
Debate Info

suck suck more
Debate Score:64
Total Votes:79
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 suck (21)
 suck more (16)

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Misery(66) pic

Christian values are suck


Side Score: 41

suck more

Side Score: 23
1 point

Hello m:

Nahh.. Christian values don't suck.. The way SOME Christians pursue their perceived values may suck, but that's DIFFERENT than dissing the whole religion.


Side: suck
Misery(66) Disputed
1 point

Christian values don't suck

For a religion that claims to derive it's moral values from a being of infinite wisdom and "goodness" it seems rather primitive. For some reason God the all knowing seems to condone barbaric practices you would expect to see in primitive ape cultures (perhaps because the bible was written by primitive apes) such as slavery and murdering your kids for giving you too much lip.

The way SOME Christians pursue their perceived values may suck, but that's DIFFERENT than dissing the whole religion.

If anything christians are projecting more modern values onto their primitive barbaric religion and pretending they came from the bible, which condones beating your wife and stoning sodomites.

Side: suck more
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Well, you really can't compare ALL Christians to Jeff Sessions … the BARBARIC one! Most of the "good" comes from the New Testament, the old Bible IS more Barbaric, but then, It IS … primitive. Cobbled together from fireside tales of camel jockeys and the "You better watch out!" statements of those who wanted control of the masses! It IS, after all, an "Autobiography" by largely unknown authors who, likely, specialized in fiction.

Side: suck
1 point

Ignoring Jesus and the New Testament like the plague eh nom? I would too.

Side: suck
VictorCrowl(58) Disputed
1 point

For a religion that claims to derive it's moral values from a being of infinite wisdom and "goodness" it seems rather primitive.

None of these words are in the Bible though.

Side: suck

Christian values are suck

And then everybody scrambled to get into Christianized countries...

Side: suck more
GhostOfNom(166) Disputed
1 point

And then everybody scrambled to get into Christianized countries...

How did those countries become "Christianized" again Adolf?

Oh yes, that's right. Christians murdered all the indigenous peoples and stole their land.

And to think you forgot to mention this despite claiming (i.e. LYING) that you are an American Indian. Somehow forgot that Christians wiped out your entire culture, hey bronto?

Lying idiot.

Side: suck
1 point

How did those countries become "Christianized" again Adolf

The same way countries became Islamized and Communized. scantabcontents

And to think you forgot to mention this despite claiming (i.e. LYING) that you are an American Indian.

1)Interesting. Only a puppet could know to attempt this particular ad hominem...again.

2)Isn't a puppet a lie?

Somehow forgot that Christians wiped out your entire culture, hey bronto?

Side: suck more
1 point

Oh, come back here Nom....And then everybody scrambled to get into Christianized countries...

Side: suck more