chinese, they have so many different characters.

1 point

Pandora for listening by far, but I seem to have an addiction to scrobbling.

0 points

For the most part, honesty is the best choice, though that is not to say that you should never lie if it is necessary, but for the most part, honesty is the way to go.

3 points

Who is to decide what is right and wrong? We have rules because they keep us safe, created out of fear that, gone unchecked, one person or group would harm another person or group, we keep these rules for safety, but when pressed enough we behave like any other animal.

1 point

Myself I like modern/alt rock, or some electronica, and some indie rock/pop. I like Modest Mouse, The Fratellis, and many others.

1 point

It is a social network. That cannot be a bad influence on the child. However, the people they willingly come into contact with on said network may be bad influences.

1 point

Only if you are in REAL danger.

1 point

The burger king beef burgers are recognizable as being made out of the correct animal.

3 points

Agnosticism is the only logical choice. It is the only option that takes the total lack of evidence for any view and concludes that we have no way of knowing.

1 point

The rest is padding to make the less able pass more easily.

1 point

In america, women have it all.

1 point

Coming from a high school senior, I whole-heartedly agree.

2 points

Mike Tyson is a boxer. He knows fighting.

2 points

France tends to ignore problems until it is too late.

1 point

Most muslims are peaceful, then they get some crazies wrecking everything.

1 point

Anyone who would change their vote based on his name doesn't deserve to vote for him.

1 point

All I see is lots of naked women.

1 point

Yes, they can be made to look good and be powerful.

1 point

I never thought about it this way before.

1 point

Why ruin his reputation now?

1 point

2 points

Why ban something so innocuous?

2 points

This type of parade needs to take place in more areas.

1 point

Maybe the guy should take it for the first few times, but once it becomes a regularity there is no reason for the unnecessary strain on expenditures.

1 point

Teach religion in religious school.

1 point

In stealing you take the original, in downloading you only copy, any album that I have downloaded and loved I have bought.

1 point

The as he sees it part is the most important in this debate.

1 point

You align with those who share your beliefs for strength in numbers, there is no dictate saying oyu must agree with all of theirs.

1 point

Water polo requires much more effort for every action.

1 point

That is the best summary I have seen.

1 point

Yes, we should focus harder on developing new methods of energy.

1 point

That would be placing too much power in one group of hands.

1 point

That made my day.

0 points

I dont particularly care for dying.

3 points

Facebook has much less ads.

2 points

They refuse to socialize something as basic as healthcare, but then force us to pay for a corporation going through a lull?

0 points

Suicide that is sought due to mental anguish should be treated as a disorder and the person should be medicated. If the person is terminal and in chronic pain due to a physical ailment then why prolong their suffering.

3 points

Socialism is the good, IF and only IF it is properly carried out, if the people at the early stages are even the slightest bit corrupt then you can kiss it goodbye. Since a good socialism is almost completely out of the picture at this point, however, I am perfectly fine living in my capitalist society…

My favorite working model so far is the kind like they use in northern Europe, with a capitalism under-structure but many facets of life socialized, which, for the most part, is the "best of both worlds"

3 points

AF, that act has held back more schools than it has helped.

1 point

They have committed a crime, an apology from somebody else is not a proper punishment.

1 point

If we keep them they need to be majorly altered, adding on my list next to affirmative action.

2 points

I dont really think either party cares more about the country, though I would say that the democrats care about a larger group of people in it.

1 point

I sure hope it is with a bang, much more interesting.

1 point

Chuck can beat up all of your imaginary friends.

2 points

Christianity is one of the funniest religions in my opinion, though that may be because they are the group with which I have the most contact.

0 points

Farmed animals are mindless drones with the intent for slaughter, they know no wilderness and it is a natural order.

2 points

Wikipedia is a credible source, however, I would not use it for any kind of project where accuracy is an absolute MUST, eg. masters, etc. And if something seems bogus on there, it probably is, unfortunately they still let children on the internet :P.

0 points

If i remember.

4 points

It is fairly well known that they were planning on surrendering before the dropping, though we should have done some kind of orchestrated test to show the world we have them.

2 points

Suicide is not illegal, and it probably will never be, by the nature of the law system (apparently you cant arrest the dead, who knew?). However, assisted suicide should only be legal under extreme circumstances, (Terminal illness, or Chronic pain that is not expected to end, etc.) Only when there is no alternative.

1 point

As an agnostic I find the lack of proof on either side to lead me to not really care either way, any good supportable scientific evidence in any direction would do it for me.

1 point

No, but maybe on repeat offenses depending on severity of the crime.

2 points

Lying, backstabbing, etc., all just to win a Nomination, not even a real election yet.

1 point

If anything it is one of the best ways to test how strongly someone believes in their choice. And it is a good way to try out our debate skills.

2 points

It is raining outside.

1 point

Sure, well, I dont oppose it anyway, but its only sexy if they are hot.

3 points

They are also more portable.

4 points

I mean, its not like its one of the ones that can kill you, any related deaths are from judgment impairment and thats no worse than alchohol.

1 point

Categorizing these people by race and gender do nothing to help them, If anything group by economic status, to see who REALLY needs it the most.

1 point

I never committed slavery, and no slaves are alive now, in fact, nobody involved is alive now, we cant just go about handing out money to people because a few generations back one group did bad things to another group.

0 points

Both have their superpower being money, but this guy has guns, big ones.

1 point

Yes. It certainly was more common to go for women younger at this time period. But there are certain things taken to an extreme, if you are taking a prepubescent girl for your wife, you are a pedo.

2 points

Only when its readily available, like right next to the other food, no going to different aisle for me.

2 points

The Earth is certainly getting warmer, how much of it is our fault and what we can do to stop it is a completely different question.

1 point

By far! I can't stand the taste of pepsi.

-1 points

It has numerous benefits to the health of our society, and it can be obtained without harming anything, even an unborn child.

1 point

Well, I'm going to assume this question is in the context of a 'spirit' or 'soul' scenario, in that case, no.

1 point

I mean, its not forced on anyone, so I dont see a problem.

2 points

You don't really need to know all the little specifics, but knowing past events can be very useful in knowing how to handle future ones.

1 point

Real Person. But not magical.

1 point

I don't mind some hair by any means, but I think that even those who choose to leave it should at least trim the edges and the 'stray' ones to keep it looking neat.

1 point

If they can get by without it, then all the power to them, however, it should be made more attractive to graduate.

2 points

I do not like the choices I was given, I do not think it was an inside job, but I don't really trust the current government much.

1 point

It has been proved as much as such a theory CAN be proved, there is enough evidence going for it that all we are missing is actual observation, which is nigh impossible given the topic.

3 points

No, Obamas policies are much closer to hers than McCains.

1 point

Negative reinforcement can be a powerful behavioral modification when used not to excess.

1 point

Yes, I hate it when people type like. "omg hai u r wtf" etc.

3 points

I am in favor of Barack Obama because people in America need change, And Bush has burnt them out on republicans for a while.

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