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This personal waterfall shows you all of AKlast's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I agree, the Lakers are going to win.

BTW, you don't go to debates if u dont even like the topic. There's nothing to debate there. :(

2 points

And thus the governments are behind the kidnapping! It all makes sense!

No but seriously, that's just wrong. The government is supposed to protect the people, not try and cheat the people. Though it does seem trivial since the government has to state something so specific to lessen the money loss.

2 points

Whether you like it or not, there are people above the law. It can be called using a "get out of Jail Free Card." There are people who can pay their way around things, as greed is rooted in many. There are people who are also against this and try to weed those people, but they always find an escape. The law says all are under the law, but the law cannot capture those who can disappear.

2 points

I don't think there was much to do to prevent the war. Mussolini had already inspired Hitler by means of showing his power and ability to take over Italy. Hitler's ambitions grew and the war was only delayed by the fact that the Western European countries tried to use the method of appeasement to try and prevent war. By doing this it only fed Hitler's power. Land was given to Hitler over and over again. Even if there was no appeasement, Hitler was set on expanding Germany, and even had shown this when he made secret deals with Stalin to take over Poland.

2 points

I think they already did. This was posted on CBS news website

"New Attorney General Eric Holder will drop all charges pending against former Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens, according to an exclusive report from National Public Radio Wednesday."

I agree though, there should be another chance for Stevens to go at it. It was really unfair, cuz when they did charge him, people all over America (not everyone, of course) criticized him, and many of us Alaskans were outraged.

2 points

Wow, there are a lot of kidnappings that are conducted by a member of the family. Even if it seems wrong, it happens. The confusing thing is that what do they call that then? Not kidnapping, but the child was "borrowed"? idk :(

4 points

woah woah, come down man, hey,

all the guy sed was that he imagined the "Matrix" scene of

shooting people. Now, if u are saying that

people who wished they were Neo are sick, then there's a lot of

people u just insulted, cuz lot of people think the Matrix fight scenes are cool. Even i wish i was able to do kung-fu and shoot guns like a pro :P

2 points

Math, yeah its straightforward. However, there's so many places u can make mistakes. I hav all A's in Pre-Cal, and i did well in taking both Geometry and Algebra 2 last year

However, even if im okay at it, i just hate having to go through numbers over and over again.

Seein the numbers 0-9 all over the page, very confusing

6 points

Hey, my religion is against that, but that dosent mean it has to be outlawed for everyone

We live in a land of "freedom", even if we can't exercise taht freedom sometimes. It's just violating a citizen's right to free will to prohibit gay marriage.

I'm not really into gay marriage, but if other people are, i wish u luck in standing up for your beliefs

4 points

I think evolution is an actual truth, since we are able to prove it and all. However, i think the two are closely linked.

But seeing as how everyone has their own beliefs, bleev what u want. My religion has already influenced me, so i'd like to believe God created the Big Bang and designed how evolution would occur. The Bible is not all truth sometimes, because the story of creation could just be a way to improve faith, not to state the way people came to be, we hav science for that

3 points

That's some weird rite there. Fantasizing about murdering ppl is just...bad. I mean personally yeah i mite want someone dead if they really got me mad, like the kid who stole my gameboy (JK), but to actually fantasize about the action is too much for me to comprehend.

But hey, if there's some of u who do that as a means to not actually doing the action, keep doing that or even better, lay off the fantasies and go see someone..who u r not prone to fantasize about killing also

Tho if ur talking about how to kill someone in a game, that's a different story. I play Gears of War 2 often, and u do hav to rly think of how ur gonna beat the other person when u play, so in that situation yes i do think about killing a game of course

3 points

It depends on which definition u want to use. Many believe having a cell is all it takes. This is partially true, due to the fact that many living organisms contain a cell or more. However, the widely known definition for "being alive" is that it needs to be able to reproduce. This is a debated continuously since viruses do not make "baby viruses" buit spread. Some see the spread as reproduction, but others see the virus just gaining size, not really making more.

Hope that helps

3 points

Yeah i hav cussed, tho im not proud of it rly

It's not a matter of i want to be polite. It's that seeing media and friends, sometimes u hear cuss words associated when someone is angry. When I myself become angry, i cuss bcuz most ppl understand that some cuss words hav certain feelings attatched. The F--- word can be used as a swear, when ur really upset. If u hear someone say that word, u kinda understand that they r nowhere near happy. Just my point of view :P

2 points

What's the ponst of committing suicide, resigning does give u chance to find another job. Suicides just....uncool, if u do that, ur gonna muiss out on some fun stuff, evejn if u did bad stuff in the past. Nobody should deserve to die over money :(

2 points

yeah it is. u get here, u dream that u will succeed. dreaming dosent mean it will come true, it just means u hope it will happen. America holds dreams of success. Keep dreaming guys :)

2 points

U R using the internet guys! thats technology, in that sense, there should be no one on the other side saying "I HATE TECHNOLOGY!" if u hate it, dont go online. C'mon, u kno u luv google, admit it. also without technology, u could not use this site to argue!


