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This personal waterfall shows you all of Scarecrow13's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

Yes, why not? The only time the Bible speaks negatively of nudity is when there is some other negative associated with it. As for Adam and Eve, it was their shame that was the problem. They tried to cover themselves and hide from God. Once the environment became harsh, clothes were now required, also the clothes God made could be seen as the first example of animal sacrifice.

Scarecrow13(41) Clarified
1 point

Why should we not be naked? That Is an assertion, not an argument.

1 point

Protection from the elements is a legitimate reason for clothing. However, our society is so prudish, they require it for perceived modesty and that causes problems with people being uncomfortable in their own bodies.

Scarecrow13(41) Clarified
1 point

I think there is a good point. There is an aspect of consent involved. If there is a voyeur watching people, they are wrong.

1 point

The human body is completely natural. It is a shame we fear nudity so much when there is nothing wrong with it. Yet we are fine with letting kids watch violence on TV which is much more damaging.

1 point

Sure. People will bring up that God clothed Adam and Eve. However, he did this to protect them from the elements after they had already attempted to cover themselves up due to shame. So the real sin was not nudity,but shame. There is also the modesty argument,but when the BIble talks about modesty, it is talking about not dressing overly fancy.

1 point

People often think nudity is inherently sexual, but it isn't. If You Have ever been in a nudist environment you will quickly see how quickly it becomes no big deal. We have such a fear of nudity that is crazy and makes us scared and uncomfortable of our own bodies.

1 point

Absolutely. Not on every topping perhaps, but it works well on pizza most of the time.

1 point

The argument was that it was acceptable because it ended the war quickly. It wasn't as simple as that tough. Japan had several factions, some of which were willing to negotiate surrender. They wanted a condition, that they keep their emperor. The US said no, we wanted no conditions, but after the bomb we let them keep their Emperor anyway. EIsenhower and MacArthur as well as other military leaders opposed its use but Truman didn't consult them about it. The biggest issue is we deliberately dropped them on cities we knew had lots of civilians in them. That would be a war crime if our enemies did it.

1 point

When a fat person goes skinny dipping it is called CHunky Dunking.

1 point

I have seen that quote and it is pretty stupid. Ideologies can motivate people yes, that includes religion but also political ideologies as well. The fact is people naturally have evil tendencies, if they didn't they wouldn't be inclined to do evil. If you don't think people are naturally evil spend some time witha group of young children..Unless they have had really good discipline early on, they will know nothing but selfishness.

1 point

Breastfeeding is a natural process and the healthiest way for the baby to eat. If they have to eat they have to eat. If you are offended by that then it is you that has the problem.

1 point

The Bible doesn't say anything one way or the other. Some might while others might not. Perhaps they all do, but there is nothing in the Bible that states it.

1 point

This does depend but I will say in general yes. WHile many will claim they merely lack a belief, when pressed it becomes obvious they are making the positive claim that they believe a God does not exist. Which is a belief statement. If they were truly agnostic they would simply say 'I don't know".

1 point

I am all for it. It would probably be much better than a world where people are forced to wear clothes in public.

The only problem is if it ends up like this, which is pretty much how we treat nudists now.

1 point

I have been to nude beach, nude resort, nude bike ride, and nude comedy shows.

1 point

Sure why not? Many cultures do it and don't have problems. The reason why people freak out over female breasts is that they are only used to seeing them covered. Normalizing it makes it no big deal.

1 point

If you are getting sexual pleasure out of something other than your spouse, which is what porn is for, then yes it is adultery.

1 point

It is your house you should be able to do what you want. If someone is peeking in your windows and is offended, that is their problem.

1 point

Sure why not. However they should avoid sxually explicit parties, simple nudity however need not be.

1 point

Most people go there for sexual pleasure so yes it does count.

1 point

I think we would be more accepting of other people and there would be less people desperate to see a naked person as they would be all around. They would also see that not everyone looks like supermodels.

1 point

"Everyone imagines going to a nude beach expecting to see people that look like movie stars and playboy bunnies. " That was never my expectation. I wanted to be free and hang out with other people of all body types that felt the same way.

1 point

WHere are you getting this idea they weren't naked at all? it doesn't say that anywhere in the Bible, quite the contrary. Genesis 2:25 clearly states they were. In fact everything you say comes from somewhere other than the Bible. It is really necessary since I can not find anything you are claiming anywhere in the Bible. So cite chapter and verse.

1 point

She is wearing a cross, so it's a logical assumption. However, it is just a piece of jewelry for some, so you can't say for sue.

1 point

I kept telling people during the campaign that Trump is in fact establishment and I still stand by that. People would say, "he cannot be bought". That is because he is the one doing the buying. They would say "look how the media treats him". The media gave him free publicity, even bad publicity is good in the end. If he was truly anti-establishment, they would go out of the way to ignore him. Now look at some of his cabinet pick, his chief of staff Reince Priebus is as establishment as you can get.

1 point

The modesty argument is brought up a lot but let's see what the Bible actually says on the issue. The one time modesty is directly brought up in the BIble is in 1 Timothy 2:9. I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves, not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes. So far from prohibiting nudity on that passage, what is at issue is in fact dressing too fancy.

1 point

Star Trek is better for a number of reasons. They tend to try to be more realistic and seem to do a better job at trying to make the science fit (granted they do make a lot of stuff up but Star wars doesn't even try). Technology introduced in STar Trek has actually become a reality, not so much for Star Wars. Star Trek deals with heavy philosophical themes, Star Wars does touch on this a little but not nearly as much or as consistently.

1 point

Cyrus was certainly influential in his day, but Alexander wins out because he is still more influential today. He spread greek culture around the world.

1 point

AN agnostic believes that they don't know or even can't know if there is a God. A Christian by definition believes in God, the God of the Bible. Those are two views that are incompatible.

1 point

Their view of who Jesus is is completely different. Christians believe Jesus was God and part of the trinity. Mormons don't believe in the trinity but believe Jesus was a lesser God to the Father and the first spirit child.

1 point

This is a false dichotomy as he was truly neither. He was religious, but he also didn't like Christianity. He certainly used Christianity to get the people of Germany on his side, but in private despised the church as he saw it a sa rival for power and saw Christiniaty too much like the Jews. His buddy Mussolini however did create the vatican in the form e know it today.

1 point

There already is. It is july 14th. I am all for it, it also falls within national nude recreation week. July/nationalnudeday.htm

There is also a naked gardening day in July.

1 point

Nudists are for the most part just regular people. They do what other people do and tend to have regular jobs. he only thing different is they like to not wear clothes. They are often some of the nicest and least judgemental people you will meet.

1 point

Absolutely not. There is no excuse for rape and no matter how she is dressed she is not "asking for it". Even if she is walking down the street naked, that is still not an invitation.

1 point

Sure they should be allowed. There is nothing sexual about the human body. In fact if kids learn this at a young age they will be better off later in life.

1 point

Who does it really harm? People get so offended by it for no good reason. It is perceived as being sexual but nudity on its own is not. Some people will say it harms children yet we are born naked and it seems most children are natural nudists until told not to be. If they are so offended, they could just look away.

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