
Peace214's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Peace214's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The lunar gateway is under production by NASA which could bring man back to the moon by the year 2023 or within that decade. And as for my lifetime, That depends on how much longer I have to live.

1 point

It probably won't destroy us. That's a bit too far-fetched. Now can they destroy us economically- well yes. They are already taking over a lot of factory and manual jobs.

Now for them to destroy us and cause an apocalypse situation we will have to program and teach them how to do it since they are incapable of doing it themselves. With current technology it's impossible.

1 point

This is just me but I think we are going to see a temporary Muslim country ban being placed very soon in America. If so Muslims families will be force-fully separated from each other.This could lead to protests which disrupts peace and order.

Other than that we did witness a slight fall in the stock prices as investors were reluctant to invest around the time Trump was elected. But it seems to be back to normal now. Will we have a better infrastructure? Time will tell.

We still have 1400 days of trump's presidency to go so relax and enjoy his on-going tirade of Fake News on Twitter.

1 point

Well I would have quickly voted for Clinton over Trump if i had the chance because I am not an American citizen or a student just an outsider. Even then I thought my opinion might count. Now don't get me wrong when I say that I feel Obama's administration was one of the best time for USA. And when he himself has endorsed Clinton I feel that was done out of consideration.

So we have Clinton who was caught red handed owning a private email server which consequently reveals a lot of scandals( according to Trump fans) and has to suffer the public outcry.Does this mean she would not be a able president?

Of course how can we trust someone who could not protect their own email and servers, with the key to all nuclear codes and the Oval Office? This is the kind of questions I hear naturally when I ask someone who is the best candidate.

On the other hand we have Trump famed for his so called contributions to the society. I was surprised when I found out who is running for president. I was further astonished when he beat the other Republican nominees even though he criticized Muslims and put forward a ban to Muslim entry and also vowed to build a Mexican border wall using Mexican money. Not only that I remember when he actually lied on the spot during his one of his campaign rallies when a baby started crying and he told its fine and he loves babies but as the baby continued crying he looked at the mum and asked her to leave the rally and said "she actually believed me when i told that". Not only that some researchers have cast doubts whether Trump's net income and consequently his net worth is as much as he brags about.

I don't know whether Trump or Clinton has ever murdered a person but as far as I am concerned Clinton has more political knowledge than Trump does( since he is business man and not only he inherited most of his wealth from his father Fred Trump he has spent half of his time trying to find out whether Obama was actually born in Hawaii).

So in my opinion I think voting for Clinton would be a better decision.

1 point

Then with best wishes and blessings from (you too...) lets hope the muslims wont dissapoint you . I guess we finally came to a platform although its a bit shaky in fact I should say this both sides cannot be satisfied all the time.It was nice to debate this point with you and I should say this was a good topic. You know what I felt really good when I was cuursing you:) Enjoy!

2 points

If today Isis represented your religion and you were in my place what would you do? Nowadays (and i know how mass protests ends up bcuz i am a bangladeshi where there is always political disturbance) mass protests on the streets are considered a major disturbance and what is the use of protesting against people who carries weopons like toys and are too difficult to even catch alive even by the most advanced intelligence agencies. Thats why people find it more effective to protest on the internet media like facebook where thousands of people will hear them. I guess its easy for you bcuz your religion is not being blamed so you dont know how it feels. you dont know how it feels to watch millions of syrians dying fighting the ISIS and the rebels. You are as iggnorant as a donkey who likes to stick to thier point.Enjoy!

1 point

Sadly I am not a political entity worker rather a mere muslim student studying in college who is concerned that idiots like you are trying to prove that Muslims are not enjoying sitting in the backstage while the so called islamic terrorists are killing people. Do you think people who are dying in muslim countries like syria to fight the isis are doing it to get themselves killed? No they are doing it because they know if isis is not stopped people like you aregoing to go as far as to as to blame the muslims for all this mess just as Donald Trump voiced out(if you are following the news). And there is no use trying to argue with you because you are too ignorant of the fact that whatever we do there is no stopping the isis unless all the countries stands together. In fact I dont care whether you ban me or not because it doesnot make any difference as trying to explain you the fact that muslims are humans who donot love to kill and cannot do anything if isis uses the name of islam in fact check out this link:

Muslims have done so much for America and when a chance arises they are quick to deposit the Muslims and take the glory. And you dont ban certain people you ban the ones that go against you. So I am quite sure I will find myself banned by tomorrow because this is what dumb people like you will do naturally, isnt it?

