
FactMachine's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of FactMachine's arguments, looking across every debate.

I know you are anonymous_12 and this is yet another scheme to get our IPs.

Most of the good debates from me and Mathfan get totally ignored while all your partisan parrots prattle on about the same boring issues over and over again, I am on a higher level of consciousness than you, I am God compared to the average user on this site, you are all parasites who have forced me to resort to this because you are all so fucking boring.

When I first started using this site I didn't even use profane language and everything I said was 100% serious but after days of hearing the same things being repeated over and over and seeing how EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU is a pseudo intellectual monkey-cunt just spewing rhetoric and subjective hogwash I simply had to lower your vibrational frequency like you have lowered mine and send those negative vibes to interfere with your prana-flow.

FactMachine(430) Clarified
0 points

Logic and reason have no bias, they are the very absence of bias itself.

How long did it take you to write that?

Did Jesus help you write it?

I am a FactMachine

I have no bias or ideology, just logic and reason.

When are you going to leave like you said you would quantumsnake mcSv3riclaturesberg?

That's actually a good profile idea, Quantumsnake.

And you're not? You spend more time here than me buddy, you are also sniping at people you don't know on the internet, what part of that don't you understand? When people insult me it makes me feel better about myself, especially if it's a large group of people who all think the same garbage, I am glad to not be one of you and your insults only serve to prove that I am not conforming to your idiotic ideology and I am not a robot who has been programmed by the same garbage as everyone else. If you where to compliment me I would question my sanity, it is a good sign that you are against me and that the majority of people are against me in all things.

It doesn't matter what anyone cares about, it only matters what's objectively true, and what's objectively true is that you are ugly and stupid and making an appeal to popularity which in itself proves that you are trash because the majority is always wrong and innovators and great thinkers are usually never popular until after their death.

Nomenclature has vitamin D deficiency and cerebral hypoxia

2 points

My ten year old cousin made me listen to that song. I didn't kill myself when my parents died, I didn't kill myself when I was kicked out of school and sent to prison at age 16 for stealing a flute from the music room, I didn't kill myself when I found out I had cancer, but damn it, the more I think about jake paul the more I want to just end it all.

I just realized we have the same initials only backwards, I guess if I was someone else that would be incriminating but since I'm me I can tell you that's just a coincidence.

They actually have the highest conscious level since they do so little else.

Please tell me you're joking, rocks and toasters sit around all day too, they don't even have to waste energy metabolizing anything or producing seeds, so inanimate objects must be the most intellectually smurt

FactMachine(430) Clarified
1 point

You iodine deficient rodent, why does everyone think I'm everyone? It's beginning to annoy me.

What makes you think I'm Sv3rige?

I hate Sv3rige, he's hilarious, but I hate him.

I'm not Mathfan either, what makes you think that?

Did you see how Nathan Allen tried to get my IP address? He used a site called grabify but I didn't fall for it.

He insists that you, me and bronto and GL are the same person.

Has he tried to grabify you yet?

2 points

There should be no "prolife" and "prochoice" because the bottom line is that we should all want to make abortion unnecessary and make it so that the conditions which necessitate abortion are eliminated and in that sense we should all be prolife but also abortion IS necessary in some cases and is sometimes the best option so when it's necessary we should support the right to have an abortion. prolife vs. prochoice is just more black/white left/right polarized indoctrinated ignorance.

We shouldn't just be having abortions at a whim but we shouldn't be stopping abortions when that is the best option, prolife and prochoice are both stupid, we must eliminate the need for abortion at a practical level rather than preaching the morality of it and we must allow necessary abortions rather than whining about womens "choice" to abort whenever they want.

You should make a montage of you kicking nomenclature's ass and use motivational music.

You will have to deceive them like you tried to deceive me only in a way that can't be figured out by a 2 year old.

I don't think Bronto is Nomenclature, that is ridiculous , think about how long they go on arguing with each other every day, who would literally spend ALL DAY arguing with themself?

22mins ago.

Write to FactMachine


Delete | Block NathanAllen said:

I know for a fact that bronto is nom and nom is good.

Just need their IPs to prove it.

24mins ago.

Write to NathanAllen



Delete | Block FactMachine said:

I'm not any of them, you people are all paranoid nut cases, I will tell you this though, I DO have alts none of which are nomenclature or bronto or any of those imbeciles.

26mins ago.

Write to FactMachine


Delete | Block NathanAllen said:

Right now I think all 4 accounts are the same person

28mins ago.

Write to NathanAllen


Delete | Block NathanAllen said:

Yes I am. You want me to belive that you are not bronto,nom, or good don't you?

