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 teen curfew laws- agree or disagree? (61)

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leadsinger(16) pic

teen curfew laws- agree or disagree?

some states and cities prohibit teens of a certain age from staying out without parents by a certain time at night. What is your opinion on this?

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3 points

disagree- i think these laws are not fair, and infringe on the rights of teenagers. why should they need to be home by 9.30 on a friday night?

Side: Disagree
fullajoy365(8) Disputed
1 point

This comment is very interesting but when I did a little bit of research I have found that most curfews are for late at night on the weekends. I think for a lot of cities the time to be home is 12Am on the weekend and 11PM on the weeknights. This is very late in my opinion. I would not have my 16 year old out passed 10. Even if he goes to a party, which I know where it is and who is going to be there, he does not get to stay passed ten. I drop him off and pick him up because I care about him and do not want anything to happen to him and I do not want him having an opportunity to get into trouble. The later he stays out the more risk he runs into of getting into trouble. The later he is out the less adults are up watching what he does.

Side: Disagree
1 point

Exactly why should we im out till 12:00 PM every night walking around riding my bike. it's not fair!!!!!!!!

Side: Disagree
1 point

I support this because,we shouldnt walk around at midnight because young kids do drugs,weed,cocaine,and alcohol , ..

Side: Disagree
3 points

Honestly, if you are so concerned about crimes that you put curfews on people purely because of their age group, statistically, it would make more sense to put one on adults as they are responsible for the vast majority of crimes the world over.

Furthermore, if the parents of the small percentage of teenagers that actually do this would logically have had a hand in it, directly or indirectly. And then there's the matter that the many of these teenagers are actually looking for a thrill, therefore a curfew would actually add fuel to the fire.

Side: Disagree
1 point

thank you, this is exactly the kind of sensible explanation some adults need to hear from teenagers to see the logical side of this. My town does have curfews, although no one knows what they are and they are not enforced.

Side: Disagree
fullajoy365(8) Disputed
1 point

I would have to disagree with you when you say that most crimes are committed by adults. If you lived in my neighborhood you would see that most of the neighborhood crimes are committed by teens. I believe that parents should restrict their children from being out late at night but if they do not care enough to put a curfew on thier childrne then the city needs to. The rest of the nieghborhood needs to be protected by teens causing trouble in the name of FUN! Yes, teens are looking for a thrill which is exactly why they need a curfew. If parents keep their children in at night then they have less opportunity to find a thrill by committing some kind of crime against someone or their property.

Side: Disagree
1 point

i fully support this statement. the amount of drunk drivers and murders out there caused by adults HUGELY outweigh crimes for teens! i mean, at the most, teens steal, drink, or might get a little too rowdy when they're out and about but i strongly believe most teens are smart enough not to go throwing their entire lives away at such an early age. adults underestimate teens too much. a lot of them are cautious and responsible young adults! give them a chance! they're never gonna have the chance to learn if you dont give them the chance to. the biggest way to learn is after you make the mistake. if you keep them reigned in until they're 18, they wont have enough experience to make it in the real world. come on people. let off the curfews. we can have parents set them we dont need the goverments help to do that.

Side: Disagree

I agree. A curfew would make it harder for teens to fornicate thus reducing the number of unplanned pregnancies and abortions (which I don't want to pay for ;).

Side: agree
CATY1967(2) Disputed
1 point


Side: agree

So is that what they call friends with benefits or is that just horny friends ;)

Side: agree
1 point

Your wrong; my cousin got prgnant on the street had a curfew of 6 pm and havent got pregannt since so having a curfew helps alot SORRY DISAGREE WITH ME IDC but thats my opionon

Side: agree
CourtneyV(1) Disputed
1 point

teens despite what most parents think can have sex any time of the day. i dont understand why that is even an argument.

Side: agree

I doubt that very much. I've yet to meet a teen who gets up before 10 or 11 AM on Saturday so.... ;)

Side: agree
1 point

I Agree . A curfew is a wonderful thing because we need to stay in the house ,; and stop doing drugs and having sex , and getting pregnant,its nonsense

Side: agree
2 points

I know this is an old conversation but i am a 16 yr old and held under the curfew law of having to be home at 11 on week nights. I have to strongly agree with some of the comments stating that if "teens" are going to be breaking the law and doing such illegal things that are frowned upon by society and the government they why would they wait till after their curfew to do it. All of those things that are trying to be prevented with a curfew could be done durring the day. Curfews are basically putting a time limit on teen's fun. I am into sports and usually i wont get done with tournaments or practices till 9-10. I have to get ready to go out and by then my curfew is already being enforced. Therefore i am being punished for participating in recreation and other good things! Also if i can drive and club i should be able to stay out as late as i want

so all in all GET RID OF CURFEWS for 16 yr olds!

