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Those deaths don't count All lives matter?
Debate Score:21
Total Votes:22
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 Those deaths don't count (4)
 All lives matter? (8)

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TrailorTrash(131) pic

A guy I know's son ended his life due to isolation from the lockdown

Those deaths don't count

Side Score: 8

All lives matter?

Side Score: 13

A guy I know's son ended his life due to isolation from the lockdown

Bronto, just shut up with your idiotic propaganda. It's so annoying to read. We are in the middle of a deadly viral pandemic you absolute idiot. These are not normal circumstances. Your faux concern for the wellbeing of anybody except yourself is not a reason to re-open the stock market.

Side: Those deaths don't count
2 points

At least he died without infecting any more people. We COULD make the case that he is a hero, that he didn't wish to be a factor in spreading a deadly "hoax" that has killed more people in his country than the Viet Nam War .... in a MUCH shorter time.

That said, his fellow Americans in Michigan, Ohio, etc. protesting the lockdown are bringing their KIDS, and their guns, to "gatherings" that undercut what this man did. I hope the kids, at least, don't pay for the idiocy .... fertilized by the impeached, occupier of the (now ;-), Shite House.

Somebody here mentioned "big government". This "slimmed down government" doesn't seem to be working well. They can't get even needed testing done! Per capita, it's the worst of any large, industrialized country .... except maybe Russia (Humpty-Trumps "model" ;-), where everything is fake news except what Pootty says. ;-)

Side: Those deaths don't count
3 points

A guy I know's son ended his life due to isolation from the lockdown

Hello Trashy:

Yeah... 30 days alone with a TV and refrigerator full of food, is just TOOO miserable to consider..

But, you're right.. We shoulda left things wide open and watch several million of our fellow citizens DIE!! That's gotta be better than your friends son dying, amirite?


Side: All lives matter?
Jace(5211) Disputed
2 points

Social isolation is a known risk variable for suicide, particularly for people with certain pre-existing mental health conditions. You insensitive prick.

An increase in suicides due to isolation (and increasing economic retraction as well) is a given with any extended shut down. Yours is an utilitarian calculus, whereby it becomes acceptable to sacrifice people who would not otherwise have died in order to save others. That is a deeply contestable position, no matter how much rhetoric you smear it with.

Side: Those deaths don't count
1 point

That would be the case if people were denied access to mental health related assistance.

When there's a way to keep everyone alive, and it just the idea fails in the aspect of its implementation, you don't call it a bad idea.

in a pandemic such as this, every man is for himself and the governments start trying to save as much as they can. If this means going into a lockdown, it only makes sense.

In the end, we're programmed to survive only so that the species continues to.

Keeping that in mind, sacrificing a few seems much more objectively rational when the whole species is at stake.

Ideally, you'd want everyone to survive ( moral standpoint) but if it really comes down to nature, and things are not in human control anymore, we must accept the natural selection that is deep rooted in the decisions we make.

Side: All lives matter?
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

The Commie Black Democrat likes the lockdown. Not much for Big Government there are ya Weak Minded Socialist.

Side: Those deaths don't count
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Bernie Bro ya gonna like the Bread Lines that the Socialist will have for you.

Then all one can do is sit back and watch a Dumb Ass like you bitch and complain about what ya wished for and it will always be someone else's problem.

Stupid you should not be so transparent but you are too ignorant too figure it out.

Side: Those deaths don't count
2 points

I'm sorry for the loss of the fella. I hope he finds comfort however he can.

Side: All lives matter?
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

Government money will pay everyone off but Socialist what tax rate are you looking for

Do ya have answer for where your tax dollars need to go ?

You put the politicians in charge of your life so what is the personal tax rate you are willing to pay ?

Side: Those deaths don't count

I might have to kill myself, too. i have been suicidal, and cannot get help, because the fucking government, hates everyone.

Side: All lives matter?

I might have to kill myself, too. i have been suicidal, and cannot get help, because the fucking government, hates everyone.

Whenever I feel like killing myself I have a nice cheese toastie and a cup of hot chocolate instead.

Side: All lives matter?

You're sweet, hun. At least, you care, unlike, my "Christian friends".

Side: All lives matter?
Jace(5211) Clarified
1 point

I've not got much to say except I'm sorry things are shit for you right now and I hope thing start looking up for you soon. Life can be rough, but I hope some good comes your way.

Side: Those deaths don't count
YIsRisenLord(1202) Clarified
1 point

Thank you. I hope you are doing, well......................................................................................................

Side: Those deaths don't count

It's a tough time for people with mental issues to stay in isolation for long.

That much we can agree with. To say however, that we should be against isolation due to this is naive. It's the responsibility of the people around to take extra care about the scenario of these people who need help. Isolation from society will kill you, isolation up in your head does.

Side: All lives matter?