
IamGod's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of IamGod's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yeah sorry about that I got bored while creating her.

1 point

Why should I have to do everything for humans?

1 point

She is neither just a faithful believer.

2 points

Some do. Though sadly some think it happened like this:

Big Bang
1 point

Finally a Christian listening to OT laws.

IamGod(4) Clarified
1 point

Great another impersonator.

1 point

Just keeping my creations on there toes.

3 points

Lucifer doesn't like Anime.

2 points

My child you do realize the rapture needs to happen before the anti-christ

1 point

I would of done that but i though it would be too harsh of a plague

0 points

Because I asked Sunialpani to do it.

2 points

Even I need a Whore Once in Awhile


1 point

Of course not it gives you silly humans a way to entertain yourself.

1 point

No when everyone stops believing in me that shall be the true downfall of society

1 point

Hmm you are insane enough you will be able to finally teach humankind of me correctly.

1 point

Don't they get to live forever anyway ?

Of course they do but longer lives on earth means that my non-believers have a longer chance to convert.

1 point

God wouldn't debate

And why wouln't I?

Uh excuse me and who are you do be?

My dear child can't you read?

Your God. I don't think you are God

Oh my now one of my most loyal followers don't belive in me

IamGod(4) Clarified
1 point

actually who ever builds an arc first and gets 2 of each animal on board gets to live.

1 point

this is true all flies are actually trolls reincarnated well done joecavarly

1 point

oh and srom1883 you might want to start building an ark and getting 2 of each animal on board.

1 point

Sadly mankind is growing more and more evil i think i might need to flood the earth again

1 point

No it is not okay I guided mankind towards medicine so my followers could live longer.

1 point

Sadly Jesus Christ is a fact i have to put up with his daily whining about wanting to go back to earth.

1 point

No mankind did not get languages from the tower of babel when mankind spread out in throughout the world they managed to develop the own languages.

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