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 Dems scream about Russia's so called influence on our election while they love biased news (5)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Dems scream about Russia's so called influence on our election while they love biased news

There could not be any more biased influence on our elections every four years then the Liberal main stream media's influence.

Funny how the Democrat Party is beside themselves in anger when the biased shoe is on the other foot. For decades the Democrat Party has enjoyed having the bully pulpit of Hollywood, network news, network sitcoms, network latenight tv progrms, Award shows, etc. etc. ALL MARCHING IN LOCK STEP HELPING DEMONIZE THE GOP, while cheerleding the Democrat Party.

All of a sudden they got a taste of their own medicine when outside influences spent so much time uncovering Democrat scandals. They did not like it very much.... LOL, go figure.

Tell me how it is not totally corrupt when our free Press has taken sides in our political process. Tell me how it is not corrupt when the vast majority of our media has the express goal of getting Democrats elected no matter what the views of the millions of working Americans.

If Russia indeed did leak truthful emails sent back and forth between Democrats, and show the Party for all their corruption, how is that any worse then our free Press activey campaigning against Republicans, and covering up the corruption by Democrats, and fixating on any news that might hurt Republicans.

Were it not for Russia's hacking abilities, we the Americans would have never known the truth of the Democrat's corruption. This is what happens when reporters no longer look for corruption on the Democrats side of politics, but rather only look for it on Republicans.

Funny how during Obama's eight long years, the media could not have cared less for the scandals revolving around Obama's weakness with Russia.

I guess Russia must be better at finding the corruption of our politicians than our press.

If Russia is indeed hacking into our Government servers and emails, this is wrong and should be stopped. The point of my debate is that Russia is doing what our reporters used to do before they were indoctrinated by Progressive College Professors while working towards their Journalist degrees.

I'm still loving Trump's victory. It is so enjoyable watching Democrats get a taste of their own medicine. What goes around comes around.
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I just don't get it, what does america take the world for? A puppet?

So it can slap it anyhow it wants and doesn't expect it to be slapped back?

America has always interfered in other countries' governance and politics especially when not invited, but will have their agenda towards world destroyed if they don't.

America secretively sponsored the coup d'etat of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah....because he was a pan africanist and supported the east.

Same America played a major role in the death of Qaddafi they portrayed as a monster falsely for wicked devious reasons and now the people of libya are suffering.........

But America gets angry over the suspicion of a second hand in their election?

Bullshit.....i hope its really true....and its a payback in their own coin.……

0 points

Americans deciding who wins the American presidential election. Leave it to FromWithin to be against that.

Well, he mainly prefers to argue by himself alone anyway.

1 point

This argument isn't coherent with the opposing argument. The left's claim is that the Russians influenced the election. That would mean the left does not think Americans decided the election...

Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

The argument I am responding to is the one FromWithin made, not the argument of the left.