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yes they will no they won't
Debate Score:139
Total Votes:175
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 yes they will (39)
 no they won't (40)

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icwhyte(64) pic

Atheists will be the first in heaven/paradise

Atheists will be the first in heaven/paradise. I am an atheist but it is always possible i am wrong.

But i am sure that if i am wrong and the majority 1 god believers are right, then we, the atheists would still go to heaven/paradise.

If there is a god, which i doubt, he is more concerned about good and bad as opposed to people worshipping him and blindly following a bunch of outdated rules.

An example: If a religious person gives to charity, he is doing it out of fear of god or looking for a reward from god, if an atheist gives to charity, it is because he wants to, no fear or payment necessary.

I think god would respect an athiests courage not to believe wheather right or wrong and in the end would punish those who kill and shun while following rules without question.

yes they will

Side Score: 74

no they won't

Side Score: 65
2 points

Even Christians views on admittance into heaven seems to vary. According to the Bible we must accept Jesus. Some think this means you must believe he is the son of God (or even God himself) and more liberal Christians would interpret this as simply acting like Jesus, doing good works, being a good person and therefore anybody can enter into heaven, although this seems to be the rarer of the two interpretations. Older forms of Christianity, especially Puritanism and Calvinism had an even different perspective on the question whom believed that whether you go to heaven or hell was pre-determined.

I generally don't believe in such things, but if the liberal interpretation is the correct one then it is possible for atheists to enter heaven. Based on the observation that atheists are not doing good deeds for a supposed eternal reward, their acts are more selfless and therefore more deserving of such a reward if it did exist.

Side: yes they will

"If a religious person gives to charity, he is doing it out of fear of god or looking for a reward from god, if an atheist gives to charity, it is because he wants to, no fear or payment necessary."

Couldn't have said it better myself.

"I think god would respect an athiests courage not to believe wheather right or wrong and in the end would punish those who kill and shun while following rules without question."

Exactly, if god is real he wouldn't reward ingnorance and punish logic.

Side: yes they will
Uspwns101(443) Disputed
1 point

You honestly think that if a Christian is giving to charity its only because they want a reward from God? That is ridiculous alhtough we well may get a reward we do it because we want to please God and serve others. BECAUSE WE WANT TO. And dont try to tell me what you are doing is more selfless, you enjoy giving to others just like I do because it is right and what is right makes us feel good. If God is real then atheists are the ignorant ones and thereby the logical would get their reward and the ignorant would recieve their punishment.

Side: no they won't
1 point

"And dont try to tell me what you are doing is more selfless"

It kinda is, considering most Christians I know base their like of giving charity on their believe god rewards the charitable. You may like giving to charity for that good feeling, but chances are if your religious that desire is founded on religious views, not true goodwill. You may be an exception, but generally that is the case.

"If God is real then atheists are the ignorant ones and thereby the logical would get their reward and the ignorant would recieve their punishment."

Religion is not logical, and that is another debate entirely. I remain behind my stance that ignorance is people who follow without any reason to support what they follow. We have theories, facts, scientists, and even those who try to prove gods existance through science. You have a book written by men that claims the supernatural and you believe it. We strive for logic, you do not. We find problems in religious text all the time, and you sometimes even crack our theories. the difference is, we adapt to growing knowledge, our possibilites are near limitless. You on the other hand, only have one book per religion. Can't replace that can you?Who's ignorant in this equation?

Side: yes they will
jnj28(11) Disputed
1 point

"religious" people give to charity because God says to...and yeah, dont you want a reward from God?

God doesnt reward ignorance and punish logic..Hes just merciful enough to give atheists and everyone else a chance to repent...if he had no mercy, we wouldnt be here, and neither would this, take some time to think about that! :)

Side: no they won't
1 point

"God doesnt reward ignorance and punish logic..Hes just merciful enough to give atheists and everyone else a chance to repent.."

Repent for wanting to know the truth and doing so through scientific means? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

"we wouldnt be here, and neither would this, take some time to think about that!"

