
ScoobyDoo's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of ScoobyDoo's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Attacks come from insecure and jealous individuals. It is difficult to be true to yourself and stand up where it is easy to name call and attack with a loud mouth. Take Pelosi for example (enough said)

3 points

While I do believe religion has a set of problems associated with its fundamentals. I do not think the world would be better off without religion. Extremist and radical religious interpretation are another matter all together. Additionally, religion does bring many positive aspects and these seem to get lost with the very small percent of negative

2 points

I am not a Clinton fan but I must say that if she is the best candidate that can help the administration and the country than she should be the Sec of St. If this is not true than stop the politics and go back to the Senate.

1 point

This presentation needs no response. It needs to be watched, thought-on, reflected upon, and watched again. I do not think it should scare us but should be a motivator to get on the band wagon and enjoy and embrace the future. It's gonna be good no matter who is elected in 2008...

2 points

I find it very difficult to think intelligent American citizens would entertain thoughts of relevance blubbered forth from any actor, musician, news commentators, or political commentators. Please seek out and develop your own thoughts based on research from alternative sources.

-3 points
-4 points
1 point

not at all it was only a movie

1 point

rowing, enough said

3 points

Ethics is right, morals feel right

1 point

Economics alone may dictate this answer. Remove the ban and the price of a gallon of oil will drop by 30% immediately. OPEC will lower the oil cost and flood the market with oil to keep the US and other out of the oil business by making it too expensive.

WE don't have to do it we just say we are doing it!

1 point

Is this a reality check or some weird anomaly? Is Global warming real or not?

3 points

It's fraud and not unlike the slant forced down our throats from most media today.

What is amazing is that the press will print pictures and most Americans believe this stuff. Even from nations know to lie and be untruthful.

-4 points
3 points

I have a very difficult time listening to the nightly news, reading the daily newspapers, and hearing news cast almost everyday. Why, because I do not hear the news but I hear the news being interpreted , formated, and opinionated by those relaying the news to me. Why can't I hear a news story one day with only the facts and no other statements to follow?

I am very interested to know what is happening in my city, with my politicians, local schools, and the economy. However, every story is accompanied with spin. Todays news McClellan (facts or fiction?), economy (robust or recession?), gas (gouge or profits?),

Why can't the press allow me to decide. I am experienced, I am educated, I am analytical, I am logical, I pay taxes, have not committed a felony, love my neighbor, and have strong morals. When did I become so stupid that I need some talking head to tell me what the news is????

Somebody out there HELP!!!!

4 points

McClellan is doing this for the $$$. From personal experience not to me directly but to my spouse, I have seen employees leave that were marginal in their position (like McClellan), asked to leave (like McClellan), who go forth and tell information like they were part of the decision process but were not (like McClellan) and expect everyone to believe them. He was the press secretary to the White House and not part of the inner circle. He did not make decisions and if you listen to his interviews he is speculating and making personal assumption on 100% of the stuff he is trying to sell as factual. I feel sorry for this person as a wanna-be who has higher opinions of himself than were realized.

He dealt with the press-the press cannot not get anything right-why should anyone believe that he is right now?

2 points

I am sorry to say that I have become "offended" by the PC movement. It seems like the information I receive is now filtered so much that the meaning intended is not the meaning intended. I understand PC and the need for courtesy and not to offend someone, but society has been changed by this action and maybe not for the better.

5 points

The term "out sourcing" adds a negative adjective to what is sound economic practice. When manufacturing prices final goods for the market they must be competitive. American companies can be competitive using resources found all over the world. Labor or other resources need to be secured from all locations. When a competitive product is sold in America by an American company using labor or other resources gained from "out sourced" locations, Americans still win. The US economy has employed some Americans which is far better than not employing any Americans. If their company did not out-source, it would not be competitive and would go out of business.

4 points

OK from a happily married man. I am in my relationship because I want to be there with my wife. I love all the aspects about sharing that come with marriage, good or bad-and-happy or sad.

I admit I am bias, I choose to be here and my wife chooses to be with me. I can not respond to those not in a meaningful relationship other than this piece of advise, CHANGE IT.

However, change comes from within, work hard for your marriage, your partner, and yourself and you will find satisfaction, peace, and happiness.

1 point

Can only say KC, Eagles were a no show again this year and I think in the 2008-9 season too.

2 points

For this election, as I am not overly committed to any candidate, I think the experience and not the spewed rhetoric by each candidate may be the deciding factor

1 point
Most reviews I hear about the current or past presidents seem to mirror the idiots I hear in the news or on TV. The only way to evaluate a President is by benchmarks. If you quantify the past President back to Jimmy Carter, all have done reasonably well with national security, money and banking, jobs etc. Carter hold the worst benchmarks in recent history. Remove likes or dislikes from the evaluation process and the US government is a strong vibrant nation.
1 point
I would like to see color coded arguments. If it is a hot important argument I want to use red to make my point. If it is more passive I think a blue font is better.
1 point
It easy to work hard at something you love, so find what you like to do and make it your job

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