
Debate Info

Aww, Pugbunny Maaah! WTF?
Debate Score:31
Total Votes:32
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 Aww, Pugbunny (17)
 Maaah! WTF? (8)

Debate Creator

Elvira(3441) pic

Cute or ugly?

Aww, Pugbunny

Side Score: 23

Maaah! WTF?

Side Score: 8

Dear god, please let this be a real thing, pease pease, please...

Side: Aww, Pugbunny

I would say that he's pretty ugly ;)

Side: Aww, Pugbunny
2 points

The pugbunny is so ugly that it's cute. Simple as that. :)

Side: Aww, Pugbunny
2 points

i love this thing!!! lol sooo funny and cute in an ugly way!

Side: Aww, Pugbunny

Lol its soooooo cute. It kinda awkward but its sooooo cute.

Side: Aww, Pugbunny
1 point

Are you sure it's a Pugbunny and not a Rug or Rag or a Rugit

Side: Aww, Pugbunny
1 point

awwww, i don't see anything wrong with it...or how it looks, or the fact that it has a weird dog face...but overall it is...cute?? O.O iv'e seen uglier XD

Side: Aww, Pugbunny
1 point

it just seems little bit angry,but it's nice!

it's plump body looks cute

Side: Aww, Pugbunny
1 point


Side: Aww, Pugbunny
1 point

It looks intresting, but not cute. However, it doesn't look ugly.

Side: Aww, Pugbunny
1 point

It is pretty much cute...its a combination of my two favorite animals..! Pugs n rabbits are insanely cute n fun to play with..:D c:

Side: Aww, Pugbunny
1 point

cute pug. bad bunny. does that count?


Side: Aww, Pugbunny
1 point

I want one. .

Side: Aww, Pugbunny
1 point

that thing is photo-shopped but it is rather cute ;)

Side: Aww, Pugbunny
1 point

I want it :3 but I also want a pet pug and a pet rabbit but my mom won't let me because I already have 3 dogs and they attack rabbits so...yyrcegyuedcuyggdyceybuhcdehubefruhb. Uhbhbufrvhbugvfruhhcfrihbdceyguffuygfuyvfrugyfrvubycfrubhcfrubhffrughrvff

Side: Aww, Pugbunny
1 point

neat-o cool nice i like it great yeh pug or bunny we dont know its enigma

Side: Aww, Pugbunny
1 point

WTH??? I hope this is photoshopped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Maaah! WTF?
Elvira(3441) Clarified
2 points

Yes, if it was real, they'd be the new celebrity pet.

Side: Aww, Pugbunny


Side: Maaah! WTF?
1 point

Its a rabbit combined with a dog .

Side: Maaah! WTF?
ziggyhajzer(2) Disputed
1 point

uuummm lol no thats impossible, check ur facts <333333333<3

Side: Aww, Pugbunny
1 point

... Uhhh ... Pass...


Side: Maaah! WTF?
1 point

ugly sorry but its too chubby and the front be looks like a dog sorry for who ever wrote it

Side: Maaah! WTF?

That is the ugliest bunny I ever saw....but it IS the cutest pug I've encountered.............

Side: Maaah! WTF?
1 point

That is u-g-l-y!!! If pugs and bunny were meant to be cross-bred, they already would have. That is one UGLY creature. Like in most cases, this picture was probably 20 times better BEFORE it was photoshopped.

Side: Maaah! WTF?
0 points

Oh its soooooooooooooooooooo disastrous.I kind of hate animals. I mean not like hating but I just don't naturally like them.

Side: Maaah! WTF?