Side: agree
1 point

Well it depends. Teenagers range from 13-19.. I think you need to be a bit more specific. I'm not sure it should be a law but more of a guideline.

A 14 yr old should not be allowed out on his own after 9.00.. but if he's with a group of friends (3+) where it's safer, then it should be alright - in terms of safety.

A 16yr old shouldn't be allowed out after 12.00ish

Etc. It really depends on the situation.. but I think a LAW is a bit gay. Maybe like guidelines or something should be in place.. not enforced.

Side: agree
leadsinger(16) Disputed
3 points

i completely agree. i am 14 (haha) and neither my mother, my friends, my friend's mothers, nor i, have problems with us being out until 10 or 10:30. when i am 16, my parents will most likely allow me to stay out until around midnight, seeing as i am responsible and not a trouble maker.

and, by the way, the majority of us teenagers don't 'fornicate' as soon as the clock goes past 10, and making all the responsible ones stay in won't stop the others from doing it.

my town has teen curfew laws (although they are not enforced), and i think it is one of the stupidest laws to waste time passing.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I'm guessing some disgruntled kid started this debate - but what the hay. Of course teen curfew laws are a good idea. Too many little snots are running around as it is, not doing their homework, getting girls pregnant, etc.

And you are mature enough to answer this question yourself too - just ask yourself "when I get thru puberty and get married, will I want my own kids running around the neighborhood like I do?"

Now be a good boy and go to bed - its past your bedtime.

Side: Disagree
johnnyboy46(211) Disputed
3 points

First of all, don't be a moron. "its past your bedtime"...stupid.

Second, the curfew does nothing but cause more problems. You see, a teenage thought process goes something like this:

"Aww man! Its past curfew already! I guess i gotta go home."

"Wait- my parents are asleep"

"I don't see any cops"

"Even if I did, theres no way that they'll know. I look older than I am."

"So i'll just stay here"

You see, the more rules you make for teens, the more compelled they are to break them. It gives them a rush, knowing that what they are doing is wrong and that at any time they could get caught.

Side: Disagree
fullajoy365(8) Disputed
1 point

This immature thinking is the very reason teens need a curfew set by parents but if parents don't then the law should. Disobedience is not a reason to break the law! The rest of the world needs to be protected by the immaturity of teens.

Side: Disagree
2 points

Disgruntled kid? I think not. And, to answer your question, YES, I will be perfectly fine with my children doing everything I do when I go out late at night- walk around, meet friends, see a movie, enjoy myself.

And for your additional information, I do my homework (GPA-4.4), and you very well know that only few teenage girls get pregnant, and that does not mean that every one of us does. Obviously, if teens believe it is ok to be sexually active at such a young age and when unmarried, then obviously the parents (that would be you in case you didn't catch on, joe) have done something wrong to lead their teens to believe that.

I will not be a good little girl and go to bed-although it is extremely late, I have to stay up doing my homework.

Side: Disagree
fullajoy365(8) Disputed
1 point

I see that you are a bit upset because you happen to be a teen that does not get into trouble and I respect that. I also agree with you that it is the parents responsibility to parent. You say that you stay up late doing homework...well that is much different then being out in the streets not doing homework. I do not think that the teens that are out late at night are doing homework and are all good little children. No, not all teens cause trouble when they are out but many do and someone needs to protect us from them not children like you.

Side: Disagree
1 point


Side: Disagree
1 point

Disigree there shouldent be curfewes mabe people need to go 2 the store or go 2 the hospital nor something and if it gets 2 serious the should have a curfew

Side: Disagree
fullajoy365(8) Disputed
1 point

I am sure that this would be taken into consideration if you were stopped in these circumstances. Plus if you are hurt why don't you have a parent who knows that and why would your parent not be with you during this time of crises which would illiminate the need for a curfew. I would never send my teen to the store in the middle of the night. I wouldn't even go in the middle of the night unless there was an emergency and if there was an emergency I would not send my teen.

