
Lovely21's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Lovely21's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

They should be allowed to prescribe contraception only if the parents give their consent. When you are that young it is really hard to make judgment on that call.

2 points

Definitely public schools. It would not hurt to have a public school with a private school curriculum. In private school though you learn more what you do not learn is about the real world.

1 point

It should be like school where you have eligibility to be able to participate in certain events. If you are in jail for murder then there are certain things that you should not be able to vote for , but if it's a minor offense then yes they should be able to.

1 point

If we are allowed to dig, and do whatever we can to find the artifacts then we should be able to take it. It's like digging for gold we get to keep it. So my point is it is basically up to that country, and considering we do not live in " that" country we do not have the deciding factor.

1 point

No. Thats like saying should we be banned from being our ethnicity. That shows their pride and who are we to judge because they use it.

1 point

They should be made cheaper or free if they could be. Some countries are not as privileged as we are and do not have the technological advancements that we do. It;s not always their choice to reside where they are do so at least this much could help them.

1 point

Age Discrimination should not be made legal in the workplace. When you hire someone you hire them with the inclination that they are well qualified for the job that you are hiring them to do. So if their is age discrimination their is no reason to hire them.

2 points

I agree with you, and if I could possibly save the world and the people from hunger I would. The trick part in this question is if they were hungry and tired already most of them probably see their lives as going nowhere but up. Who am I to take a life that was not asked to be taken away? Who am I to ake a life that was? My descision; save the world.

1 point

NO, NO, No. That's it. Point Blank. Who would do that? It's Ignorant and basically murder.

1 point

Yes, One a day. They actually do help my immune system or something.

1 point

Moreover, I would say that I would but if it actually came down to it my Christian background would not allow me to kill anyone. That's if it is a sin or "worthy" act "deserving" of death. Actually my side is no because who am I to take a life?

2 points

Moreover, I would say that I would but if it actually came down to it my Christian background would not allow me to kill anyone. That's if it is a sin or "worthy" act "deserving" of death. Actually my side is no because who am I to take a life?

2 points

No one has the right in a free country to invade someone else's privacy without a plausible reason. What classifies you as being suspicious? In the novel 1984 basically everything you did was being watched, and being watched because of suspicion in today's society would mean that the government had a little more than limited power.Not only is it rude it might as well be a perverted act. Why would you secretly monitor someone? Though no one should be watched due to suspicion, they should at least have the right to know if they are and why.

1 point

OMG well I honestly would put my money on Kat, or Berine Mac. They are best at what they do for totally different reasons, and I'm laughng thinking about it.

1 point

Efficiency really does not matter. Moreover it should be the capability, and drive becasuse you can always correct mistakes.

2 points

If you are man enough to not only sexually offend someone once but multiple times then obviously you're not going to learn. You should be castrated.

1 point

Women are better no doubt about it. When guys can endure the pains and labor of birth(not including that one guy) then we will be even. Basically anything that men can do we can do an half of the time better. Just out of curiosity who came up with this topic. You kind of spelled which wrong.

1 point

That's ridiculous. If I'm on steroids, and he's on steroids, and etc, then who's really winning? Yes your good on your own, but if everyone begins to take steroids then it turns into who takes the best steroid instead of, who has the best potential or really is the best.

2 points

Plain and simple my answer is no. If I wanted to know then I would be worrying myself sick thinking of the day it would happen. On top of that I would like to believe that we're all going to die when our time comes, so there is no reason for me to foresee what is already to come.

1 point

Being fatherless would ensure that the only heartaches you have from him are his absence, and not knowing what he was like. A lousy father could come in gain your trust, and walk out on you. Some would like to believe that just knowing your father is there is enough. To me having a father who does nothing is in itself an absence because either way he knows nothing about you, and you nothing about him. I would rather him never exist than come in and out of my life.

1 point

Being fatherless would ensure that the only heartaches you have from him are his absence, and not knowing what he was like. A lousy father could come in gain your trust, and walk out on you. Some would like to believe that just knowing your father is there is enough. To me having a father who does nothing is in itself an absence because either way he knows nothing about you, and you nothing about him. I would rather him never exist than come in and out of my life.

1 point

Being fatherless would ensure that the only heartaches you have from him are his absence, and not knowing what he was like. A lousy father could come in gain your trust, and walk out on you. Some would like to believe that just knowing your father is there is enough. To me having a father who does nothing is in itself an absence because either way he knows nothing about you, and you nothing about him. I would rather him never exist than come in and out of my life.

1 point

Being fatherless would ensure that the only heartaches you have from him are his absence, and not knowing what he was like. A lousy father could come in gain your trust, and walk out on you. Some would like to believe that just knowing your father is there is enough. To me having a father who does nothing is in itself an absence because either way he knows nothing about you, and you nothing about him. I would rather him never exist than come in and out of my life.

1 point

I don't remember who said it, but I believe that we are. No one is perfect therefore we are sinful. As a newborn you are born into a world full of imperfections, criminal activity, and though we have help along the way not everything we do is correct. So, even though it is not planned we are born very much into sin.

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