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Debate Score:16
Total Votes:18
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outlaw60(15368) pic

Are there strong arguments that can help prove the existence of Allah ?

So Regressives can you prove this ? Or is it the only religion you want to attack is Christianity ?  


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 12
1 point

This 30 pounds of c4 wrapped around my body.

Praise Allah, Bitches.


Side: Yes
1 point

Well, as least as many as those that prove the existence of the other entity. It appears to me that, since Jesus is an important part of BOTH Christianity AND Islam, they are one and the same. It's not the "god" that is different, it is the MEN who decided what the words of this "god" (allegedly) are. Which legends we should believe, which "miracles" are (allegedly) true according to the translations to each language and just how the publishers saw the "evidence" that came from the campfire stories of goat herders, camel jockeys and wide eyed radicals wanting to believe that they could live forever .... or maybe how many virgins they could go through during their first couple of months of eternity! After that, I guess they have to use the "old stuff"! The whole thing is ridiculous, and, I believe, NON-existent.

I would rather spend my time worshipping the man or woman who found a cure for some disease, a way to stop a war, a way to stop a deranged killer, a way to get Washington to go back to serving the majority. Yes, those are worth praying for, that humanity can somehow stop killing in the name of......

Side: Yes
-1 points

hi......... friends yes offcource there are some strong argument which can help to prove the existence of god.

Side: Yes

Since a majority of people on the planet (and on this site) are Christian, it makes sense that a majority of arguments you see will be against Christianity.

However, I have had plenty of conversations with Muslims about religion, and I am well aware of the problems in Islam. However, I am also aware of the high amount of Islamaphobia present in society, particularly American society.

How about instead of getting angry at things people aren't arguing, you address what they are?

Side: No
outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Thanks for showing you Regressives support the Religion of Islam which was already known.

Side: Yes
3 points

I support the religion of Islam to the same extent I support the religion of Christianity. I don't support the religion, but that doesn't mean I can't support the people who adhere to it.

Side: No
2 points

the only proof of allah is when these allah ahkbar vines got me screaming bruh

Side: No
1 point

They don't like Islam either. Quit crying.

Side: No
1 point

Best you got Regressive ! I see you do support radical Islam

Side: No
1 point

Haven't seen one yet. I'm sorry to say... Actually, I'd much rather Allah/God didn't exist but that's just me. Believe what ever you want bro.

Side: No