Supporting Evidence: Hope your opinions change. (
0 points

Yes i already watched the video last time and i can hear the audience shouting BOO! Is that wahat you have been trying to say all this time. Now you will answer my question: how much guarentee can you give me that all the audience are actually muslims? You asked for my perspective and here it is: Just that it is a muslim country it doesnot mean that all of the people turning up at the stadium would be muslims. And also if you dont like my opinion plz dont down vote me unless you are a coward. I have also seen people getting banned just because they dont agree with your opinion and what's you excuse: You are sickened by their opinion.

0 points

I see so you go on to believe the word of this person when lots of other people are against the Isis. Have you in fact ruled out the mere possibility that Isis was organised just to humiliate Islam? Because thats what I feel they are doing in reality. Because there are a lot of people who would love it if there was no religion compared to Islam. In fact read this which I found in the Guardian after what Trump announced:“This is not conservatism,” the Wisconsin representative said, adding: “Some of our best and biggest allies in this struggle and fight against radical Islam terror are Muslims.” Now do you think we are standing and watching these disguised so-called muslim terrorist kill people.

0 points

What the hell do u mean by The Quran speaks to these types of things? Why do u dare claim this without any knowledge of the quran. The quran clearly states that it believes in peace and it also teaches us that we should not kill people without mercy and murder for your information is a very major sin in Islam. And as for the Isis they can kill people easily and mecilessly. And also look what the presidential candidate Trump said yesterday and after that do you think muslims will feel comfortable about protesting. I feel what President obama said is right : For only a small group of disguised muslims the whole muslim community is being blamed.

1 point

If you had lived 200 years back then maybe karate would have been useful because that time gun wasn't very popular and it would have been useful to knock the knife out of a bandits hand and save the day. But nowadays people are very clever and guns are becoming more and more powerful so unless you are a very good karate player you won't live to see the next day.

1 point

As far as I believe it is a sport and also a big favorite among present generation. Chess needs concentration and skills.

1 point

Yes I have heard many and I believe that science needs to advance further to prove those facts and i think many scientists will agree with me. And until then i have my full confidence on Islam and not on science.

1 point

You mean to say that the earth wasn't created rather it just formed naturally. then answer me these questions:

1) Do you have full confidence that science is 100% correct and if it is is every fact correct with proof?

2)Okay lets think that the the Earth and nature formed naturally. So it is that the Earth formed due to a Big Bang theory and if that was true then what was the biggest guarantee

that the dislodged stones should clump together and support life. Let's think further how did the Big Bang come into being? How or why did it have to form into earth and not something else unless there was God behind it?

3)You say "It formed naturally" if you believe in the Big Bang so can you say me where the stones that supposedly formed earth come from ?

So you see its not a silly claim after all and by this I mean to say that atheism doesn't even make sense.

1 point

Atheism makes no sense at all. In fact how can one person believe that here is no God at all and then still believe that the earth was created. And if it was created then by who??

1 point

Here we go again. All I said was that God is among us but certainly not a person in disguise just someone who is not visible to our eyes.

How do you know that?

How do I know that ? Well through the Quran of course and nothing else; in fact what did you expect? Someone coming to me and claiming that he or she is God themselves or that the Last Day of Judgement is just a myth and story to scare children. It's just normal that there should be a God.

1 point

no the child should not be thrown out of the party rather the child should be soothed and advised to stay out of this kind of parties in the future.

1 point

God is always among us and always will be until the Last Day and throughout our life.

0 points

Books for me too they are much more better than sitting and watching TV and books also give more reliable and informative. It gives more ideas and helps develop language skills far more than TVs.

1 point

How dare you call Muslims filth in fact I should remind you that Muslims are no barbarians as you might imagine and Muslims also doesn't ask people to fight like this and also for your information Muslims are not Islamic dirt bags however I am quite sure the ISIS doesn't only consists of Muslims in fact how would you know unless you interrogated them as far as I am concerned these ISIS might also be of other religions just because they are from Iraq they can't only be Muslims.

Peace214(101) Clarified
1 point

I understand you clear to clear but I understand what I asked in the question. Cool maybe I should remember to put in a switch before I place the AI so I can reach for the switch preferably not a self destruction switch---- which would be a waste.

1 point

Thanks for the advice but someday he might come to know at least I got to express my view.

1 point

Thanks for the advice but someday he might come to know at least I got to express my view.

1 point

Thanks for the advice but someday he might come to know at least I got to express my view.

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