
Debate Info

ANTIFA attacks a moderate Star of David for Tucker
Debate Score:84
Total Votes:104
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 ANTIFA attacks a moderate (17)
 Star of David for Tucker (41)

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Rustikus(174) pic

Mob chants threats outside Tucker Carlson’s DC home, destroys property

Mob chants threats outside Tucker Carlson’s DC home

A self-described left-wing Antifa group posted videos of a mob outside the Washington, D.C., home of Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Wednesday evening, chanting, “Tucker Carlson, we will fight. We know where you sleep at night.”

The host said activists rang his doorbell, broke his oak door and one protester was apparently caught on security video mentioning a pipe bomb.

ANTIFA attacks a moderate

Side Score: 22

Star of David for Tucker

Side Score: 62
2 points

Life in this world is a privilege, and people who comport themselves as described in the OP are welcoming a petition to have it revoked. I don't give a damn what their "reasons" are--you took it way over the line and now are open to pay the price.

You already know the cowards would try and play the victim if Tucker (or anyone in that position) came out shooting.

Side: ANTIFA attacks a moderate
0 points

Now, one could argue for a game of the varying degrees of escalation, such as--(i) have signs on the lawn (or otherwise in clear view) at all times stating intent to defend against trespassers (ii) have a microphone installed that broadcasts to the outside notifying them the police were contacted, and they are all subject to force if not dispersed immediately (iiia) some kind of warning shots or flare (iiib) possible improvised less than lethal force (be creative?) (iv) fire on site until threat is neutralized.

That is all well & good, in principle. Now, the fact is, the one on the receiving end has no idea what the peoples intentions are, how quickly or likely they may be to escalate the situation, if they were willing to use force against the family directly then letting them smash up against the front door is giving up way too much ground and not in the position one wants to be, they do not have the first few stated lines of defense in order prior to the incident, and, the crucial factor--it is not the families responsibility to cower and "hope for the best"/"hope for the attackers restraint, mercy, & benevolence", rather it is the attackers responsibility to not f'ck with people or else face their wrath.

Side: ANTIFA attacks a moderate
-1 points

I think ANTIFA & SJW's self-imagine themselves to be following in the footsteps of Malcolm X--which could hardly be further from the case.

Side: ANTIFA attacks a moderate
-5 points
5 points

You're ok with them keeping him up all night; what about his kids and neighbors? Shouldn't this mob show consideration for others when throwing a temper tantrum?

Side: Star of David for Tucker
Amarel(5669) Clarified
2 points

Harassment is a crime that Con apparently approves of. .

Side: ANTIFA attacks a moderate
excon(18262) Disputed
-3 points
YawnOfSnooze(39) Disputed
3 points

More proof that your concern for people is complete bullshit.

Side: Star of David for Tucker
excon(18262) Clarified
0 points

More proof that your concern for people is complete bullshit

Hello Y:

If you're saying that I support the CONSTITUTION over people, you're FUCKING right..


Side: ANTIFA attacks a moderate
RavensBeak(282) Disputed
3 points

They should stay on public property, but I'm FINE with them keeping him up all night.

My grandfather told me your party did the same thing to blacks back in his day.

Side: Star of David for Tucker
Amarel(5669) Disputed
2 points

It’s harassment, and it’s a crime. If they would have successfully entered that home, Mr.Carlson would have been right to open fire.

Fuck the mob tactics. If it keeps up, it will come to very serious violence. And the mob will be to blame.

Side: Star of David for Tucker
Hootie(364) Disputed
2 points

It’s harassment, and it’s a crime. If they would have successfully entered that home, Mr.Carlson would have been right to open fire.

People should note that this is the same partisan hypocrite who earlier claimed the 30 women who have accused Donald Trump of sexual harassment are "victimizing" him.

Side: ANTIFA attacks a moderate
1 point


When you live in a society that is violence-phobic and afraid to 'step on peoples toes' emotionally, it leaves everyone vulnerable to attack. The nihilists & punks are trying to push everything into a morally gray area, so that the only ones who can be aggressive are the criminals. This nonsense needs to be stopped.

Create clear boundaries, cross them at your own risk.

You cannot expect to go to a man's home to terrorize his wife and kids, with impunity. A world that allowed that would be indistinguishable from Hell.

Let those pathetic degenerates congregate somewhere isolated & f'ck up their own lives (which they are doing a damn good job at). As soon as they try and push their misery and bs on others in this way, they can upgrade their standard tickets for the express lane to Hell.

Side: Star of David for Tucker
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Mob chants threats outside Tucker Carlson’s DC home, destroys property

Hello R:

They should stay on public property, but I'm FINE with them keeping him up all night.. He's a public figure.. The public wants to send him a message.. That's the way it goes.


Hay STUPOR STUPID is your PARTY open game ?????????? Come Little Gurl what you got to say ????????????

Side: Star of David for Tucker
Spuds(1074) Disputed
1 point

The public wants to send him a message..

A Soros funded Communist group wanted to send him a message.

That's the way it goes.

If that's the way it goes, the right obviously aren't Nazis. The Nazis would have returned the favor.

Side: Star of David for Tucker

It looks like Excon's version of freedom of the press is Jim Acosta acts like an insane child while a Fox News host is attacked.

Side: Star of David for Tucker
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

A Soros funded Communist group wanted to send him a message.

Hello Spuds:

In the country I live in, even Soros funded commies are allowed to demonstrate..

I thought right wingers LOVED the Constitution.. No, huh?


Side: ANTIFA attacks a moderate
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

I'm FINE with them keeping him up all night..

First, he is not a public figure. He is a private citizen exercising he 1st Amendment Rights to great effect.

Second, that mob was harassing his wife. If no one stopped them, they would be harassing his children. Would it be ok for a mob to threaten and harass your family for your publicly aired views?

Side: ANTIFA attacks a moderate
2 points

Proof that liberalism is a mental disorder. These people are the lowest common denominator of humanity. They are lawless. They are just plain evil. Nothing anyone says can ever change this. They need to be exterminated.

Side: ANTIFA attacks a moderate
1 point

He's a public figure.. The public wants to send him a message..

He's a moderate that supports universal healthcare & some parts of socialism in his book. What was the message? For him to move further right out of self defense? They called him a fascist and broke his door down while his wife hid in a closet. You are a disgrace.

Tax-Subsidized Corporations? Tucker Carlson and Bernie Sanders Get It Wrong

Chilling Details: Tucker Carlson's Terrified Wife Hid in the Pantry As Antifa Thugs Damaged Her Home

Side: Star of David for Tucker
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

He's a moderate that supports universal healthcare & some parts of socialism in his book. What was the message?

Hello c:

I read the Constitution.. We have a right to protest.. It doesn't say that you have to AGREE with the reason for the protest.. The right to protest is sacrosanct even if you HATE the reasons why it's being done..

Look.. You don't agree with Kaepernick so you don't think he has a RIGHT to protest.. DUDE! That AIN'T America..


Side: ANTIFA attacks a moderate
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