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Debate Score:45
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saintlouis(161) pic

was Lincoln a good president?

In my opinion, Lincoln was a bad president.

He "freed the slaves" as a political stunt for great Britain not to join the confederate cause.

I beleive his reputation was saved by a bullet.

Keep in mind at all times that this is not over the legitimacy of the CSA.

If you post here please tell your state if you are an american. I'm a Missourian, neither yank nor reb.


Side Score: 21


Side Score: 24
3 points

The State of New York. I believe Lincoln was a good President because he would not let the Union dissolve. If he did the States would have been destroyed by an outside foe. "A house divided cannot stand" "We must hang together or we shall hang separately" "United we stand, divided we fall" &c;. So many of these sayings are in the American language.

Side: yes
Republican2(348) Disputed
2 points

I believe Lincoln was a good President because he would not let the Union dissolve. If he did the States would have been destroyed by an outside foe.

Are you aware that the war he waged to conquer the confederacy resulted in almost a million deaths? And furthermore, because of all these deaths, it weakened the federal army's combative strength so much, the US could have been conquered by Mexico or Canada, or just about any country that wanted to at the time.

"A house divided cannot stand" "We must hang together or we shall hang separately" "United we stand, divided we fall" &c;. So many of these sayings are in the American language.

There were also prevalent quotes in Nazi Germany about how the Jews were filthy pigs. Just because an influential figure says something doesn't make it right.

Side: No
2 points

I believe that history has recorded FDR and Lincoln as our two best Presidents.

Side: yes
saintlouis(161) Disputed
2 points

the history you learned in school? keep in mind that education is provided by the United States.

Side: No

Agreed. The United States Government has no interest in bashing itself. It teaches how it sees history rather than sometimes than actuality.

Public School Indoctrination

Side: No
2 points

He was a great president. Without him all blacks in the world would be slaves. We wouldnt have Hally Berry or Michael Jackson!!!!

Side: yes
saintlouis(161) Disputed
1 point

"All blacks in the world would be slaves"

you do realize that most civilized nations had given up slavery, right?

Side: No
Morgie7171(85) Disputed
1 point

Do YOU know how many countrys haven't given it up????? And many countrys still wont allow you to express your opinion about slavery???

Side: yes

Lincoln proved the idea that men of any financial background, if talented enough, could become a major political voice. much more, he worked hard to give men of any race or background their own voice, an idea that while spoken off before him, Little was done to enact it until Lincoln.

Side: yes
saintlouis(161) Disputed
2 points

Lincoln proved the idea that men of any financial background, if talented enough, could become a major political voice.

No, that was Andrew Jackson.

he worked hard to give men of any race or background their own voice, an idea that while spoken off before him, Little was done to enact it until Lincoln

"If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."

That was said by no other than Loncoln himself. He cared nothing for the slaves but only for the "preservation of the union"

Side: No
NuclearFish(182) Disputed
3 points

North Carolina

1. Andrew Jackson was a terrible man and his campaign was a smearing lie. He was born into wealth.

2. The preservation of the Union is a bad thing to care about?

Side: yes
republican87(1) Disputed
1 point

Lincoln despised slavery and that was a well know fact. Him making it so clear to the public is why he lost his election to the senate in Illinois. His hatred for slavery is one of the biggest contributors for him winning the presidency as well. The confederate states started to secede shortly after him being elected as president because they knew his stance on slavery. Lincoln made the statement that you quoted not because he didn't care about slaves, but because the country meant more to him than slavery did and by that quote he was emphasizing that truth.

Side: yes

Well, he does have a big memorial to him in Washington. He was a good President but I think he could have averted the Civil War.

Side: yes

Just because liberal scholars suggest Lincoln and FDR are in the top 5 presidents, it doesn't actually mean that they are among the best 5 presidents.

Excluding the founding fathers because they were libertarians, those in the first quartile, guess who is included: Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, Truman, Teddy and JFK are all liberal. The only conservative is Eisenhower.

Even Obama breaks the top 15, and he is only in office for 1 and a half years.

Since WWII, the only liberal in the third quartile is Jimmy Carter while on the other hand, as conservatives, George W Bush is in the fourth and bottom quartile with Nixon and Ford in the third quartile.

Supporting Evidence: Rankings (
Side: No
1 point

Finally, someone who has the same view upon this issue.

But keep in mind, being a liberal hasn't always been a bad thing. An example of this would be the Mexican civil war. But that is a matter of a different debate.

Side: No
1 point

Sorry for adding my argument where i should have simply put the question. I'm new to this site but my argument stays as stated above.

Side: No
1 point

I agree, Lincoln only freed slaves to give hope to northerners.

Lincoln suspended habeas corpus, or innocent until pr oven guilty. How can that be justified.

Lincoln was in every way a tyrant.

Stephen Douglas would have been a much better President, running on the platform of allowing the country to continue being separate on the issue of slavery. Lincoln told pretty little lies that the country couldn't survive while separated on this issue. This is a bad argument because the nation is often split on an issue.

I think that history has been changed and we are made to believe that slavery was the main issue of the Civil War, which it wasn't.

Side: No

He waged a war that cost over 600,000 lives; the bloodiest war in American history. Not to mention the untold thousands of civilian deaths, many of which were on propose. After about a year of this, even people up north were starting to get upset with him. It turned out that most people didn't much care if the south seceded, so the federal government needed a moral trump card. And it was at this time that slavery became the prominent issue, even though it hadn't really been talked about as a reason the north was slaughtering people up until then. What it was really about was a power struggle. The Yankees wanted absolute federal power, and they killed near a million people to get it. They then started to build monuments to their achievements and indoctrinate youths into their ideology, so that they were the upstanding morally correct ones and the south was traitorous and racist. Lincoln was a war criminal and John Wilkes Booth was the real hero

Side: No
1 point

I will go with no, mostly because he didn't respect the rights of the state. By that I do not mean the right to own slaves I think that was a legitimate thing to oppose. He wasn't even concearned about slavery until halfway through the war and had even stated he didn't care if he had to keep slavery or abolish it in order to keep the UNion together.

Side: no