Side: Disagree
1 point

We teenagers should not have curfew laws. some of our parents leave at 2 am what we do but walk around and wait for the bus. curfew laws SUCK!!!!!!!!!

Side: Disagree
1 point

We are not that stupid to have sex and drink at such a young age. curfew laws are unfair.

Side: Disagree
1 point

Im 17 i hate curfew laws. who cares if were out at 11:00 at night we dont.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I disagree. I think that minors should be aloud to go about their business at any time, just as anyone else is. Who is the government to say that minors do not have the ability to responsibly go outside at night.

Sure, some minors will commit crimes at night. That doesn't mean all minors should be punished. I guess most adults don't care because they are not affected by the laws. I bet a curfew on adults would decrease the crime rate even further, though.

Side: Disagree
1 point

I'm sixteen and I think these curfew limits are good. I mean, seriously guys. What's open after eleven/midnight or whatever anyway? Besides Safeway and Rite Aid, nothing that's any good. And who wants to hangs out at grocery stores anyway? So what's the point of being out that late if all you're going to do is mindlessly roam the streets or try to illegally get into bars? Unless you really do hang out at grocery stores. ;)

Side: agree
Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

I like to go for walks in the dark- it shows a different side of the scenery, and in popular places it's not crowded. Plus, as a Wicca, some rituals can only be done after dark and outside: and the garden just isn't the same as the top of Warton crag.

Side: agree
1 point

why do we kids neeed a curfew i say if you have friends you can go out past 10pm just to have fun and chill out because maybe want to get ready for when you hit that stage where you dont really give a DAMN about anything or anyone thats when you want to get out of the house and go and have fun give us a break and let s out after 10pm you fools how r we ment 2 socialise if we cant go out just let us go out after 10pm

Side: Disagree
1 point

woo go scotty!!! leave us allone fools!! woop woop

Side: agree
1 point

i agree with scotty woop woop just let us out we are not going to cause any more trouhan adults do tell me how r us kids ment to socialize when we cant go out after 10pm

Side: agree
1 point

uhh come on guys give us a break if we have a curfew then when we turn 18 its all going to be a shock when we r actualy alloud out after dark why call us young adults if your treating us like 2 year olds teens need freedom we go to school all day then we get trapped inside how r we supposed to socialize!! let it go fools!

Side: Disagree
1 point

I completely agree! Keep the little buggers off the streets........

Side: Disagree
1 point

Im a younge teen and thinks that there shouldnt be any curfew at all. unless its by your parents. Not ALL teens are bad . and will do crimes we just want to have fun ! WE GO TO SCHOOL MOST OF THE DAY WHY HAVE A CURFEW? seriouslYYY .. UGHH

Side: Disagree
1 point

ok so yea i think teen should not have a creful but they should be police and other parents around so nothing to dangoureus happpen u know right.

Side: agree
1 point

yes i aggreee we need to have mmore support right uytghrer5yt6rutikhjgfvdswretyuihjk,m;)

Side: agree
1 point

It really depends on the time of curfew. I really do believe that teens should have a curfew just because they don't need to be out at 2 AM even on a Friday night. However, it doesn't need to be at 10. I come from a town where curfew is really relaxed. It's mostly just used to see what you're doing if you're a kid up in the middle of the night. It makes a good excuse to pull you over. However, you can usually get out of a curfew ticket if you claim you're just coming home from work.

Side: agree
1 point

It's age discrimination, and religious discrimination: in Wicca, sometimes we practise a rituals after dark. In rural areas, it would be difficult to uphold, anyway.

Side: agree
1 point

I know that when I was a teen and I was out late at night, I was usually up to no good. It's probably best that they have a curfew.

Side: agree
1 point

If a teen is going out looking for trouble, he's going out whether there's a curfew or not. But the teens looking to get together with some friends will be left stuck at home like a baby...

Side: agree
1 point

I'm against government enforced curfews because they're a clear violation of the First Amendment's public assembly protection. If a group of teens are out past 11, just walking around and having fun, why should they be arrested for being in public under some arbitrary age minimum?

Now, if parents want to set their own curfew, that's their business. However, they shouldn't expect the government to help them enforce it.

