
Sulith's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Sulith's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

it is to fact. White people are clearly the best. Without us modern civilization wouldn't exist.

2 points

Want to know why? Because no country has truly free Capitalism. Capitalist are in bed with the government or vice versa. Until a country can produce a true example of capitalism and absolutely free trade. Capitalism will always have a bad name.

4 points

Why the hell would you want a collective good?

Those who do NOT contribute to the collective good will not get the fruits of labor of the collective good.

Next sentence you say And you are free in a communist society because no longer will you have to live in poverty.

Then what the fuck happens to the lazy? Do they get exterminated? Deported? Jailed?

Communism is a fat contradiction. Stalin and many others have already proved that Communism does not work.

0 points

I wouldn't say he is the worst. Lincoln and Rosevelt tie for that one.

Although, Obama is a lame baboon with money and is in bed with Putin our enemies.

1 point

Haha since the entire left side shows this to me I choose the Right.

Left: Murder, Theft, Immorality.


2 points

Why should he be?

It is simple self defense.

The only reason he should get arrested for is: not having a concealed weapon permit.

2 points

Overall? I would say positive. Religion (in the modern age) has laid down good morals for people to follow.

1 point

In the US there should be no 'fight against fat'. Sorry, but this is a free country. If I want to go to the dounut shop everyday or fast food I have every right too. I will not abide to taking my freedoms away.

0 points

Thank you.


-3 points
-3 points
-2 points
0 points

Ok, HUMAN FUCKING BEINGS and Beast with four legs, tentacles, paws, claws, bills, webbed feet, amphibians, fins, shells, and feathers.

2 points

God, I wish insults made me win debates.

Adhominem is a falicy; it's not a valid form of arguing.

You know the word "Idiot" actually use to mean a individual with a mental disorder. So your using it derogatory?

For clarification, are you arguing that the diagnosis of Autism is a bit more common due to these two factors you have stated?

It's not a accurate clear thought.

So, then are the drugs causing Autism or the diagnosis?

Cause and effect.

And where is this "New Understanding" documented from? What have you been reading? Have you just read a article on the difference between a screw up and a individual with a brain disorder?

1 point



1 point

Ok I agree with you.

BUT smoke is harmful to your lungs. Nobody can deny that. Our lungs are created to intake smoke, they are for Nitrogen and Oxygen and push out Carbon Dioxide.

1 point

There may be no hard evidence that it is a gateway drug.

But I know from personal experience and from watching people around me.

Other than that I completely agree with you.

2 points

I'd say the only exception to this immoral act is if someone gets raped and impregnated.

Otherwise, it's straight murder.

1 point

HAHAHAHAHA that is the funniest thing I've seen on this site.

1 point

When CUCK NORRIS crosses the road the cars look both ways.

1 point

Although I agree with you that it is a gate way drug.

I smoked pot. Then tried shrooms. Then LSD. Then E. All in my younger years.

I didn't just pick up LSD and do it, I would've been perma-fried.

But here is a site that it reduces lung cancer and tumor growth.

2 points

Let me put it this way then.

HOMO-SAPIENS and Beasts.


1 point

It appears if you put in less than 50 characters as a reply.

I just copy+paste it there.

2 points

Yes, I don't want a uneducated buffoon in the big house.

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

1 point

Done what more "legal"?

They said hey we're separating and Lincoln said no and declared war.

Define "more legal" for me, would you?

2 points

I believe that Marijuana is a gate way drug and should be used carefully.

I am all for it for medical purposes strictly. As I have a relative who owns over 150 acres and grows for the State of California and rakes in money.

It came be harmful, the human lungs were not built to be breathing smoke.

2 points

Don't forget Roosevelt. I did.


2 points

And second of all. That amendment didn't pass till after the war.

Lincoln was also not in favor of abolishing slavery, at all.

You should read this book, in the link below.

Supporting Evidence: Read it! (
1 point

Hold on, what exactly is this perspective about?


1 point

It has not been proven. When people dig up bones and skeletons, they don't have a label on them saying where they came from, who's they were, or how old they are.

Only humans can think of that.

2 points

Exactly, not towards the end of the war. It was a military tactic.

You know the 13th amendment also makes welfare UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution officially abolished and continues to prohibit slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime

Involuntary servitude? That's exactly what I am doing when I pay taxes for trailer trash.

1 point

That is just sick.

Thanks for the link.