I have, I'm the athiest remember?Nice to ignore the second piece to my post and give me the whole faith run around.

Side: yes they will
Skaruts(195) Disputed
1 point

I support those quotes, really. However,

"Exactly, if god is real he wouldn't reward ingnorance and punish logic."

Whenever I remember what I read in the bible, I can't really agree with that... The god in the bible is hateful... in my honest opinion.

Side: yes they will
1 point

Paradiseis a state of mind and atheists are closer than theists.

Side: yes they will
1 point

Of course Atheists will be the first ones in heaven. Christians believe they will get there after they die, while Atheists have their feet on the ground and realize they are already in paradise. Most christians fail to see the world they live in. Heaven and hell are here and now. For those who are fortuned enough to live in a paradisiac place, FOR FUCK'S SAKE JUST LIVE IT. You're free to roam around. Beware of the dogs.

Side: yes they will

Everyone goes to Heaven. The world would be such a better place if people did not think about that other place.

Side: yes they will
0 points

Absolutely love what your saying!!!!!!!! Even though I disagree a little with heaven... but awesome thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: yes they will
-1 points

Presuming.. Your not plain dead and there exists Heaven and hell since your an Atheist! Weird that your worried.. Your licence to hell is determined by how many times you have criticized and broken a believers heart! And your visa to Heaven depends on how many good things you have done with good faith! So if you happen to have a beautiful heart with good intentions.. Then if there Exists a God.. God might presume that after you end up in Heaven you will finally start believing in him and pay you with a better Heaven!

Side: yes they will
1 point

Don't get me wrong, i am not in the least bit worried, i am an atheist through and through. This just came up in conversation with a religious friend of mine. he said "don't you think you should believe, just in case" and i answered " why? god isn't real and if he was he would send me to heaven before you" (the last bit was just to piss him off more than anything.

Side: yes they will
0 points

Oh yes.. I know how it feels! What you choose to believe in has to be your choice alone! It really is not nice to have people suggesting unwanted due.. It has to balance...!

Side: yes they will
0 points

"pascals wager" is inherently flawed, all you have to do to counter it is ask "which god should I believe in, just in case?"

Side: yes they will
Uspwns101(443) Disputed
0 points

YOu sound like such a great guy deliberately pissing off a person you call your friend. If that is what you call good works then I am truly impressed.

Side: no they won't

If an atheist gives to charity it is because he is looking for a tax deduction ;)

Side: no they won't
4 points

No athiests wont get into heaven. The Word of God says that Who ever belives in him shall not die but have eternal life. If you dont belive in Jesus you wont go to heaven

Side: no they won't
Nautilus(629) Disputed
2 points

I am an atheist and I consider myself to be a very good person, I am nice, I don't discriminate, I help those who are less fortunate and I often will give to charity or volunteer. Now my brother is a complete asshole who would laugh at a homeless person to the street, he is totally self centered and is just a complete douche bag, however he happens to be christian. So you are telling me that if the christian God exists, he would send me to roast for eternity in unending torture and suffering simply because I require evidence as a prerequisite for belief, while my brother is rewarded for his earthly life with eternal bliss and happiness. What kind of a God would do that? What kind of an all loving, perfect God would allow a mean spirited and selfish asshole to go to heaven simply for believing what his parents told him to believe, while I roast forever simply for giving the wrong answer to the God question.




And consider this, if my brother had been born the exact same person but in a muslim household, he would be muslim because he is not the type of person to question what he is brought up to believe, he would accept Muhammad as his Lord and savior and see Islam as the only route to heaven just like you see Christianity as the only way to heaven. Now God would send him to hell for being the exact same person but being brought up to believe the "wrong answer to the God question". God is now punishing people for where they are born, something they have no control over. Belief in God seems like something God wouldn't value, because things like genetics, upbringing and geography arguably have more influence belief it than a personal choice does.

