
Debate Info

Wow But Mein Double Standards
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:11
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 Wow (2)
 But Mein Double Standards (6)

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Hootie(364) pic

Christian Fundamentalists "Burned Witches (i.e. Muslims) At Stake"


Side Score: 2

But Mein Double Standards

Side Score: 7
1 point

Read your article once more. It says.....

"In one incident, a local Christian clergyman, who had scars across his body, said he tried to intervene as he witnessed a man being buried alive after being condemned as a witch for apparently admitting to killing 150 people."

"The clergyman was threatened at knifepoint for trying to intervene in matters that did not concern the church," one eyewitness said."

Gee, why would evil Christians try to save these so called Witches?

Oh I forget, you are an anti Christian bigot who distorts anything to spew your hatred towards wonderful loving Christians.

You would take false Christian groups such as the KKK, and try to paint true Christians in their likeness.


Side: Wow
Hootie(364) Disputed
1 point

Gee, why would evil Christians try to save these so called Witches?

Are you literally retarded? It was Christians who burned them at the stake!!

Get out of my debate you mad, murderous moron.

Side: But Mein Double Standards
Hootie(364) Disputed
1 point

You would take false Christian groups such as the KKK, and try to paint true Christians in their likeness.

Spare me your retarded no true scotsman fallacies, imbecile. Christians are Christians.

Side: But Mein Double Standards
1 point

Christians are doing so little killing that Nom had to find a fringe incident from 4 years ago.


Side: But Mein Double Standards
Hootie(364) Disputed
0 points

Christians are doing so little killing that Nom had to find a fringe incident from 4 years ago.

Your bizarre implication that the last time Christians killed anybody was four years ago is of course -- like everything else you say -- completely false.

Side: Wow
1 point

Christian militias in Central African Republic 'burnt witches at stake', says UN report.

But you did not say the UN reported it was Mooslimes !

Get your story straight before you start lying UK boy !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: But Mein Double Standards
Hootie(364) Clarified
1 point

But you did not say the UN reported it was Mooslimes !

It's written in the story mate:-

The militias, who have fought a vicious sectarian war against local Muslims, kidnapped people they accused of witchcraft, tied them to stakes and then burnt them alive, the report disclosed.

The accusations have emerged as Pope Francis prepares for a visit to the CAR this Sunday as part of a week-long African tour promoting harmony between Christians and Muslims. report.html

Side: Wow
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

Are the Mooslimes your buddies ????????

What is your attraction to Mooslimes ??????????

Side: Wow
brontoraptor(28596) Clarified Banned
1 point

Cool. I don't need to go back 4 years to show Commies and Muslims mass murdering people and acting like tyrants.

Side: Wow
1 point

Deal with some facts that your Left Wing Media will not make you aware of and notice i have linked a Left Wing Rag !!!!!!!!!

MBALE, Uganda Sleeping on a hospital bed at Budaka Health Center in eastern Uganda, 12-year-old Emmanuel Nyaiti writhed in pain as he explained how Muslim extremists attacked him for refusing to convert to Islam.

″‘Islam is a good religion,’ they said. ’Please convert. We’ll not kill you, and you will go to paradise,” the boy recalled.

Emmanuel is one among millions of Christians in this East African nation who face unprecedented levels of persecution from Islamist extremists.

Christians in eastern Uganda are among those in their faith who face the most serious dangers in the world, according to World Watch Monitor, a group that tracks persecutions of Christians. The charity counted at least two incidents of Muslims killing Christians as well as vandalism of at least two churches.

What is the love you Leftist have for Mooslimes ??????????

Side: But Mein Double Standards
1 point

Would Hootie like to vacation in Iran ??????? Speak up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: But Mein Double Standards
Hootie(364) Clarified
1 point

Would Hootie like to vacation in Iran ??????? Speak up !!!!!!

I would. I'd be all over those Persian hotties.

Side: Wow
outlaw60(15368) Clarified
1 point

You are to say that the Mooslimes you have affection for would welcome you in ??????

Side: Wow