
SatintLater's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of SatintLater's arguments, looking across every debate.

Define hostility. are you merely saying that anyone who disagrees with you will be banned?


two, I'm allegedly a hindu, so I am a Theist, I'm just not a christian theist, so, please, lets talk it out.

Simple, if there is a problem that MIGHT exist, and you market the problem like it does exist, then you have an easy way to fund research in your field.

for example:

the number of stomata on a plant decreasing because global warming

Dissolved Co2 levels decreasing because of global warming.

extreeme weather due to global warming.

you tie enough "Data" into a phenomenon that's not real, with the shakiest of link, and you can claim just about anything is an effect or effects the phenomenon.

Decrease in plant stomata happens because there's more Co2 in the atmosphere,

more Co2 means more heat, sure, which causes more dissolved Co2 to come out of the oceans, sure, and that altogether is causing a climate shift that is making warm weather items, like hurricanes that get their power from warm water stronger. the notions behind climate change is real, but the places they fail to convince me is that it is a catastrophic change that isn't within reasonable parameters, and that our world isn't just changing in a not catastrophic way.

periods of global warming in the past have been very good for humankind, and it's idiotic to seek to control somthing like climate that we have such little control over, without sending us back to the third world.


If you end up wanting to "fix" this "Problem" energy is the number one source of carbon emissions, which allegedly lead to an increase in greenhouse gasses, which are "snowballing out of control" so you should consider finding a place that uses Hydroelectric or wind or solar....oh yeah, wind kills birds and hydroelectric floods valleys and kills animals.... if we care about conservation, you're basically stuck with solar which is drastically space inefficient and is more like "energy farming" than energy generating. So really, given that it is an actual phenomenon, and it IS catastrophic, What's going to be done about it? what CAN be done about it?

1. you are not dead, and not canonized.

2. the dead part can be arranged.

first, it doesn't tend to matter any way. if the popular vote is counted (All the absentees aren't counted if the gap is too big for them to matter) typically the electorate and the popular vote align.


but further the question becomes, who really matters when picking a candidate, and the answer should be "Everyone" Ignoring the electoral college means that the vote will always be skewed toward the desires and needs of the greatest population centers. and all their votes will essentially be counted three or four times over. it means that the voice and desires of those not in population centers, such as rural and suburban dwellers would get less say in what a government does, simply because there are less of them total across the whole nation. with an electoral college, and the spreading out of the votes over a wider area, it means that more votes only change the sample size taken in a specific area. which means typically, if all two million people in a city say they want the candidate with urban programs, it indicates that the urban program candidate aligns with the desires of this area. whereas a candidate with suburban and rural programs, would be favored by most of the other places that are not cities, which means the non-urban candidate actually has a chance to win, and additionally, if they're at least neutral toward urban programs they have a chance to win certain smaller cities as well which could feasibly be drowned out by the super city with large percentages of the population. this is a very simplified version but it should show some amount of why the college is needed. popular vote would drown out certain voter blocks and make them voiceless.

Go back to being a spelling/Grammer Nazi Affiliation not offiliation that's not a wurd.

2 points

Anything is possible with enough gunpowder

Except those traits are not exclusively genetic*

This is not about the phony science used by people who follow the logical fallacy of begging the question.

We assumed you weren't talking about creation from the title.

This is about the philosophical implications of belief in evolution.

The implications of the strawman you created? Or, actual evolution?

Let's try to keep the focus on the philosophy.

You want to focus on the philosophy of a scientific theory? How is that productive?

If you want whine about how your phony science proves evolution, take it to your local college and they will make you a professor.

It's a science, you mormon.

--Reduces risk of genetic diseases

Reduces risk of inherited medical conditions

those two issues are virtually the same thing. but this is almost the same as genotherapy for adults, just done as an it's more just approving the procedure and giving the ethical thumbs up for it... so... not really an argument TO allow for designer babies, as these are purposely targeted genetic treatments.

-Keep pace with others doing it

So make sure when North Korea has super soldiers we do too?

Not really a convincing argument. just because others are doing it, doesn't mean we have need or ethics that support such a project.

-Better chance the child will succeed in life

False. Genetics RARELY play into who succeeds or fails. if you believe it does, You're a racist. :P Environment depicts how close to their full potential the person in question becomes, genetics set where the full potential is.

-Better understanding of genetics

So... Get animal test subjects, you rarely NEED human trials for genetic experiements... So I'm gonna call bullshit.

-Increased lifespan

Again... no reason we can't necessarily do this as adult genotherapy.