Side: yes they will
Uspwns101(443) Disputed
1 point

The question wasn't if someone like your brother would go to heaven or hell, it was if someone like you would. If all of the facts you have provided are correct then your brother is not doing everything in his power to be like Jesus, so no he will not go to heaven, nor will you. God will always give the opportunity to people growing up in different geographies to find him and as the bible teaches us, no matter how hard it is to find him, god has always provided us with the tools we needed to do so. And you don't seem to realize that Islam is basically a radical branch off of original Judaism and Christianity, so they really won't have far to go to truly believe in the real God, not the one that many of them seem to believe wants them to kill all of us infidels.

Side: no they won't
churchmouse(325) Disputed
1 point

The scriptures say that no one is perfect that only Christ is. Christ came for the lost, the sick....sinners...which is everyone on earth. Works are wonderful but they do not help someone gain access to heaven. Without one will spend eternity with God. We will be judges on what we know...and if someone has heard the gospel and are old enough to understand, they will stand at judgement day and have to answer to why they rejected Christ. And the scriptures say that after death, there are no second chances. That is why Christ says to spread the Good News...and tell people so that they will not perish. If Christ didnt matter.......then why did God send Him to brutally be crucified for our sin. If you go to hell it won't be because God wanted you there...if you end up there you make the decision to go. Dont blame Him for what you decided. Why do you hold Christians up to impossible standards?

For believers who sin....God certainly does not let it go. We are his children and He disciplines those He loves. God blesses those who keep His commandments. And if your brother has Christ in his heart but does not live way or another God will discipline him...your brother can't hide. God spanks, I can vouch for that. I have felt His hand on my backside.

What kind of a God would send His Son to die for us? God is full of love, but He is also a just God and He keeps His promises. He said, believe in me and you will not perish.

It is not about what your standards of right and wrong are but about what God thinks. You will die in your sins without Christ.

I know many people who were brought up Muslim and converted. Ravi Zacharius is one of the greatest Christian apologists of our time and he was brought up in India. I would bet that most places one earth have heard about Christ. As I said, God is just...he knows who has heard. You have heard because I just shared the gospel with you.

Side: no they won't
Srom(12120) Disputed
1 point

Ok i have an answer for you the only way to get to Heaven is only through Jesus Christ if you dont believe in Him then you will go to a place of suffering. God does love everyone but he has to displine his love one and also your brother's religon is wrong because there is only one way to get to heaven and that is throught Jesus not allah or anybody else it is through Him.

Side: no they won't

It is clear in the scriptures what is right and wrong. If you look at what Christ said...those who reject Him will NOT GO TO HEAVEN. God sent Christ because being good, doing the right thing most the time IS NOT ENOUGH. Christ said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, NO ONE will go to the FAther but through Me."

What He said was this....He said He was THE WAY, not A WAY. That means all roads do not lead to heaven. Christ was about love....but he spoke a lot about hell and what would happen to those who rejected Him. How can one be a Christian and deny Christs own Words? Atheists will not go to heaven based on what Christ said. They will not have eternal life. Good works are great...but without Christ....they don't matter, not according to the scriptures.

Side: no they won't
3 points

I may be completely wrong here so do not attack. But as an atheist isn't it true that yes they don't believe in God but they also don't believe there is a heaven or hell and if this is the case then does it matter?

I am caught in the middle as i am not sure if I believe or not. It has been for the most part that I am more of a non believer, but I have not made that a set rule in my life yet.

Side: no they won't
1 point

Oh don worry! You don't have to believe and be worried about the After life! If your a non-believer just do what you please!

Side: no they won't
4 points

Oh don worry! You can worry your ass off and submit in total fear your whole life in order to secure your place in heaven! Yay religion!

Side: yes they will
Sunset(2024) Disputed
3 points

See I said I was not sure if I believed or not but no one can answer the questions I posted yet I am being downraved for stating my opinion.

I am not worried about going one way or the other at this point if "God" wants to say this person lived a decent life and did all the things correctly while on earth but wasn't sure if she believed in me or not then I will not grant her access to heaven then it is what it is

Side: yes they will
1 point

Well, it shouldn't, but apparently it does. I guess these particular atheists need to believe that if one of their primary beliefs in life is incorrect that they will still be saved, even though they denied Gods existence their entire life. If they can convince themselves that they can live their lives however they want (they can still be a good person in general but commit sins like debauchery and other such things that have become accepted in today's society) and even if they were wrong they will still go to heaven, then they have created a win win situation in their minds that isn't real, because it is said in God's word that it doesn't work that way.

