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 43% of All Rapes in Sweden Are Committed Against Children (5)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

43% of All Rapes in Sweden Are Committed Against Children

Sweden has taken in more refugee migrants per capita than any other European nation and it's really not working out too well. Since their arrival, crime has skyrocketed. In 2015, there were 112 cases of lethal violence 33 by shooting, compared to just 17 in 2011. Violence against women also soared, as did sexual assaults. Reported rapes in 2016 rose to 6,570, a 13% rise over 2015. The nation now ranks No. 2 in rapes per capita. 

Now comes a new report from the independent news group that says nearly half the rapes (43%) are committed on children:

The data, which looks at Swedish rape figures for the first half of 2017, concludes that 3430 violent rapes were carried out during this period. 1470 (43%) of these rapes were carried out on children (ages 0-17) and 1960 (57%) of these rapes were carried out on adults (ages 18+).

In relation to the child rapes:

88% were carried out on girls.
12% were carried out on boys.
In relation to the adult rapes:

95% were carried on out women.
5% were carried out on men.

"Considering that the top ten ethnic origins of Sweden’s rapists are: Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Eritrea, Syria, Gambia, Iran, Palestine, Chile and Kosovo; isn’t it time that we started talking openly about the devastating effects of mass open door immigration from the third world?"

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3 points

This is precisely why most rational people want extreme vetting, and a limitation on the numbers immigrating here. We are witnessing the destruction of European culture.

3 points

Despite the attempts of the loonie left media, including the B.B.C.,and the screwball liberals, (who are well represented on this site), trying to discredit the statistics they are nonetheless indisputably acxcurate .

Everyone, including the dogs in the street knew what was going to happen right across Europe but Sweden and 'mad Merkel's' Germany in particular, except the democratically elected politicians of the respective nations that is.

What I say is, slap it up the shitheads.

Through their duly elected governments the people of Europe have made their bed and now they can lie in it.

Every rape, violent crime and terrorist atrocity will be a stark reminder of their eye-watering stupidity.

I don't cheer when I read of the daily reports of Muslim crimes in continental Europe, but neither do I shed any tears.

0 points

Have you got any evidence to prove that these attacks were carried out by refugees?

outlaw60(15368) Clarified
3 points

Can you read the links ? All you have to do is click on the links not real hard to do !

0 points

Nice try. The BBC did a pretty good write-up on this...

It has not exploded since immigrants came, it is merely speculation that immigrants are the rapists because Sweden does not compile that data that way, and every separate act of rape is a separate incident the way Sweden captures it (meaning if one underaged wife has sex with her husband weekly for a year that goes down as 52 rapes, vs 1 rape victim the way the rest of the world records it).

bozwallocks(44) Disputed
0 points

All those links come from the same website and it doesn't look like an impartial or trustworthy source to me. Its got set agenda written all over it.