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What? I smell popcorn
Debate Score:20
Total Votes:29
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 What? (4)
 I smell popcorn (6)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

A sniff of Bumfuk on a Friday



Side Score: 9

I smell popcorn

Side Score: 11
5 points

A sniff of Bumfuk on a Friday

Hello bront:

What?? Bumfuk stinks??

Look.. I'm sorry I called your town Bumfuk. Personally, I don't identify with my town, so I can't imagine anybody who does.. And, IF I did, it wouldn't be the BUILDINGS I'd be proud of.. It would BE the people.. Clearly, you think your BUILDINGS are prettier than mine..

Who gives a fuk??


Side: What?
3 points

What?? Bumfuk stinks??


Look.. I'm sorry I called your town Bumfuk.

I accept your apology, but I live in three towns, so you owe me two more. Give em up Con.

Personally, I don't identify with my town

I don't blame you.

so I can't imagine anybody who does..

Yet here we are.

And, IF I did, it wouldn't be the BUILDINGS I'd be proud of.. It would BE the people..

You can't copy and paste personalities onto the site.

Clearly, you think your BUILDINGS are prettier than mine..

Nah. Just not bumfuky. Bumfuk tends to refer to some place out in the middle of nowhere, out in the sticks. Two of my towns aren't that, and the other one has only about 18,000 people, but is very nice and very Native, and has delightful people.

Who gives a fuk??

There's always someone somewhere.

Now give us a debate on Nonbumfuk so we can argue about the Space Needle.

Side: I smell popcorn
excon(18262) Clarified
5 points

Now give us a debate on Nonbumfuk.

Hello again, bront:

Truth is, I don't live in Seattle any more.. It is NOT the funky city it was when I moved there.. I can SAY that because I am NOT the city where I live.. As PROOF, I now live in Leavenworth, Wa, one of the rednekiest towns I've EVER lived in..

My neighbors aren't Bumfukians, they're Trumpfukians..


Side: What?
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
2 points

SUPER STUPID are you ready for REALITY ?????????????????????

Time to FUCK with you BOY !!!!!!!!!!!!!

The good news is that two trash-strewn downtown Los Angeles streets I wrote about last week were cleaned up by city work crews and have been kept that way, as of this writing.

The bad news is that I didn’t have to travel far to find more streets just as badly fouled by filthy mounds of junk and stinking, rotting food.

Then there was the news that the LAPD station on skid row was cited by the state for a rodent infestation and other unsanitary conditions, and that one employee there was infected with the strain of bacteria that causes typhoid fever.

What century is this?

Is it the 21st century in the largest city of a state that ranks among the world’s most robust economies, or did someone turn back the calendar a few hundred years?

SUPER STUPID is the LEFTIST UTOPIA failing ????????????????????

Side: I smell popcorn
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