Side: no they won't
3 points

It also says in the Bible that if you belive that Jesus is Lord you are saved. If you dont then you are not saved. Christians that belive in God will go to heaven if they belive but ppl who dont know God and never knew him will not go to Heaven they will go to Hell. Heaven was made for people who belived in God.

Side: no they won't
Sunset(2024) Disputed
3 points

So let me ask you then, If I believed but was murderer then I still have a place in heaven?

but yet if you are an atheist and don't believe then they don't go to heaven. Does that not sound like hypocrisy to you?

*Keep it fair as this is just a debate

Side: yes they will
3 points

If you repent of your sins and turn to God and do his will yah you will go to heaven. If you dont believe in Him then you cant because it says in the Bible that Jesus is the ONLY way to get to heaven nothing else

Side: yes they will
christjesus(318) Disputed
2 points

So let me ask you then, If I believed but was murderer then I still have a place in heaven?

but yet if you are an atheist and don't believe then they don't go to heaven. Does that not sound like hypocrisy to you?

Keep it fair as this is just a debate*

Thou shall not kill.

Side: no they won't
Uspwns101(443) Disputed
2 points

No, it says in the bible that you have to not only accept Jesus as Lord, but also follow his teachings. Many Christians nowadays prefer to see it the way you just described so that they can live their life without Jesus' teachings and still believe they are going to heaven. If you were a murderer, you would have to truly repent and take Jesus AND his teachings into your heart and live your life like his as best you can. (Keep in mind that we are human and can only try, but God forgives our mistakes as long as we are baptized into Christ)

Side: no they won't
Nautilus(629) Disputed
1 point

It also says in the Qur'an that if you believe that Muhammad is Lord you are saved. If you dont then you are not saved. Muslims that believe in Allah will go to heaven if they belive but ppl who dont know Allah and never knew him will not go to Heaven they will go to Hell. Heaven was made for people who believed in Allah.



Note that I'm not actually muslim, but muslims around the world would make the exact same argument as you from their point of view, what makes your side any more valid than theirs?

Side: yes they will
churchmouse(325) Disputed
2 points

No its Allah not muhammed...that is God. Muhammed is a prophet. And Muslims never know if they will go to paradise. They can never know....unless the are martyred. Why do you suppose so many are suicide bombers? Jesus says killing for Him is is opposite with Islam. They are commanded to use the sword. And what a God...who rewards men with virgins....just wonder what their wives do?

Side: no they won't
Srom(12120) Disputed
-1 points

Allah is a fake god. I will not go to hell if i dont believe in him. I belive in a God that can take the human soul away at any moment

Side: no they won't
3 points

Since God tells us that we will only go to heaven if we believe in the Lord Jesus, then obviously atheists will be going straight to hell. Furthermore, for atheists to be claiming their destination to be heaven, they are contradicting their own non-belief system and in process are letting the world know that they believe in heaven/hell. Well done you not-so-bright dimwits! Lastly, to Nautilus, stop complaining about how its "unfair" that your brother gets to go to heaven - it is very clear what you have to do in order to get to heaven and God asks very little of you and for you to not even do that much puts you in the wrong and makes you very undeserving of an eternity with Him.

Side: no they won't
Nautilus(629) Disputed
1 point

Billie, you have yet to address any of the points I brought up about what makes your religion any more entitled to heaven than Islam etc, or what determines belief and why you should reward that.

