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 Does evil REALLY exist as a thing unto itself? (31)

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Does evil REALLY exist as a thing unto itself?

If there were not acts labeled as evil, would evil exist.

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Evil is subjective.

Atrag(5666) Disputed
2 points

That means it doesn't exist? Movement is subjective.

3 points

fallacy of equivication

subjective - depending upon relative velocities


subjective - determined by human opinion

2 points

No. Evil is established by the observer's definition thereof. Evil is not, as far as is known, a qualifiable or quantifiable item of force.

1 point

A point for each of you for providing the right answer. Can i get a theist opinion now.

MuckaMcCaw(1970) Clarified
1 point of luck on that.

I don't believe that asking a question regarding the existence of something CAN be an opinion question. The item in question either does or does not exist.


There ya go. Opinion.

Harvard(666) Clarified
1 point

Evil is established by the observer's definition thereof.

Was this a convoluted answer to express some 'intelligence'? All you needed to say was "Evil is subjected to ones view".

Something does not need to be a "qualifiable or quantifiable item of force," for 'objectivity'.

MuckaMcCaw(1970) Disputed
1 point

All you needed to say was "Evil is subjected to ones view".

That works too. So what? I got my point across, it would appear.

Something does not need to be a "qualifiable or quantifiable item of force," for 'objectivity'.

That's right, you get a cookie.

But...I'm trying to identify its existence (or lack thereof), not its objectivity.

2 points

Evil is just a term used to refer to "the harmful" If we had never invented that term, we would have invented a different one to refer to "the harmful"

Can some things be objectively demonstrated to be harmful? Yes.

Harvard(666) Clarified
1 point

Evil is just a term used to refer to "the harmful"

Usually* used for said reference.

"Evil" is constantly use to describe things that are subjectively viewed as "bad". Not all 'bad' things are "harmful".

atypican(4875) Clarified
1 point

Are you telling me that our systems of morals could be better thought out?

1 point

Evil has both objective and subjective elements. For example... causing someone to suffer without justification is objectively wrong/evil. What is the justification is the subjective component: it is subject to the society and the individual.

Harvard(666) Clarified
1 point

causing someone to suffer without justification is objectively wrong/evil.

You cannot say that justification is 'subjective' then continue with 'objectively wrong'. Basically the logic is problematical.

Atrag(5666) Clarified
1 point

I'm saying there is an absence of justification. There is no logic problem. What I'm saying is "suffering is objectively wrong".

Akulakhan(2985) Disputed
1 point

causing someone to suffer without justification is objectively wrong/evil

Justification is also subjective. Not all subjective justifications would make some act either good nor evil, objectively or subjectively.

I believe our laws reflect what society defines as evil. if evil were subjective, how is it that there are things in this world that nearly everyone considers evil. as far as I know, every country in the world considers murder evil and punishable by law. illegally invading a country is considered 'evil' and part of international law. most governments of the world have unified to define what is acceptable in the world, and what is not. stealing to feed yourself may be subjective, but according to the law it is not.

Jace(5222) Disputed
1 point

If even one person disagrees with the conception of a thing as evil, then it cannot be said that that thing is universally conceived of as evil. I do not believe that murder, invasion, stealing, etc. are evil; in fact, I do not believe anything is evil because I do not believe in evil.

Even if human beings did hold a universal conception of evil, that does not prove that evil exists objectively (i.e. outside of and independent from that conception).

Kitk34(185) Clarified
1 point

I do not believe that murder, invasion, stealing, etc. are evil;

Do you believe these acts are a crime? As in they have motive, opportunity, and an intended victim(s)?

On a personal level, would you consider it okay for any of those acts to be done to you?

1 point

I have never heard of evil existing as a thing unto itself. No, I do not believe it can exist as such.

My thinking is that “evil” is simply a descriptive word used to illustrate the vast amounts of human caused destruction. It could only exist in someone who knowingly and willingly destroys other people, in a variety of ways. I do not believe it exists as a thing unto or by itself. Those who act in such ways have chosen to do so, and therefore, are creators of their own demise.

I believe we are all capable of doing wicked things, causing sorrow and/or distress, and destruction to each other. We make choices to do those acts or not, when living and conducting ourselves on a daily basis, individually.

Jace(5222) Disputed
1 point

"Evil" references an extreme form of moral "wrong"; it is a stronger form of interpersonal, social, and legal behavioral regulation. The term "evil" really has little to do with what is actually harmful; it can refer both to something that is objectively harmful to an individual or group of persons (e.g. genocide), and to something that is objectively non-harmful (e.g. homosexuality).

Regarding our choice and culpability for the consequences, I would challenge you to substantiate that assertion. What evidence do you actually have that we actually exercise any free will at all?

Kitk34(185) Disputed
1 point

"Evil" references an extreme form of moral "wrong";

True, but that is really not any different than what I said.

it is a stronger form of interpersonal, social, and legal behavioral regulation.

Meaning what exactly? Those things you mentioned are there to minimize the damage done by acts that are considered "evil" in themselves.

The term "evil" really has little to do with what is actually harmful; it can refer both to something that is objectively harmful to an individual or group of persons (e.g. genocide), and to something that is objectively non-harmful (e.g. homosexuality).

It is a form of expression to identify an action that cannot be reasonably justified, such as, murder. It has very much to do with what is actually harmful. Just because someone has an opinion about some activity that they find detestable and they claim it's “evil” does not make it so, but they might see that activity as being harmful for a valid reason; such as genocide, murder on a massive scale.

Homosexuality is a lifestyle that cannot be said to be necessarily evil because it has to do with consensual activity. Others might not like it but, it is not up to them to decide for someone else how to live their life; and that applies to anything that is voluntary, however, in order for it to be such, it has to include the giving of consent in a knowing and willing manner.

Young Children, for example, cannot be expected to understand fully what that is, so, a boundary line has to be considered there.

Regarding our choice and culpability for the consequences, I would challenge you to substantiate that assertion. What evidence do you actually have that we actually exercise any free will at all?

Are we going to debate free-will now? Yes? No?

Free-will is self-evident. The very fact that you posed the question shows you exercised free-will. It cannot be proven nor dis-proven.

1 point

Well it all depends if you beleive that satan exists or not. And no not what we imagine in our minds to be what satan is. Its actually believing that he is the primary source of evil, just as I beleive Jesus/God is the primary source of good.

1 point

In my mind I think evil diesnt exist. Bad does. But bad lives in us as does good. Mandela once said "We are not people born to hate, nor to love. we are taught both. But love comes more naturally than hate." Who says we aren't taught bad and good. A bad and good created by man. I think it's all an illusion created by man to explain think the eye can't.