0 points

I don't like either but I would have to say the adulterer-cocaine addict-MLK.

They're both dumb niggers though.

1 point

I would have to say that majority of people here are whiny liberals.

God hating?

I wouldn't say god hating. They are just a bunch of Atheist.

1 point

It would be odd to mess with genetics of two living things. (Animals/Humans)

3 points

I owned a Ford Barracuda and currently own a SS Chevelle.

I have to say I am much more impressed with my Chevelle. That's why my Barracuda went bye bye.


3 points

Kids don't learn how to socially develop because of these social networking sites.

You hear about computer nerds. People who sit in front of a computer till they are in their 40's or their life.

Chinese "Gold Farmers" for the popular MMORPG World Of Warcraft (I was a player) have been known to be found dead on their keyboard due to malnutrition.

Sometimes when a brand new PC game gets released some people are known to wear diapers so they don't have to go shit in the bathroom because they can't pull themselves away.

Here is some more upsetting stories: when-child-died/

2 points

You know he was lying. Taxes pull in 7 trillion dollars. The money is there he was just trying to scare all the people who receive government pay.

1 point

I disagree.

Gas prices in California are still $4/G.

Obama is liable for the high gas prices. He refuses to drill on US soil.

Even more drilling in America wouldn't have reduced the prices that much due to our dependence on foreign oil.

May I ask you to prove it?

1 point


That is just disgusting.

Where is the site for it? I would like to read.

2 points

This question is ridiculous.

No guns not should be banned.

We have the right to own firearms.

Our country was made this way. Keep it that way.

1 point

The war was not about Slavery.

No I don't think it was a bad thing, it was a military tactic. Which was wise of Lincoln.

The Civil War was not about slavery. It was about power and money.

Tariffs on the South

Please look at my responses below to the other dim-bulb who I shut down.

And stop hiding behind a button. Down voting does nothing.

3 points

Wow people still think the Civil War was about slavery.

Read what I have posted before, thank you.

And no I don't think we still should have.

2 points

I agree with you.

It's not so much as a bunch of bitching liberals others

1 point

Hmm, interesting. Your post is from 2010. I am speaking of recently.

LONDON (Reuters) -- God DID

create the universe, says the man

who is arguably one of the world's

most famous living scientists.

Noted astrophysicist Stephen

Hawkins now admits being a horse's

arse for writing a book, The Grand

Design, in which he emphatically

stated that God is a boogeyman

who does NOT exist.

In i t, he had erroneously argued

that the Big Bang, instead of occurring following the intervention of

a Divine

Being, was inevitable due to the law

of gravity.

In his 1988 book, A Brief History

of Time, Hawking had seemed

to accept the role of God in the

creation of the universe. But in

The Grand Design, he stated that

new theories showed a Creator is

"not necessary."

0 points

Of course I know what autism means.

I was asking for the definition of the word Autism. Sorry I have to be so precise.

As for your family member, I hate to be so frank but he/she needs to get slapped into shape. Like what Savage said. Or they just like disability checks.

Don't you find it a little weird when there is something wrong with a child he is automatically diagnosed with Autism?

If that were the case then entire families would have autistic sets of children.

Enlighten me?

You don't know that your parents reading you stories showed any bearing to your entire intelligent development.

I do for a fact know. That's just ridiculous saying otherwise. You think if nobody spoke in a household a infant would learn to speak? Shesh.

Such high standards that your parents weren't criminals and didn't use illegal drugs in front of you. This is just the average parental up bringing.

What are you trying to say?

You're making a ridiculous assumption that all or at least a majority of autistic children have had a negative upbringing.

It's not ridiculous. If so how is it?

A child can have a perfect upbringing and still be diagnosed with autism.

Prove it.

Autism: noun \ˈȯ-ˌti-zəm\ a supposedly developmental disorder that appears by age three and is characterized by impairment of the ability to form normal social relationships, by impairment of the ability to communicate with others, and by stereotyped behavior patterns

I don't see how your last paragraph made any sense to Autism and the definition of the word above?

1 point

I believe he exist.

Recently Stephen Hawking admits that there is a "ultimate being".

There is no way to actually prove that he exist. People can only have faith.

2 points

It will not.

It's a bunch of hocus pocus.

There is no evidence and it's just ridiculous to even say.

The planet Earth has been here for thousands of years, it's not going to all of a sudden ca-put on us.

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