5 points

...there's no way they could hav kids w/o adoption. Also, so what if ppl will laugh. That's THEIR problem. They should understand that ppl hav free will and exercise it. Not everyone is straight u kno.

Funny Thing: U can sidestep yo mama jokes if u hav two father rofl

2 points

That's violating our rights. Censoring is to protect "the youth". To protect them, just dont see public entertainment like that. Go to animated movies or something, youth can see that. Its up to the people.

Hint: There is something called a parental block, try it

2 points

CD is allowed at skool, so i mite as well. Besides im able to get some of my friends in when they see me do this :)

2 points

That's just sterotypical rite there. Gender does not influnce a person's ability to clarify something too much. Many women AND men are shallow, not all. A person may seem shallow, but everyone has some depth, you just might be looking at them the wrong way.

2 points

It is much better for the whole world to try to boost economy. If only a few countries boost themselves up, then ther countries will fall into the dust. The ones that were able to boost themselves up then will not have any other countries to trade with except a few. By helping each other out, we can create many more trade opportunities, thus boosting each others even farther.

Global Economy Boost FTW

2 points

Harvard is set as a the best school one can go to. The problem is, many people who get into Harvard became snobby and think their much higher than everyone else just because others did not get into Harvard. Yale has a much friendlier environment.Instead of being the crammed kind of kids who have high standards, everyone is able to work with each other without any animosity.

Yale FTW

2 points

Jealousy is what gets ppl mad. If u dont hav what u want, u get "bitchy", simple as that

1 point

Dpends on what u like

Fantasy: Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr

American Literature: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Great


African American Literature: Beloved

Teens: Catcher in the Rye

the list goes on, hope this helps

1 point

That is not true, the greatest means everyone likes his stories. A lot don't. I dont like reading things that go "Thy" and "Banish-ed" all the time. He did hav a gr8 ionflunce, but so did a lot of writers, like mark twain, or F. Scoot Fitzgerald.

There is no "greatest Writer", only good, or shouldnt write at all

Also, everyone has their likes and dislikes, and not everyone likes Shakespeare.

2 points

EVIL is a very shaky word.

it could mean that i dont like "conformity"

which i absolutely don't. U rly like seeing the same thing over and over agn? i dont

Chaos rulez, tho i would never want to hurt anyone on purpose.

There's a thin line between the two, i choose to hav a kind-nature, but a little chaos added :P

1 point

Read Comics! of course we're not alone :P

no but it really is undefined, tho i wanna say yes.

PPL in the "Olden Dayz" used to think they were the only ones around, however, they found out ppl lived in other prts of the world. The same situation applies here.

We don't kno

1 point

Just Because :P

Nah but Really, I like personality a bit more that physical features, i mean i would not want to be with a pretty girl who is rude all the time. Some girl kind and caring would be gr8!

Of course if she is pretty, that's added

1 point

Red Alert 2, duh, its classic!

I mean Shocktroopers that go BZZZZZ

and Chrono Legionnaires that can teleport through space and time, DAMN!! and food! (JK)

no but seriously, take some tesla coils and those humans and covenenant are fried,and if that dosent work, teleport behind then and give'em a wedgie


1 point

Yeah i would. i mean saving ppl'z lives, thats just selflessness rite there

thats kool to find in ppl, admit it, u like superhero movieess!

2 points

You wanna say that U R, but let's face it, u are influenced

who u hang out with, they "influence" u

U try to fit in, nobody likes to be left out

of course there are somethings that might go

against ur ethics, but still, u like to fit in

Ever try to talk but ppl ignore u? that's the feeling ppl

7 points


they have muchos flavors in contrast to teh noobish usually cheddar Cheeto's

Also, when u eat cheetos, all u get is powder, but when u eat doritoz, u can sum it up with the phrase "NOM NOM NOM NOM", very tasty, awesome to lick of fingerz

Cheetos are great. Let's admit it. I'm usually disgusted by food coloring...but that day glow orange is somehow so appealing to me. And they're super cheesy.

However...Doritos are more convenient to eat (no orange stuff that won't come off your fingers). AND...this is the clincher. They come in many, many varieties. I.E., Nacho Cheesier, Four Cheese, Cooler Ranch, Salsa, etc...yummy.

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