
Debate Info

Prolife. Prochoice.
Debate Score:30
Total Votes:41
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 Prolife. (7)
 Prochoice. (10)

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Sitar(3680) pic

Prolife or prochoice?


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 19
2 points

There should be no "prolife" and "prochoice" because the bottom line is that we should all want to make abortion unnecessary and make it so that the conditions which necessitate abortion are eliminated and in that sense we should all be prolife but also abortion IS necessary in some cases and is sometimes the best option so when it's necessary we should support the right to have an abortion. prolife vs. prochoice is just more black/white left/right polarized indoctrinated ignorance.

We shouldn't just be having abortions at a whim but we shouldn't be stopping abortions when that is the best option, prolife and prochoice are both stupid, we must eliminate the need for abortion at a practical level rather than preaching the morality of it and we must allow necessary abortions rather than whining about womens "choice" to abort whenever they want.

Side: Prolife.
1 point

Agreed. Why are you prolife? I'm prolife for scientific reasons...........................................

Side: Prolife.
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
0 points

First of all, the Democrat Party refuses to restrict what you call "abortions at a whim". They refuse to make any law restricting any abortion at a whim.

I am so sick of phonies who say they are not pro abortion, and then in the next sentence explain why they would not stop "at a whim" abortions by refusing to vote for politicians who keep it legal.

Abortion at a whim would be prevented in the next election cycle if the phonies actually cared one tiy bit, and told these extreme pro abortion politicians they would not vote for them until they limit abortions.

The GOP has tried to pass 20 week limits (with extreme case exceptions) and the Democrat party ALWAYS IN ALMOST COMPLETE UNISON SAY... NO WAY!

So unless you are willng to put your vote and voice to where your rhetoric is, quit wasting our time.

If we used your same logic, and made it legal to kill you, but would work for the day to eliminate the need to kill others like you, what would you say to that law?

Why do you think we have laws protecting innocent life? Why are you such a phoney when wanting your life protected, but when it comes younger human lives, you say we should not make it illegal, but rather work for the day when we can eliminate the need for abortions.

That day will never come while hundreds of thousands of innocent babies are killed each year, at a whin.


A life is a life no matter it's age or location. IT DESERVES THE SAME PROTECTION AS YOU AND I GET!

Side: Prochoice.
0 points

Other than Life of mother or maybe some other extreme cases, YES, ALL INNOCENT LIFE SHOULD BE PROTECTED!

This is what pro abortion supporters do to deceive the public & hide the inhumanity of their policies.

1) Steer the abortion conversation to life of mother & rape pregnancies, or Zygotes & first trimester abortions, all to deflect what they really support which is No Restriction abortions of all babies, even viable babies for any reason up to birth.

This is the first thing pro choice people do. The GOP has allowed extreme case exceptions since abortion was legalized yet we still hear every day about these extreme rare cases.

Lie, deceive, exaggerate, etc., all to condition the electorate to think the GOP wil deny these extreme case abortions.(by the way, rape pregnancies can be prevented within a day or two with a doctor visit)

2) They talk about the medical name of an unborn Baby..... Fetus. By using the name Fetus, they somehow believe it changes the status of the life growing inside the mother. Somehow in their thinking, a Baby that has not yet traveled through the birth canal is different than it is after it is has moved down that canal. WOW, TALK ABOUT DENIAL!

3) They talk about the supposed hard life these unwanted children will have if allowed to live. So in all their God like powers, they know the future of every Baby aborted? How many great people have come from poverty or foster homes, etc.? To be so arrogant to allow the deaths of innocent life because of some perceived hard life is beyond diabolical.

4) Pro choice people like to say they do not personally believe in abortion, but would afford other's the choice to end the lives of their unborn Babies. Gee, how nice of them. I always wonder how a person who personally believes that aborting his own Baby is wrong because it is ending a human life, can support allowing other babies to die. PHONEY!

5) After all the scare tactics and deceptions, their next step is to lie and say they do not support late term abortions for any reason. They refuse to accept accountability for supporting all late term abortions of even viable babies every time they vote for Democrats who support it.

6) The Democrat Party and the Left even supports killing viable special needs babies, for any reason up to birth, for merely being different from them. That's like the Nazi mentality where we only want blond haired blue eyed people being born in Germany. In all their arrogance, they will deem who is deservng of life. Where is all their talk about diversity, inclusiveness, tolerance, compassion? I guess these special olympic children actully mean nothing to them. Their lives are disposable.

7) How many times do we hear the Left tell us how a mother has the right to her own body? Yes she does, but she has no right to take the life of the other body inside of her, (unless her life is in jeapordy). There are TWO lives involved, not just the mother's.

I am not here trying to judge any woman who has had an abortion. I'm trying to bring humanity back to our nation by protecting our most innocent vulnerable lives.

Side: Prolife.
1 point

I'm prolife too. I'm awefully tired of liberal proaborts smacking about my body my choice, when it's not the mother's body.I wish everyone would use contraception.

Side: Prolife.
mrcatsam(663) Disputed
1 point

This is the exact same argument you've posted more than twice. Should abortionbebanned9

Side: Prochoice.
3 points

I used to be Prolife up until 2016. While I still don't believe in abortions , I now have a better understanding as to why some people have them . I was one of the ones that used to say adoption is always the better option and it gives the child a chance to blossom and grow . There are a lot of reasons as to why women want to have an abortion. Rape, no income , father walked away , family forcing you , or you just simply don't want any kids . I never thought about medical issues being one of the reasons why. My friend got an abortion last year . She has two kids already and had just gotten over having breast cancer. I don't know how true it is , but she said she didn't want the hormones to make her cancer come back. She already had two kids and didn't want to risk her life and leave her kids behind. I started to thinking about other medical issues where having a kid could cause more problems medically or even death. For women who already have kids and medical issues are the reason you want an abortion, then I understand. I will stand and say for those of you who don't have kids to take that risk because at the end of the day it's never the child's fault.