Furthermore, for atheists to be claiming their destination to be heaven, they are contradicting their own non-belief system and in process are letting the world know that they believe in heaven/hell

The creator of the debate does not literally believe in hell, they are saying that based on values found in the bible that god supposedly values like compassion and helping others that atheists would get into heaven. Its called reading between the lines and clearly you are not capable of it

Lastly, to Nautilus, stop complaining about how its "unfair" that your brother gets to go to heaven

I never said it was unfair, I asked you that if you are to claim your God is all loving and all powerful, why does he reward evil, if everything about a person says they are living their lives as a terrible person but they were brought up to believe the "right" answer to the god question. So according to you, let me get this straight, it is better to believe in god than to be a good person, just getting this straight. Hitler believed in God, so does that mean he goes to heaven?

it is very clear what you have to do in order to get to heaven and God asks very little of you and for you to not even do that much puts you in the wrong and makes you very undeserving of an eternity with Him.

The muslim religion also asks this of me, Judaism, Sikhism, Hinduism etc all ask this of me. You have yet to address that your religion is any more true than the other. They all claim that their god is true and requires belief for reward or to avoid punishment, what makes your claim any different than theirs. As far as I'm concerned I have seen no evidence to make any of these other religions more or less legitimate, i will not believe in your invisible friend anymore than I will believe in their invisible friends.

Side: yes they will
Billie(790) Disputed
0 points

Billie, you have yet to address any of the points I brought up about what makes your religion any more entitled to heaven than Islam etc, or what determines belief and why you should reward that.

In which post did you mention this? The one that I just responded to? Since you were discussing with someone else, then I saw no need to reply to every point in your post when I was simply drawn to one particular part, but I think that it is self explanatory why Christians are more deserving of their place in heaven as opposed to Muslims, Jews, atheists etc simply for the fact that they actually believe in Christ for starters.

The creator of the debate does not literally believe in hell, they are saying that based on values found in the bible that god supposedly values like compassion and helping others that atheists would get into heaven. Its called reading between the lines and clearly you are not capable of it

Whilst I am capable of it, I saw the title and proceeded to read through his argument and replied entirely based on what I had just read. Ok, so, based on what you have just said, I still believe that the argument in favour of atheists getting to heaven is bullshit. "Those being in the flesh are unable to please God" "Without faith it is impossible to please God" You seriously need to consider the words of Paul. If one does amazing things that contributes to the poor, orphaned, sick, dying, distressed but does not have faith then his works are all for nothing/dead. But if one has so much faith it could move mountains yet does not do good things, his faith is all for nothing/dead. So what many including yourself have implied here in this debate about Christians getting to heaven whilst being an absolute pig, their faith is actually dead. You speak as though all atheists are kind, loving people living on a bunch of morals - that is absolute and utter bullshit.

I asked you that if you are to claim your God is all loving and all powerful, why does he reward evil, if everything about a person says they are living their lives as a terrible person but they were brought up to believe the "right" answer to the god question

Firstly, may I just state that many are not brought up "right" to "answer the God question". Furthermore, what is the God question? God does in no way reward evil. When did you get this impression? Have you ever heard of Charles Tex Watson? He was a part of a gruesome murdering and has been in prison ever since. But, with the help of someone who he hurt greatly, he was forgiven by God and speaks to the inmates in his prison about what God has done for us all. He is a new person entirely and you can actually watch a rare video clip of him on YouTube where he speaks about his conversion. What I am telling you is that he is a man who was evil, wicked, yet became new and is deserving of his place in heaven because he realizes the evil that he did just like Paul in the bible, and he even has a website where he speaks about God and his conversion in great detail. Now, if you call this God rewarding evil, then I am not quite sure you understand how Christianity works. Every man has come short of the glory of God and it was for every man, woman and child that Jesus died for, including you, me and Charles Tex Watson. If one is living his life as a "terrible person" then what are the chances that he is even a Christian? You get many people that do evil things then claim to be doing it as it is the "will of God" but don't let this fool you as it is merely an excuse for their actions - which is generally seen through more these days than it was in previous years such as the burning of witches etc.

So according to you, let me get this straight, it is better to believe in god than to be a good person, just getting this straight. Hitler believed in God, so does that mean he goes to heaven?

