
Debate Info

Has a nice ring to it I will MOVE to Russia
Debate Score:77
Total Votes:159
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 Has a nice ring to it (22)
 I will MOVE to Russia (28)

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excon(18262) pic

Does President Pelosi scare you? If Trump and Pence are impeached, she's next in line

Has a nice ring to it

Side Score: 44

I will MOVE to Russia

Side Score: 33
0 points

Head up ass isn't a political position unless you're a Democrat.

Side: Has a nice ring to it
0 points

I love pointing this out to Trump worshipers, I like how it makes their heads explode just a little.

Side: Has a nice ring to it
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

When and where is it so noted that Pence will be impeached and Nanny is next in line for POTUS ? Evidence ? You have some there Rusty ???????

Side: I will MOVE to Russia
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Why is it the Loser Hillary is not next in line ???? Have you Demorats thrown her under the bus again ????

Side: I will MOVE to Russia
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

By what Rusty is saying here if we all worshiped the Demorat party then the Little Gurl Rusty would be happy and the Dicktatership they so crave would come true !

Side: I will MOVE to Russia
DanBongino(106) Disputed
1 point

You couldn't impeach Trump in 2 years, not that it would matter in the Republican Senate even if you did. So how long will it take to impeach Trump AND Pence? 500 years? And what are you going to nail Pence on? Being clean as an alcohol swab? How many times have you been wrong now Rusticus? Do we need a calculator to add up that number?

Side: I will MOVE to Russia
1 point

It would actually do you good if you spent some time in Russia. At least you would stop whining about how horrible Trump is.

Side: I will MOVE to Russia
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

At least you would stop whining about how horrible Trump is.

Hello Big:

Nahhh… I can handle horrible.. It's the lawbreaking that concerns me.


Side: Has a nice ring to it
BigOats(1449) Disputed
2 points

It's the lawbreaking that concerns me

Then I can only double down on my statement. Lawbreaking is the modus operandi of Putin's regime. You have to yet name one instance of Trump breaking the law during his presidency.

Side: I will MOVE to Russia
DanBongino(106) Disputed
1 point

Nahhh… I can handle horrible.. It's the lawbreaking that concerns me.

Oh yeah. We watched the Democrat Party infested with corruption and unethical behavior for decades and you were outraged. You can't even lay out the fundamentals of any case against Trump for anything..

Side: I will MOVE to Russia
JugsNThugs(226) Disputed
1 point

Does President Pelosi scare you? If Trump and Pence are impeached, she's next in line

She's not next in line. A VP would be appointed under Pense. He'd be next in line.

Side: I will MOVE to Russia
0 points

It would actually do you good if you spent some time in Russia. At least you would stop whining about how horrible Trump is.

It would actually be good if you spent some time living under a right wing dictatorship that's even more right wing than the one you're currently living in, that way you can be right wing like me. It was better during the USSR but I'm still a capitalist because I'm really, really stupid.

Side: Has a nice ring to it
BigOats(1449) Disputed
0 points

It would actually be good if you spent some time living under a right wing dictatorship that's even more right wing than the one you're currently living in, that way you can be right wing like me.

Was that a quote from Adolph Hitler ? You should identify your source.

It was better during the USSR but I'm still a capitalist because I'm really, really stupid

What's stupid is calling a mafia state kleptocracy 'capitalism'.

Side: I will MOVE to Russia
1 point

Now here is what the DUMB ASS has said and note without any EVIDENCE to backup it's OUTRAGEOUS CLAIM !!!!!!!

Does President Pelosi scare you? If Trump and Pence are impeached, she's next in line

SUPER STUPID where is the EVIDENCE that Pence is to be impeached and NANNY is next in line for POTUS ??

You IDIOTS show up with NO FACTS ever as is always the case !!!!!!!!!!

Side: I will MOVE to Russia