-Can give a child genes that the parents do not carry

So I can have a white son?.... this is not a fully explained why it's a good thing.

-Prevent next generation of family from getting characteristics/diseases

See point 1.

-Termination of embryos

You're suggesting what exactly? that abortions wouldn't happen with designer babies?


- Gap in society?

like Gattaca? Genes alone do not create the elite. parental investment is important, as well as the specific environment. if you believe that STRICTLY genes are in play as to who the elite are, then you're probably a racist :P Furthermore, how does this gap really change anything that isn't already happening.

-Baby has no choice in the matter

Then abortion should be Illegal as well. and LOOK AT HOW WELL THAT ARGUMENT WORKS with all the fucktards out there.

-Genes often have more than one use

My knowledge of genetics is telling me you're confusing genes and Alleles....So.....What? I mean, the first Trait that I'd edit out of myself if at all possible would be the carrier gene for pyloric stenosis. and just about nothing else. if the allele can be changed to match a non carrier for my disorder without effecting the whole Chromosone, then Whoopde-fucking-dee. if the whole chromosome has to be swapped, then the technology sucks and needs to be upgraded.

- Gene pool damage

It's assumed that some parents would opt out of a designer baby program. meaning that should we all genetically augment ourselves and somehow accidentally program out our ability to fight off the common cold, the normal un-augmented individuals would survive. same with something like low genetic diversity, assuming the Augs all start running the same genetic code.

-Geneticists aren't perfect

And neither are planes/Aerospace engineers. yet thousands of people use planes.

-Loss of individuality

Bullshit. Twins are still different people. Environment shapes people almost as much if not more than genetic factors. all genetic modification does is boost an individual's potential. it does not inherently make them smart.

- Other children in family could be affected by parent's decision

So.... What? That's the parent's decision.

Anything is possible with enough gunpowder.

Humble yourself false prophet.*

We cannot believe the polls whoever wins. there will be turmoil in the streets, and then the good ol' government will put us in a federal emergency state. initiate the bullshit powers that come with Obama's addition to Cogcon zero, and make the average citizen their bitch. starving the nation into submission for an absolute regime


God I hope I'm wrong.

non-newtonian race and genderfluid.*

I'm whatever I need to be in each situation ;P*

0 points

Biracial bastard! My culture is not a costume!

this is a bit Nitpicky, but genius is not the opposite of fool. Fool is a matter of perception, IE: "You're a fool for believing that was gold!" genius is a matter of learning. IE: "Spotting that pattern and finishing the equation the way you did, That was genius!"


Yeah... Cool story right?

As I recall he said "They let me do whatever I want" but... I don't have the transcript sitting in front of me. if that is what the tapes say, that's consensual stuff.


Plus, Billy bush was egging it on, potentially with the intention of making trump talk himself into a corner.


I don't really know or care about the intentions of a person. I don't pretend to. was it lewd? yes. have other politicians been lewd and not had their careers ended? also yes.

the texture adds a feeling of youth to the object of the piece I find.

you can go much longer without food than without water. that's the difference it makes.



2 points

To reach the unreachable, and then provide a sacrifice to show that God Cares about the human condition. so much so that he took the time to live it and die it.

Fucking Savage.

No proof anything can be, and needs to be done. LET IT ALL BURN



I'll take "total Societal Revolution" for 400 Mr. Trebeck

Even outside of religion, No action is truly Altruistic. It's a numbers game, If I save a close relative, I'm still basically passing on my genetics more than if I don't save that member. If I spread my excess resources, I gain favor with my community. attention and a flow of chemicals saying "I'm A "good" person"


Religion serves to strengthen ever present morality. if a God knows what you do in the dark, then no evil will take place to any person who truely believes that God, (Or Big brother) is watching.


Figure out cloning, Save them as a genetic sequence. print them out later when we decide to give a shit.

You can't keep something that big quiet. it's not so much the end itself as it is the days before the end with the vain hope that I might survive, and or pleasure myself wildly before I die. If the world was to end, It will probably be seen coming.

they are two beings in one person. it's like what would happen if you could control multiple bodies. from a secret command center. you're both, and neither alone, but still some third thing all at the same time.

well then the left supports opening the border to terrorists, supports the demands of terrorists who are on our soil annndflips through other various offences Oh yeah support social marxism. :P How bout them apples shorty.

Ahh. yes... wormwood. I'm a fan of the "They called to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb!"


Kinda a -"God help us all" as they're hunkering in their bunkers.


some of the other lines Always makes me feel like it's tomorrow.


"so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name." sounds like credit is going to be in our hands one day.


