
Debate Info

Corona Red Corona blue
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:12
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 Corona Red (6)
 Corona blue (3)

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CrabCakes(130) pic

Corona Red

Side Score: 7

Corona blue

Side Score: 5
1 point

Red and blue America are not experiencing the same pandemic

Hello cakes.

It’s true. Red America is countryfolk, and countryfolk don’t live near other country folk. It takes close contact to spread the virus, and country folk ain’t got that.


Side: Corona Red
2 points

It’s true. Red America is countryfolk, and countryfolk don’t live near other country folk. It takes close contact to spread the virus, and country folk ain’t got that.

So what are you saying Con? Evolution works?

Side: Corona blue
1 point

So what are you saying Con? Evolution works?

If evolution works then how do you explain Trump supporters?

Side: Corona Red

It is a fascinating article. Thanks for sharing. I agree with excon that the location of the survey population is very important to give it context.

Side: Corona Red
Chinaman(3570) Clarified
1 point

So there are no Democrats that are countryfolk as your stupid mind sees things

Side: Corona Red
BurritoLunch(6566) Clarified
1 point

So there are no Democrats that are countryfolk as your stupid mind sees things

Have you ever wondered why, whenever you come onto the site, everybody leaves?

Side: Corona Red
1 point

Strange to hear it... I really don't know that Red and Blue America are not experiencing the same pandemic. I can recommend you to check with free slots and no deposit if you like to play games.

Side: Corona Red
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