
Dlin99's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Dlin99's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Ha ha. If that was true, everyone would be BASE jumping.

1 point

He probabaly hid in their and hung himself. Might be related to school.

1 point

If our sun burns out we will need to find another star. 1

0 points

For my state it is $3.85 and yearly average is $14000. That is plenty of money.

1 point

I agree with boomersman because everyone goes wha they want to do like if a person wants to be atheist they can be.

1 point

They get paid already. It would be like giving them a bonus. Of course you have to pay them but you don't have to tip them. A hobo could use the money.

0 points

What if you were standing out or throwing range for a lightsaber.

1 point

When I mentioned lightsabers, I didn't mention the force.

1 point

Football caption. What's up with your spelling. I know what that means but you aren't even a major star on you football team, much less the captain and you don't play basketball.

1 point

you don't need to give them money, but you can if you want to just like you would if you see a hobo

1 point

more games free with better quality against the android and also it is faster to down load i had a game that was free on both so i raced both of them for downloading time and apple had 45 second download time and android had a 2minute and 15 second download time.

1 point

With good aim, you can knock the lightsaber right out of the opponent's hand.

1 point

If they download it with permission then no but even if it is not allowed who's gonna snitch.

1 point

In the US htere are alot of sightings and one time in california we started shooting at the objects and they were so much faster then our bullets travling at 190 feet per second.

1 point

It's a free country for crying out loud. Youth have personal rights and as legal citizens they should be able to vote.

4 points

sonic can run faster kick faster doge faster and hardley runs out of energy.

3 points

tank can give higher fire poer and you have spots to mount auto matic machine guns.

1 point

it is healthier to the enviorment and is totally cheap my dads car uses it and it gives a lot of MPG with little green house gas.

1 point

Males tend to learn things from their surrondings while women just paint their nails.

1 point

Back in the times, men did alot of the hard labor while women sat around and sewed skirts.

2 points

BMW has good looking models with alot of horsepower and it gives more features.

1 point

in the PS3 you get to look up more things and also you get more memory space and even though th Xbox has kinect my friend used it for a month and it broke but i have the PS3 move and i still have it and i had for about a year.

1 point

It looks cool and has a good MPG. It also reaches high speeds.

3 points

i am christian so i have to back up my religon and i also get to go to church.

1 point

You can tip if you want but you don't have too. You might as well give a hobo the money

1 point

Kids shoot for two reasons one they are getting bullied or two they just want too so 95% of the time its because of bullying or deppression or stress.

1 point

If they did something bad they need to pay for their crimes. Not just sitting in a cell.

1 point

JUstin Beiber is a fool with no life that happens to have a good voice ( to girls). He is a dangerous idiot.

2 points

Technology is something that exsists. We got tanks with technology. We got M16 with technology. We got space stations with technology

2 points

Agreed. If you were to execute someone for mudering someone, they should feel the pain that comes with the electric chair. But Humane, guillotine.

1 point

They are 2nd in the world after tyerroists for most kills.

1 point

they are orginisms living so they deserve a right in their say in life they have their own life to spend we are worse then communists terroists or dictators to them.

1 point


0 points

You are an idiot so shut up. I played football in Cerritos, California and had the most tackles and sacks on the team. I could beat you up.

2 points

Werewolfs rock and they are stronger then vampires they dont have to fight in the dark.

1 point

India had royal blood and had the one of the best weapon makers in the world thaey fought for power and also they respected woman. In some wars in india they were fully runned by woman.

1 point

Hulk is strong but after a while he turns back a superman has multipl weapons like laser eyes he is bullet proof he can fly and also he is super strong.

2 points

the guillotine is a method to scare the person and also scare them so it is a method of a corresponding activity to execute better and it also kills faster and revativly funnier.

1 point

If left is democrocy or democrat then left it is. Democratic points of veiw have a life on non slavery and everyone is veiwed as a person that has rights.

1 point

Pirates have guns while ninjas have daggers. One shot pain. Two shot kill

1 point

They want to kill us and you want to try to shake there hand and make them salad.

1 point

Macbook pros have better dual core systemes and you can add parallel desktop accounts for it.

1 point

MIcrosoft has a betteroverall and is used in many of the laptops and desktops today. Microsoft is more helpful towards the enviorment.

2 points

The Moon is our ancient earth and from this scientists have found specs of oxygen and water we can sustain for many years.

1 point

Cloning is an act of combining two or more DNA and RNA specimens and creating a new but from this animals loose the real sense of them self's by loosing their health,life penalty toward physical activity and may change their organs metabolism,brain intake in knowledge and other things.

0 points

You're saying you're a bully. Or you get picked on and liked getting picked on

1 point

Because he's cool awesome cool awesome cool awesome cool awesome cool awesome cool awesome cool awesome cool awesome cool awesome cool awesome cool awesome cool awesome cool awesome cool awesome cool awesome cool awesome cool awesome cool awesome cool awesome.

1 point

Wows is only free up to level 20 wile with runescape you can keep on going

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