Man I wish it would all end. It's weird why I feel that way. but like. it's not hopelessness or anything. just futility.

Robots? did you steal the plotline from my book! you bastard!

money would be useless.... it would be like... a super disaster...Looting...killing, pillaging raping...probably lots of raping....

well the issue isn't so much the flies, as it is the spiders that eat the flies.... no wait that analogy sucks...


The ebola on the flies is the real problem? NO.... FUCK



0 points

if you're going to represent a viewpoint make sure it is an accurate representation of the view you wish to dispute.


as such they do not say that god is imaginary, they say "God does not exist" and with no evidence of an extant God, they say so with confidence. they hold the belief that god does not exist as a part of the physical world, and that there is nothing outside the physical world. as such your argument to say that they imagine a "God in their head" is certifiably false. the reality of the world they can see is what they believe to be true. it would require evidence to convince such a person that a God exists, and so, they stand opposed to the notion.there is often no malice in this. and arguing points to them using reasoning beyond "Because God" would allow them to see the world (Potentially) the way that a theist might.


consider this viewpoint: asserting any Moral judgement based on these groundless rulings of a deity without evidence of that deity, could feasibly allow the rulings of an anti-God to slip in. unless you can reason out why it is that one thing is moral or not, so what is the measurement for morality if god cannot be convened with directly. why can you say what you do with such confidence? Because you pray? feasibly, is not the devil the master of false comforts? feasibly should not the most beneficial and holy action be the one you are not comfortable with?


Amen I say to you, Christ came down from heaven to reach the unreachable. the people who felt alienated from God. you don't have to put up this stupid Ban armor. you're not reaching who you are supposed to. and I have my doubts about who it is that answers your prayers.


Please understand that this is not to demean you. nor step on the toes of the Almighty. the bible calls us to believe like a child. and that means a lot of questions. why is the sky blue? Why is it that we have to die? so ask. think. doubt. because you're a fool to believe you have all the answers. surely you realize that's the prodigal son. it's better to leave and return, then to have never left at all.

yet again, I ask you to explain the relevance of this statement. because it seems highly irrelevant. I'm really one to talk. but I was just trolling before. this here seems to be very real that you think this somehow discredits my point. it doesn't. what evidence suggests that humans are alone in the universe?

I fail to see how this is relevant. please explain your point here. and on earth.

I care what God thinks about me and how He feels about me.

and how is it that god feels about you Saint? please back up your points with evidence.

Whatever they are, they are not aliens, they are liars and lies originate in Hell.

8 days ago


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SatintLater(264) Disputed Banned 1 point'd really think that God only made one sentient creature. what about Angels? are they from the physical heaven or a metaphysical heaven? and why does it follow that there are ONLY humans on ONLY one planet. God made the heavens. the bible doesn't mention those places beyond. so where does it say that humans were the only ones kicked from eden?

8 days ago

Funniest thing is it wasn't even Saint's debate and I legit have no clue why I was bannified. Saint never replied. he got banned too?!?

So then If I say "Gloabal warming as related to the immolation of fossil fuels is incorrect" what's your reply?

Well then, we the users should not be included in this debate. if management believes that it will boost activity then the only way to settle it is by experiment. as per newton's flaming laser Katana. however I see that the debate title is "Do You" so I assumed that my input would matter. all the same, I cannot speak for the every-man. so experiment away. but if I might, I would suggest making the feature optional. that may be more work for your programmer, but more freedom is usually a good thing IMO. :P have a good one.'d really think that God only made one sentient creature. what about Angels? are they from the physical heaven or a metaphysical heaven? and why does it follow that there are ONLY humans on ONLY one planet. God made the heavens. the bible doesn't mention those places beyond. so where does it say that humans were the only ones kicked from eden?

So then Christians and their belief in god should follow by that logic. they are ridiculed now and by that fact will be correct in the future. and I would think you would disagree with that statement. so perhaps you should append that statement you just made?

but... No....because what would be in this book that wouldn't become dogma almost instantly? and what defines common sense?

0 points


2 points

No. the distribution of data is typical. but the Point of data is atypical. It's like Is being more than 6"5' abnormal? yes. the average height for a male 5 foot ten inches. and 6ft is probably an upper quartile. (if it's not just say for the sake of argument) then being 6"6' is an outlier, and thus is atypical. thus abnormal. you seem to be saying that "Because it's on the graph it's normal" if that line of logic carries through.

Neo Nodian Exreemism. that's NAHD-Y-an not NO-DE-AN

Becuase Isrealis are fucking badass. Also, because the female athletes are basically not allowed to go anywhere without the permission of their hubbies.

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