
Debate Info

Yup, it is.... Trump can do no wrong
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:18
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 Yup, it is.... (4)
 Trump can do no wrong (6)

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excon(18262) pic

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country

Yup, it is....

Side Score: 5

Trump can do no wrong

Side Score: 11
1 point

Yup, it IS ... cause Trump has shown that he can do no RIGHT! :-(AND that he is out to destroy democracy while installing a system similar to [and orchestrated by] his buddy, Putin)!

Side: Yup, it is....
Iipek(32) Disputed
1 point

I examine that you are still lying. Why do you lie so much? Are you evil, or do you just enjoy lies that make you feel jolly before you rot in hell for eternity in a year or two due to old age? timeCNNadmittedCollusionstorywasfakethatlibspretenddidnthappen

Side: Trump can do no wrong

I will come to the aid of my country this November and vote Trump.

Side: Yup, it is....
2 points

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country

Your party is robbing each other, killing each other, killing black cops, , and destroying each others' businesses. Why shouldn't we just let the left fight it out with each other? If blacks and Democrat controlled police forces wanna kill each other, go for it.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Sorry. White supremacists, Neo-Nazis, or even BLACK radical groups are not Democratic Party members. Right-wing radicals or left-wing radicals .... or even TRUMP-radicals, need not apply. They won't be accepted, or tolerated, by Democrats. WE realize there are radicals on BOTH sides. WE realize there are even radicals IN BLUE! WE wouldn't physically drive non-violent protesters away from the Shite House so OUR "occupier" could finally go to church ... and then not step a foot inside! (Not to mention not open a book he has never read ;-). WE, kind'a hate that type of hypocrisy. If HE wants to kill Americans ... go for it. We are showing we know how to handle killers, no matter WHAT they are dressed in! No matter what an occupier appoints as "Attorney General". HE can only let killers and political prisoners go free AFTER they have committed their crimes. I don't know why he WOULD, but, it seems to be a habit of his.

Side: Yup, it is....
bluehot(3) Clarified
2 points

Looks like you decided social distancing wasn't needed anymore and that the media was lying again.

Side: Yup, it is....
1 point

good men

You are worse than they are. You're a nasty, narcissistic piece of work who used to vote for these asshats. The moment anybody disproves -- or even disagrees with -- something you write, you resort immediately, without hesitation, back to the lying, viciously abusive cretin you are by birth.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
Iipek(32) Disputed
1 point

Now that ANTIFA has been labeled a terrorist group, I guess the British government should be warned about your posts. We know who you are.

Side: Yup, it is....

Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country

The Communists infiltrated your party, started leading your cities, and are now on the streets intintionally leading blacks towards areas to get them arrested, and you say nothing despite their intent to destroy order and destroy Capitalism. You are a coward and definitely NOT a "good man". You are a traitor to your race and your country.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
redhot(236) Disputed
1 point

The Communists infiltrated your party

Ahahaha! Shut up Bronto you Nazi idiot.

and destroy Capitalism

Capitalism will destroy itself, halfwit. Are you literally so unfathomably stupid that you believe a system rooted in human exploitation will survive indefinitely?

Side: Yup, it is....
Iipek(32) Disputed
3 points

Capitalism will destroy itself, halfwit. Are you literally so unfathomably stupid that you believe a system rooted in human exploitation will survive indefinitely?

Nothing survives indefinitely, including Communism. Eventually someone won't accept that working harder yields no more fruit. That's why the riots in China keep intensifying. What will you say when Communism collapses? Nothing. They will have killed you and put you in the gulags for typing the word "Nazi" and defending Islam too many times. Google has your internet history. Your social credit score will be too low to live.

Side: Trump can do no wrong
Wartsauce(79) Disputed
2 points

Capitalism will destroy itself, halfwit. Are you literally so unfathomably stupid that you believe a system rooted in human exploitation will survive indefinitely?

Xi Jinping warns Communist Party would be ‘overthrown’ if Taiwan’s independence push left unchecked

President tells KMT chief Chinese people would overthrow Communist regime if island’s push for formal separation permitted, media reports say

Side: Trump can do no wrong
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

What a wonderful, descriptive, name you have chosen. Mr. Balonyhead. ;-)

Side: Yup, it is....