Side: agree

Teens are minors and minors must be protected so a curfew is a necessity to protect the teens from crime.

Side: agree
1 point

Why do you think there should be no teen curfews?? Please only comment down below if you have done research and have a link to prove it.

Side: agree
1 point

Teenagers need to be treated like adults right? So they need to be able to stay outside as long as they want as they are not kids or babies.

Side: agree
GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

Why should teenagers be treated like adults?

Side: agree
alexis-hora(2) Clarified
1 point

Teenagers need to be treated like adults because how else are they going to grow up if we keep treating them like children? Teenagers are already reaching the status of a young adult. Every teenager within a state is taught the same thing: what they're able and unable to do in the city/state and the consequences if they do something against the law. Yes, some teenagers do terrible things when there aren't adults around, but those that don't are having their freedom taken away.

Side: agree
1 point

disagree - I'm aware that teenagers take drugs or drink just because they think it's cool, but what about the teenagers who do no such thing? I find it unfair the people who follow the rules and merely want to have fun on a Friday night, but are unable to do so because of a ridiculous time required for every teenager within the state. They should be able to have some freedom. There's also that fear of your child making a mistake, but how are they going to know what they're doing is wrong unless they get in trouble for it. I'm not saying you should allow your teenager to stay out past curfew because that's a little risky, but I am saying that I believe the curfew is unnecessary.

Side: agree
0 points

i think it is good to have teen curfews there would be less crimes every wher and the world and no one will be getting raped by gay guys and pedifiles

Side: agree
leadsinger(16) Disputed
1 point

the point of this is to NOT contradict yourself. guys and pedophiles? ....dumb. how many of those are there in a year?

Side: agree
fullajoy365(8) Disputed
1 point

I would have to dissagree with you to a point. I believe there would be less crime but I believe it is not the teenager that are the pediphiles. I believe those kinds of crimes are committed more by older adults. I need to check that to make sure I am right. I also do not think that being gay has anything to do with wether you are committing a crime or not.

Side: agree
-3 points
leadsinger(16) Disputed
1 point

thank you for hurting your own side of the argument! i can assure you all, most teenagers (at least all the ones _I_ know), just want to hang out!! if teens are breaking the law by smoking or drinking, they should be on probation or in juvie! if they are irresponsible enough to have sex at that age, maybe their parents shouldn't be letting them out??

this is an issue of parenting, not legislating.

Side: Disagree
fullajoy365(8) Disputed
1 point

So who protects the rest of us when parents do not do their job keeping their kids in?

Side: Disagree
1 point

Thats right. we just want to hang out not have sex be irresponsible.

Side: Disagree
1 point

not sure if you argumentative dimwits have noticed or not, but we're winning! there's no sense whatsoever in teen curfews! exactly how this amazing leadsinger(16) stated, those unruly teens need to be handled in a way that does not affect the teens that deserve their freedom!

Side: Disagree
1 point

This is off of believeyoume. Being a 15 year old guy. I agree. its not really what your doing, unless you go to far like with drinking and start to not even know what your doing, its more how you do it, some peoples personality is the kind that wants to go out and vandalize stuff, or some people want to start fights, which just sucks for everyone. But some people like me just do these things like drink and smoke because its a lot of fun, and we are not some idiots that go and mess stuff up just for fun, we stay inside and talk and have all the fun inside, but for curfews we sometime walk to someone elses house in the neighbor hood. now if we got caught by cops that would sound really bad, drinking smoking, under age past curfew, but to us were not harming anyone or anything, were just having fun, in a responsible way i guess you'd say.

Side: agree
kamranw(232) Disputed
0 points

It is necessary because of all the things you already mentioned. Smoking, sex, drinking are all illegal underage. I do think that the term 'teen' is a little vague though as an 18 year old is an adult and to have a curfew would be outrageous.

Side: agree
fullajoy365(8) Disputed
1 point

I agree that smoking, sex and drinking are illegal for children under 18 but these things are not the kind of crimes the cities are trying to get our children to stop doing. I believe it is crimes of vandelism, crimes of shoplifting, and crimes of destruction to personal property. The things you mentioned should be controlled by parents. I also agree with you that having a curfew when you are 18 is obsurd because if you can vote then you are officially an adult. I do believe though that the curfew laws are for children under that age so your arguement would be unwarranted.

Side: agree