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Why I'm a Conservative Screw the Anthem
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:11
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 Why I'm a Conservative (4)
 Screw the Anthem (5)

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brontoraptor(28596) pic

California NAACP wants National Anthem gone

Why I'm a Conservative

Side Score: 4

Screw the Anthem

Side Score: 6
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2 points

Yet another example of P C bullshit which is now a worldwide phenomenon and seems to be getting pushed by think tanks in colleges and places of education worldwide, here’s an interesting snippet regarding the “ offending “ words from the National review ........

But there are other possibilities to consider, too. At the time Key was writing, the word “slave” (we’ll get to “hireling” in a minute) had long functioned in English as a wide-ranging epithet, hurled at persons of any and all colors, nationalities, and conditions of servitude or otherwise. Shakespeare, who barely mentioned America in his writings, used the word more than 180 times in his works. Fewer than a third of those references are in the plays set in Roman and Greek times, in which characters in the drama might be literal slaves. More often, Shakespeare’s characters — including Macbeth, Lear, and many of the kings in the history plays — use “slave” as an insult. (“O what a rogue and peasant slave am I!” says Hamlet, a prince, as part of a self-lacerating soliloquy.) Though often signifying low birth, these uses have no connection to color or — aside from the frequent use of the epithet to put down the French — to nationality. Still less do they connect to the institution of chattel slavery as found in the Americas. This usage had not disappeared by Key’s lifetime. In Robert Burns’s battle poem “Scots Wha Hae,” written in 1793 though set more than 400 years earlier, the word “slave” is an insult directed at his fellow Scots who would flee rather than follow their king into the Battle of Bannockburn.

Read more at:

Side: Screw the Anthem
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

Hello D:

It's true.. Some words just don't mean what you think they do.. For example, you COULD say that a person who calls black people bongos LOVES them.. You COULD say that.. But, it would be stupid.. What do you call them - belubas?? Is that meant to be affectionate??

But, of course, you DON'T love black people. You don't love them at all..


Side: Why I'm a Conservative
Dermot(5736) Disputed
1 point

Everything I say is true so stop telling me what I know ☺️

Your confusion over words and definitions is your problem not mine , how other people use words is not my concern ; regards your continued confusion I called a group of people from the Congo Belubas this is factual as it’s an actual tribe but a dim witted racist like you is only interested in spouting his racist nonsense

You’re an anti Irish bigot who accuses everyone of the very thing you’re guilty of ...... racism

Maybe you will someday address an actual argument instead of playing the constant hard done racism card

Side: Screw the Anthem
1 point

BLM calls liberals Nazis-

Black Lives Matter claims Liberalism is White Supremacy-

What did the sign-toting protesters chant?

“Liberalism is white supremacy!”

“ACLU, you protect Hitler, too!”

“No justice, no peace — Nazis don’t deserve free speech!”

“Your free speech hides beneath white sheets!”

“Blood on your hands!”


“The revolution will not uphold the Constitution!” blm-shuts-aclu-free-speech-rally-liberalism-white-supremacy/

Side: Screw the Anthem
1 point

Hello bront:

They DO.. Like a lot of our past, the anthem looks like it's racist.. Here's the offending stanza:

No refuge could save the hireling and slave

From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,

Now, it looks to ME, like the anthem is telling those black slaves that they better NOT escape cause they'll be hunted down and killed.. I have NO idea why that would be in our National Anthem.. Do you?


Side: Screw the Anthem
1 point

No refuge could save the hireling and slave

From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave

None of these words are even in the U.S. National Anthem.

Side: Why I'm a Conservative
0 points

Hello bront:

It's time to relegate relics of our past to the dustbin of history.. They should be remembered in museums and on the record rack, but they should NOT represent WHO we are..

Look.. Trump doesn't think our national monuments are worth saving, so why should we save a statue of Robert E. Lee, or a racist National Anthem??

You knew about Trump slashing the size of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase Monuments, didn't you?


Side: Screw the Anthem
1 point

Robert E. Lee

Sure. Go ahead and knock down a statue of a racist Democrat. See if I care.

or a racist National Anthem??

So show us the National Anthem being racist...

You knew about Trump slashing the size of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase Monuments, didn't you?

They were an obvious federal land grab. They also weren't destroyed and still exist.

Nevertheless, natural features aren't "monuments" or the National Anthem. They are natural features. Are trees, hills, plants, lakes, ponds, sunsets, stars, or solar systems "monuments"? Only if Obama says so...

Side: Why I'm a Conservative
1 point

It's time to relegate relics of our past to the dustbin of history

I see. So statues of Native Americans, Native peace treaties, statues of MLK, statues of Malcom X, etc need to go. You should tell Pelosi...she'll probably begin twitching in a cognitive dissonance frenzy...

Side: Why I'm a Conservative