If one believes in God, it is his duty to obey Him which results in charitable actions and love for the poor, sick, orphaned, distressed etc. I have no respect for men who call themselves sons of God yet do not show care and love for those who need it most; it is selfish and something that God does not reward in any way. I am not the judge therefore I cannot determine whether Hitler will go to heaven or not, but taking all into account - he was evil and killed millions simply because he did not like them and this will not sit well with God on judgement day. Here is what to consider: if Hitler repented and meant it with all his heart, he will be forgiven. But, would Hitler, could Hitler, who was evil right till the day he died, truly mean 'sorry'? If he did, he wouldn't have committed suicide without apologizing to all those millions of families that he destroyed. God forgave Saul who murdered thousands and Saul was such a changed man that he changed his name to Paul and dedicated the rest of his life to Him. Did Hitler do this? No, and he killed many more than Saul ever did. The point is, anyone can ask to be forgiven but if the request is fruitless then it will not count. On that note, I think it is more important that before one judges, one should make sure that that judgement cannot and/or will not backfire.

You have yet to address that your religion is any more true than the other.

No, I don’t have to do that. If I want those to share my faith, then shoving reasons down their throat on why to share my faith is never the right way to go about it. On the other hand, is this an indirect way of you seeking to know more about my faith?

They all claim that their god is true and requires belief for reward or to avoid punishment, what makes your claim any different than theirs.

What claim did I originally make that you are referring to here? Specify which so that I can know what exactly you are asking.

I have seen no evidence to make any of these other religions more or less legitimate, i will not believe in your invisible friend anymore than I will believe in their invisible friends

We are equal human beings and both adults therefore I think we can find the goodness in us to respect each other for our differences. Saying that, you have asked a fair few questions about my faith asking me to specify why it is the one true faith so is this a quiz of some kind or are you genuinely interested?

Side: no they won't
1 point

Yes i agree. Athiests will go to hell if they dont belive in Jesus Christ. PPl who do belive in Jesus will go to heavan

Side: no they won't
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

You mean the preacher or your parents or somebody told you the bible was the word of god, and that the bible states belief in Jesus to be the ticket to heaven?

Its hypothetical: if there is such a heaven with such a god as (insert a particular religion) believe, then by such properties of such a god we can deduce...

Also, is it always wrong to not do what is "asked of you"?

Side: yes they will
Billie(790) Disputed
1 point

You mean the preacher or your parents or somebody told you the bible was the word of god, and that the bible states belief in Jesus to be the ticket to heaven?

Who are you talking to here, myself or Nautilus? Also, if you could please point out which part of my post (if it is me you are speaking to) that you are targeting then I could understand your point better.

Also, is it always wrong to not do what is "asked of you"?

No matter who you are speaking to, I guess I could answer this here. No, it is not always wrong; if one of my friends told me to kill somebody, I wouldn't do it. But that does not make me wrong for not doing what is asked of me, it makes me right for not doing it. If I am twelve years old and my mother asks me to tidy my messy room and I don't do it, I am wrong for not doing what is asked of me and for disobeying my parents. Different situations and different outcomes - right or wrong.

Side: no they won't
Uspwns101(443) Disputed
1 point

His brother will not go to heaven just because he believes in Jesus, he has to live the ideals.

Side: no they won't
1 point

Why would God let atheists into His kingdom when they don't even abide by His first commandment? Why would He let men into heaven that don't love Him? Why would He let fools into heaven that mock Him whilst at the same time preach His non-existance? He wouldn't - so keep dreaming but you ain't going to heaven if you don't believe in Him.

Side: no they won't
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

A god with the properties often given to the christian god would do such due to his properties; or is god not kind, accepting, forgiving, all powerful, etc?

An atheists properties as you described them would also change dramatically if allowed to enter heaven, for he would have the evidence he needs. By letting the atheist into heaven, god would transform him into, well nearly the opposite of what you described an atheist as.

Side: yes they will
Billie(790) Disputed
1 point

god with the properties often given to the christian god would do such due to his properties; or is god not kind, accepting, forgiving, all powerful, etc?

