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 Black on Black crime committed in Chicago (7)

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DBCooper(2194) pic

Black on Black crime committed in Chicago

Victims by age - Ages 17 to 25 - 45.5 percent
Victims by race - Blacks - 75.3 percent
Offenders by age - Ages 17 to 25 - 53.22 percent
Offenders by race - Blacks - 71.3 percent 

Young, Black males are overwhelmingly committing most of the murders. Based on the data on the victims, that means young, Black males are primarily killing other young, Black males. 

Blacks in poverty, but does that explain why Blacks would seem to target other Blacks with such overwhelming violence and frequency compared to any other race ?
Why is it blacks are in poverty in Democrat run cities ? What has happened to the Democrat run inner cities that are causing young blacks to kill other young blacks ?
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4 points

Looking at the troubling statistics, is it reasonable to be reminded of Don Lemon's (a Black, CNN anchor) somewhat famous and controversial comments during the George Zimmerman acquittal in 2013:

"'Black people,' Lemon said, 'if you really want to fix the problem, here's just five things that you should think about doing.'

The No. 1 item on that list -- 'and probably the most important,' he said -- had to do with out-of-wedlock births.

'Just because you can have a baby, it doesn't mean you should,' Lemon said. 'Especially without planning for one or getting married first. More than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock. That means absent fathers. And the studies show that lack of a male role model is an express train right to prison and the cycle continues.'

Why is it 72 percent of children born in the African - American community are born out of wedlock ? What have the Democrats really done for the inner city blacks ?

O'Reilly also says the same thing, but the Als and Jessies of Race Bait Nation don't want to hear it and place blame for all on racism, white privilege, white supremacy and all the other liberal talking points spewed forth by the left.

Cartman(18192) Disputed
2 points

Didn't you call Don Lemon an idiot before?

2 points

You are 100% correct. The majority of problems in the Black community are caused by their own irresponsibility.

Democrats keep them living in denial by blaming republicans and the white man for all the problems of the Black community.

Democrats do this to keep their stranglehold on the Black vote. Approximately 95% vote for Democrats. IT'S ALL POLITICS and Democrats would see the next ten generations of black people living the same broken lives as long as they hold on to their vote.

This is why it is also the fault of Democrats who enable the victim mentality. Until Democrats and Black leaders admit the core reasons of the broken families, Black people will never move up the income ladder.

1 point

I'm still lacking to see a legitimate relationship to how this involves Democrats. Just cause it is a city run by Democrats doesn't interpret to mean it is their problem it is occurring.

2 points

You are 100% correct. The majority of problems in the Black community are caused by their own irresponsibility.

Democrats keep them living in denial by blaming republicans and the white man for all the problems of the Black community.

Democrats do this to keep their stranglehold on the Black vote. Approximately 95% vote for Democrats. IT'S ALL POLITICS and Democrats would see the next ten generations of black people living the same broken lives as long as they hold on to their vote.

This is why it is also the fault of Democrats who enable the victim mentality. Until Democrats and Black leaders admit the core reasons of the broken families, Black people will never move up the income ladder.

Black on black you report, so where's the problem?

Stupidity= poverty=blacks=deadly violence, so where's the news?

In 1000 years from now this 'black problem'' will be continuing and even then they'll still be blaming the big bad white man for their own shortcomings.