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StickinStone(649) pic

Anarchy: What would you do?

All governments all around the world have ceased to exist. What do you do now? For this discussion please ignore problems of plausibility and avoid questions of how or why government is gone. It is simply gone. Now what?

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4 points

Let's party.

2 points

I'd team up with some friends who I know could survive, and we could all just focus on surviving while the rest of the nation figures out what to do.

2 points

Smoke weed where ever I want.


Sitara(11075) Clarified
0 points

You rock! .

1 point

I would try to establish some simpler version of democracy...

1 point

I'd bunker down for a while and let all the crazies that think anarchy has to be violent and encourages murder in the street kill each other in a self-filling prophecy. Then when everything has settled a bit; me and KG will peek out the side hatch.

Then I'll find/build myself a shelter and get to know my neighbors and try to establish a bartering network to the mutual benefit of the smallish community around me.

Same as a I always do, except maybe more with climbing on buildings.

1 point

Travel loads. And maybe go vigilante.

1 point

I'd probably find my family and want to stick together amongst the presumed upcoming chaos, collect any weaponry we can find to get an inventory check; knives, swords, BB guns, firearms, whatever. Make sure we've got plenty water and food for a bit, then come up with a plan to what we'd want to do next. It'd almost be like a zombie apocalypse as we all know humans can be ridiculous and even person would need to defend themselves from the crazies in the world. After that, I'd imagine we'd want to loot stores to obtain whatever we want for supplies to last. Then Bunker down and see what happens next. I highly doubt everything would be the same as it is now, and in fact I believe anarchy in general would create chaos rather than create the norm or anything more peaceful than what it already is now without anarchy.

1 point

Rob a bank and donate the money to poor people. .

TheAshman(2298) Disputed
2 points

Nice idea but if worldwide anarchy happens money would become worthless

1 point

I would still act the way I am suppose to act even if there is no government or rules but I know lots of people would go crazy on that day doing stuff that is really horrible.

Lead a revolution against anarchy in order to create a more stable environment.

1 point

Get a Grand Slam at Denny's.... Dine and Dash!

1 point

I'd build a shack out in the woods and fight bears and bathe beneath raging waterfalls. And also murder anyone who came near me.

1 point

Gather a large group of people, find or build a defendable position, use position as main base, amass large quantity a of weapons body armor and ammo, gather volunteers from among the refugees I've saved, train them to fight, use this (i'll call it what it is) private army to reestablish peace, order, and the rule of law in the surrounding area, maintain this status until what ever crisis that caused the societal collapse subsides,

1 point

What is the difference between the scenario given and what we have now? I see a lot of responses and arguments that seem logical, yet, a lot of them presume that “anarchy” is chaos. Could that be because the perception of what that word means and what it is actually isn’t in line or accurate? The going argument seems to suggest that we cannot live our lives without ‘government’ telling us what and how to do so.

However, if and only if, one takes into consideration what they do in their own daily life, their routine and personal interactions with other people, and consider that they are peaceful in these daily activities as others are peaceful to them, then, they likely would see that suggestion is simply not true. This doesn’t mean that there is not interference from those who act as ‘agents of government’. But it does question the very necessity and even the existence of such a thing as ‘government’.

Therefore, my conclusion on what I would do, to answer the question is nothing I do not already do in my daily life. I live it day to day and do my best to be right in all of my own actions, as I seek to peacefully co-exist with those I interact with on a daily basis. Since there was no mention as to whether businesses are continuing or they ceased to operate, I will assume that they have continued regardless of ‘government’ ceasing to exist. And as that may be the case, I would go to work, bringing in income as whatever currency would be deemed acceptable. I do not think that the means of exchange would change other than maybe the use of gold and/or silver for certain trades and perhaps bartering would be a bit more active. If my employer no longer can afford me, then, I would perhaps begin my own business offering whatever people might have a need for.

In short, to use a quote from a famous Hollywood movie Marine Gunnery Sergeant(USMC), I would “improvise, adapt, and overcome” any of the circumstances I may find myself or come across; even, as I have said, I do now.