Side: Prochoice.
1 point

Fair enough> I used to believe life began at birth, until I reexamined Biblical and scientific evidence. I believe life begins at conception for said reasons, and would love to debate you, and get to know you...........................

Side: Prochoice.

I am prochoice because it's the lesser evil in a big picture sense.

Side: Prochoice.
2 points

Definitely pro-choice, though not pro-abortion. It's a bad choice, a last-ditch choice, and I doubt many women make that choice easily - but there are times when it's the best choice. Most women, from my understanding, that have had an abortion, have emotional troubles on and off throughout their lives over it.

That can be pretty terrible, but finding oneself with an unwanted child, often in a bad situation, can be worse.

Side: Prochoice.
Amarel(5669) Clarified
1 point

It's a bad choice, a last-ditch choice

Why is it a bad, last ditch choice? What makes you say women suffer lifelong emotional issues?

Side: Prolife.
1 point

I'm prochoice. Not so much as FW says I am, He/she seems to think me and my liberal friends walk around with a machete looking for babies to kill. I lived before Roe v Wade, I remember the fetuses in the alleys, (or rivers, or woods) often with the dead mother, like, every week! The mothers brought to the ER bloody and maybe dying. THAT was what brought Roe v Wade about! My first wife had an abortion to save HER life for her two other girls ages 6 & 9. I would do it again with good reason!

The same people who fight against birth control fight against abortion. Most of those also say they believe sincerely in God, yet they won't let HIM pass judgement, go figure.

Side: Prochoice.
Sitar(3680) Clarified
3 points

Why are you prochoice? I used to be prochoice................................................

Side: Prolife.
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

Because, as I mentioned, I went through it. My first wife's doctor said she would not live through carrying the child. We had two young daughters and were in our 20's. We decided to abort at our Dr. s recommendation. At the time, in our state, ONE Catholic doctor had the only right to decide if someone could have an abortion. He decided NO (as usual)! Our doctor, who had delivered my wife at birth, gave her an "unauthorized abortion". Her daughters had a mother for 2 more years, and I had a wife! She died at 29, my daughters were 7&9;. Women and doctors MUST have the choice. Politicians and political appointees are NOT God A woman's body is HERS, a family should have the right to decide WHO lives. I would do the same again if I had good reason, regardless of what FW feels. (Notice I didn't say "thinks" ... because s/he doesn't!)

Side: Prolife.
FromWithin(8241) Disputed
-1 points

You are such a phoney, it is truly amazing. Do you actualy swallow your own rhetoric? You are like a clone of Democrats playing the same old broken record.

This ludicrous fear mongering of dead women in back alleys is truly a joke.

The GOP will never deny women extreme case abortions! There is no longer any reason to illegally go down a back alley to kill an innocent baby!

If they choose to murder a baby, they are taking the same risk any killer takes when gong down back alleys to kill someone.

We have ever growing crisis pregnancy centers to help mothers with their pregnancies, helping teach them how to care for their baby, helping them financially, etc. etc.

There is no longer any need for healthy mothers to abort healthy babies.

The Democrt Party and people like you refuse to support restrictions on abortions. You are as extreme as it gets, but pretend you are not.

To excuse your inhumanity, you must always deceive people with past horror stories of back alley abortions, life of mother abortions, other extreme case abortions.... WHEN THE FACTS ARE YOU REFUSE TO RESTRICT THE VAST VAST VAST VAST MAJORITY OF ABORTIONS DONE FOR PURE CONVIENENCE.

Until the day comes you put pressure on the politicians you would vote for, to limit abortions, you are as phoney as a three dollar bill.

Side: Prolife.
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
3 points

I don't know how old you are but, "the ludicrous fear mongering of dead women in back alleys...." was NOT a joke. I was there, obviously you were not. The GOP WILL deny women extreme case abortions IF THEIR EVANGELICAL BASE TELLS THEM THEY MUST! They will do whatever they have to for votes! The laws will become stricter once Roe v Wade is abolished, simply because the movement is FULL of nut cases like YOU! "WHEN THE FACTS ARE YOU [WILL] REFUSE [redacted] THE VAST(x4)...MAJORITY OF ABORTIONS"..... for pure asinine religious reasons! Would you please STFU ... or stop telling ME how I feel, or think! You don't even understand the word THINK!

Side: Prolife.
mrcatsam(663) Disputed
3 points

And you are such a horrible person if you call a traumatic experience such as an abortion fake. Guess what? People have a choice, and they won't ever give a damn about what you think. People like you have no filter, and constantly criticize people for making a personal choice. IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS WHETHER SOMEONE GOT AN ABORION OR NOT!

Side: Prochoice.
Atrag(5666) Disputed Banned
2 points

The GOP will never deny women extreme case abortions! There is no longer any reason to illegally go down a back alley to kill an innocent baby!

WHAT A HYPOCRITE!!! You have said time and time and time again that Republicans want to ban abortions altogether.

Side: Prochoice.
1 point

Abortion should always have a good reason behind it. Aborting because you changed your mind about having a child halfway through pregnancy, is unacceptable. However, under certain circumstances (e.g. rape), then you should have the right to abort.

Side: Prochoice.