So here you are stating that because God is all-loving He will let every man into heaven - or at least all 'good' men into heaven? Whilst I can definitely understand the logic in this, you have to consider that non-believers no matter how charitable and kind they are - they are ignoring God, their back is turned and they do not accept Him or what He has done for us therefore God will not allow them to be with Him for eternity with men who some have devoted their whole lives to Him and even died for Him. It just doesn't work like that.

An atheists properties as you described them would also change dramatically if allowed to enter heaven, for he would have the evidence he needs.

Again, I can understand your logic, but why would God let him into heaven when he had denied Him right up till the day he died, preaching his non-existance and not having any faith in Him whatsoever? Why should God reward that and let the atheist be with His Son who died for the man in a slow agonizing death? He wouldn't, and quite frankly shouldn't have to. If man cannot do even one little thing for God then why should he be allowed to spend a peaceful eternity with Him?

Side: no they won't
clearEn(207) Disputed
1 point

"(Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.)"

--Romans 2:14, 15

Side: yes they will

What the!

Side: no they won't
1 point

I will answer your Question with a Question. Have you ever read the Bible ? , I didnt think so , come back when you do and give us your opinion.

Side: no they won't
1 point

I'm not sure if anyone will read this, but I certainly hope so.

By saying 'no', I'm not saying they won't be in heaven. Nobody will get to heaven 'first'. Everyone goes at the same time. The closest thing we have to 'getting there first' is being the first off the ground.

"For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air"

--1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17

As for athiests being in heaven, there most certainly will be.

"(Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.)"

--Romans 2:14, 15

Or, as C. S. Lewis put it: "Therefore if any man swear by Tash (Satan) and keep his oath for the oaths sake, it is by me that he has truly sworn, though he know it not, and it is I who reward him."

Side: no they won't
1 point

This would only make sense if we take heaven and hell out of their religious contexts. The religions that generally believe in a heaven and hell also believe we must believe or worship in order to get to heaven. Without this belief, belief in a heaven and hell become just as meaningless as a God who would rather you believe arbitrary nonsense than be true to one's self.

The idea that a heaven and a hell exist, and admittance to heaven being dependent upon one's honesty and sense, are plausible philosophical concepts. But not much more. When placed inside a religious context, it no longer makes sense.

Side: no they won't
1 point

The problem with this question is that we are assuming that everything about God and Heaven is true. This includes the (ridiculous, in my opinion) assumption that giving to the church and constantly worshipping God will get you into Heaven, and not necessarily being a good person. If we are assuming that it's all true, then no, Atheists will not go to Heaven. The problem is, everything most likely is not true.

Side: no they won't
-1 points

No they will not because no matter how many good works you do you cannot go to heaven without repenting, being baptized, and declaring Jesus as lord for the rest of their lives over all aspects of their lives. By sticking to this you are forgiven not through works contrary to the Muslim belief that your own good works can help save you along wiht faith.

Side: no they won't
1 point

"No they will not because no matter how many good works you do you cannot go to heaven without repenting, being baptized, and declaring Jesus as lord for the rest of their lives"

Care to explain why that would determine where one goes after death and the logical reason behind it? At least the Muslims believe that what they do holds more importance then what they believe, they certainly have a more developed religion then you do.

Side: yes they will
Uspwns101(443) Disputed
1 point

What you do and what you believe holds equal importance in Christian religion. You have to be baptized into Jesus and believe in him, so as to recognize the sacrifice he made to wash clean your sins. Regardless of how "good" the person is, you need to be perfect for God to accept you into his kingdom, as taught by him. The only way to achieve this is through Jesus. But even if you are baptized, God will not just accept you into heaven, by not being committed to doing what is right and what God wishes you to do, you are denying the teachings of Jesus and showing that you don't truly believe in him. And don't tell me that a religion that has a large population of whom wishes to commit suicide while killing the greatest number of "infidels" as possible, is more developed, that argument doesn't now, nor will it ever make sense. And don't talk about the crusades here, especially in how "developed" the religions are, because if they are a marker of how we "developed", we passed the "violent" stage long ago.

Side: no they won't