29mins ago.

Write to NathanAllen


Delete | Block NathanAllen said:

LOL, no I am not the one to fuck someones computer or phone up. Just trolling along. Got nothing else to do at the moment.

29mins ago.

Write to NathanAllen

That's not true, my IP should be available, if you can really get IPs you shouldn't have a problem. Nathan just tried to get my IP using "grabify" but I was too smart for his trick.

Do mine, that's the only way anyone can know for sure, one IP can easily be faked and Nomenclature will say it's not real either way but I will admit it if you get mine.

This is Hillary's campaign

"I'm a woman, Donald Trump is a nazi, I believe that...ahugh...ahuAAAACHK ACHUKHZAHUGH HUGH PLGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHTT AHUH AHUH! coughs up green slime balls and faints

The question isn't is it ethical to kill humans, it's WHEN is it ethical to kill humans when isn't it?

Is it ethical to kill someone for no reason? no.

Is it ethical to kill a child molesting clown who worships Hitler? Yes.

Some humans should be killed, like child molesters and pop singers

I hate to break it to ya, but no one in the scientific community would so much as bat an eye at your argument, because it is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of how evolution works. You are simply making the assertion that macro-evolution must happen abruptly, that there must be a generation which suddenly just can't reproduce with the last and becomes a new species automatically, and that there must be intelligent design because of that. The only way you can believe this line of thinking has any credibility is if you completely ignore and refuse to even acknowledge the possibility that evolution is A GRADUAL AND INCREMENTAL PROCESS AND NONE OF YOUR ARGUMENTS HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH HOW EVOLUTION REALLY WORKS, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON TO ASSUME ANY OF YOUR PROVISIONS ARE TRUE BECAUSE AS I'VE ALREADY POINTED OUT THEY REQUIRE YOU TO JUST AUTOMATICALLY ASSUME THAT MACRO-EVOLUTION IS AN ABRUPT SPONTANEOUS PROCESS AND IGNORE "BREED" OR ANY GREY AREA WHICH MAY LEAD TO A LARGER DEVIATION, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON FOR THESE ASSUMPTIONS AND ASSERTIONS OTHER THAN TO SET UP A FALSE PRETENSE TO PROTECT YOUR ARGUMENT AND TO AUTOMATICALLY DISQUALIFY ANY ARGUMENT WHICH RELATES TO THE ACTUAL PROCESS WHICH LEADS TO SPECIATION, THE BASELESS ASSERTION THAT "new species magically appear abruptly because god" IS NOT PROOF OF ANYTHING EXCEPT REMARKABLE BIAS AND IGNORANCE

Why must macroevolution happen rapidly? Why why why why why? Where have you provided any evidence for that claim? Stop pretending you have proven something when you are just making unfounded baseless claims to support your position, you are not trying to reach an objective conclusion, you have already decided to believe what you believe and are just trying to confirm what you already assume to be true.

I would suggest basing your conclusion on evidence rather than deciding on a conclusion before hand and making up your own rules to support that conclusion, once again I will remind you for good measure THERE IS NO REASON TO BELIEVE THAT TWO DIFFERENT SPECIES MUST MATE FOR SPECIATION TO OCCUR AND THERE IS NO REASON TO ASSUME THAT MACRO EVOLUTION MUST OCCUR ABRUPTLY AND YOU WILL HAVE TO PROVIDE SOME BASIS FOR THOSE CLAIMS BEFORE YOU CARRY ON AS IF THEY ARE A GIVEN SO SHUT UP OR SUPPORT YOUR BASELESS ASSERTIONS

Perhaps we are miscommunicating, to me it sounded like you where implying that two entirely separate species have to mate for speciation to occur, if you are just referring to mating in general then that's a given, obviously they would have to mate

If the change isn't rapid, then I have disproved macro-evolution altogether. If it is rapid and widespread in spurts, this implies the type of ID rigging I said is plausible.

This is total nonsense, you haven't proven in the slightest that evolution can't exist as a gradual and time consuming process, which it is. Your hyper-reductionist assertions bypass the entire notion out of necessity, for it is the very gradual and incremental nature of evolution which destroys your logic and that is why you can't even acknowledge such a thing. And if it was rapid that would not necessarily imply intelligent design, there could be other explanations like quantum supersymmetrical hyper-string manifolds oscillating within the ninth dimension which are bound through the membrane field lattice of hyperspace through various field modalities to the Deoxy-ribo Nucleic Acid and produces the holographic resonance of order and complexity.

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