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Debate Score:87
Total Votes:98
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 Yes (40)
 No (37)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

Do 3D prints of ultrasounds prove unlimited abortion for no good reason is evil?


Get a life-size 3D-printed figurine of your unborn baby

Why would you stick with a boring old ultrasound when you could have a replica fetus thanks to the magic of 3D printing?


Side Score: 44


Side Score: 43
0 points

That's great! If the Left refuses to show abortion procedures from fear of the truth getting out, then these new 3D ultrasounds might get through to anyone still possessing a conscience.

That visual shows exactly what is being dismembered during abortions. Then Planned Parenthood pays someone to piece the body parts back together.

Today's Democrat Party is truly sick for supporting even late term abortions of viable babies!

You vote for them, you are responsible as well!

Side: Yes
2 points

Do 3D prints of ultrasounds prove unlimited abortion for no good reason is evil?

Hello bront:

Unlimited abortion for no good reason IS bad.. But, if you're a young lady who doesn't wanna be pregnant, you HAVE a reason for an abortion, and a damn good one too.


Side: No
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

What a hideously stupid argument.

You are saying that we can all take innocent life if it is a burden to us. That kind of depravity leads to mothers throwing their babies into dumpsters because they decided they no longer want to be mothers.

NEWSFLASH, if a woman does not want to be pregnant, USE BIRTH CONTROL or don't choose to have sex with some loser who would walk out on the mother and child. IT'S THAT SIMPLE!

As with most every Liberal position, personal responsibility and accountability is no part of the equation.

The Left says, if someone does mindlessly stupid risky things time after time, it is not their fault.... kill the baby! IT'S THE BABY'S FAULT!

Side: Yes
Nom_Chomsky(846) Disputed
1 point

What a hideously stupid argument

Now you see, this is exactly why people are under the impression that you are insane. You rage against abortion because you read it in the Bible, but you think a woman's right to own her own body is a "hideously stupid argument". Evidently, you have severe mental health problems. How would you feel if I drove nails into you and then passed a law forbidding you to remove them? You wouldn't like it, would you?

You are saying that we can all take innocent life if it is a burden to us.

Wrong. Your very language is false because life begins after a woman raises it in her belly for 9 months. Your assumption that life begins at conception falls apart with less than 10 seconds worth of scrutiny. A young fetus (i.e. under 8 weeks) has no central nervous system and cannot think, sense or feel pain. Your description of this as "innocent life" is clearly erroneous because these things are a common denominator for all human life on Earth.

That kind of depravity leads to mothers throwing their babies into dumpsters

And so we see you using your initial error as the basis for yet further false analogies which use emotive language to appeal to others rather than actual critical thinking. This is what insanity essentially is. It begins with an irrational thought and then actions and further justifications are produced from the irrationality of that initial thought.

Side: No
1 point

People are allowed to take life for self defense.

Side: No
1 point

How about the case of rape where a woman does not consent to sex?

Republicans are passing laws to make abortion illegal in this case as well.

Side: No