
Debate Info

Oh god yes! Yes! Hell no!
Debate Score:35
Total Votes:37
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 Oh god yes! Yes! (10)
 Hell no! (19)

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Hellno(17724) pic

Do You Only Respond to People You Like?

Oh god yes! Yes!

Side Score: 12

Hell no!

Side Score: 23
1 point

If I dislike them, they respond to me, if I like them I respond to them.

Side: Oh god yes! Yes!
1 point

I enjoy your common sense, instig8or.

At last, some sensible reply, for once.

No trolling.

Now I will continue posting on this debate, I hope.

I mean, why shouldn't I continue posting?

I really hope I am able to continue posting.

Please hellno, don't prove my point about why I would no longer be able to post.

Side: Hell no!
Hellno(17724) Disputed
2 points

You think "Instig8or" isn't trolling? Hahaha! You know nothing. He's the biggest asshole on the site. He only picked this side because it goes against me.

Side: Oh god yes! Yes!
1 point

I ask this because BlizzardBirdBrain seems to think that we only respond/reply/interact with people we like and that if anyone we've responded to were to leave, we'd miss them. LOL

Side: Hell no!
1 point

I hate people, but sometimes rambling to them makes me feel more pathetic.

So I just do it anyway.

I can't do anything wrong...

I mean right!

Got dam pit!

Side: Hell no!
1 point

I find that there are more enjoyable things than conversing like biting peanuts, which sometimes which isn't even an enjoyable thing at all! I've also considered that maybe

there are more things I like to do than drinking Pepsi to keep me active.

So do I really like talking to people? Fuck no!

I do it because it keeps me alive, and is sometimes one of the only things that allow me to forget the crap I have to put up with 24/7, and seriously who said I even responded to people? I just either nod or say yes!

Side: Hell no!
1 point

No, but if someone crosses a line with me, I ignore them since Andy refuses to give us a real block feature.

Side: Hell no!
1 point

I think 90% of my responses are directed at people I hate.

Side: Hell no!

I respond solely based on the question, not the questioner.

Side: Hell no!
1 point

I respond solely based on the question, not the questioner.

You're reason for responding to people is the only healthy reason I've seen given on this debate.

At least one person has healthy motives.

Side: Oh god yes! Yes!
Hellno(17724) Disputed
2 points

Then why did you dispute him? Bird brain.

Side: Hell no!

I don't take anything too personal on this site, even when insults are hurled. Sometimes I like it when it gets down and dirty.

Side: Oh god yes! Yes!
1 point

No, in fact I'm more likely to respond if I think whatever you said is wrong, or easily mocked, and that's more likely on people I don't particularly like.

Side: Hell no!

No, I like annoying everyone .

Side: Hell no!
SlapShot(2608) Clarified
1 point

What's your favorite thing to do with another woman?



Side: Oh god yes! Yes!
LadyLinkstar(415) Clarified
2 points

None of your business . ^_^

Side: Oh god yes! Yes!
SlapShot(2608) Disputed
1 point

Sure it is!

My business.


It's the only thing I really find interesting as far as what lesbos have to say. Otherwise I have little use for them.


Side: Oh god yes! Yes!
LadyLinkstar(415) Clarified
1 point

For someone who dislikes lesbians, You sure want to know a lot about them. Do some research.

Side: Oh god yes! Yes!

So in other words according to the results of Hellno's survey, most people usually respond to people they hate?Well, "most people" may include CreateDebate, but not the entire population of the universe.

Why the hell would most people respond to wind others up, or respond usually to people they don't like?

This site really is messed up.

Hellno proved nothing except that everybody on the site responds to people that they love yet pretend to hate.

Come on, I never respond to people I hate, that's normal and healthy.

Side: Hell no!
Hellno(17724) Disputed
2 points

I proved you wrong but you don't have the balls to admit it. I love your new debating tactic though, everyone who disagrees with me actually doesn't because they are lying. Wow! Hell, even you answered on this side of the debate.

Side: Oh god yes! Yes!
1 point

I proved you wrong but you don't have the balls to admit it. I love your new debating tactic though, everyone who disagrees with me actually doesn't because they are lying. Wow! Hell, even you answered on this side of the debate.

I'm not likely going to believe a whole load of posters claiming to respond to people they hate most of the time.

If you usually respond to people you hate, you are either saying that you hate most of your friends, you don't respond to your friends, or that you have few friends.

Which one is true?

Side: Hell no!
LadyLinkstar(415) Clarified
1 point

This seems intense .

Side: Oh god yes! Yes!
0 points

I do respond to ladylinktard don't I ?

Side: Hell no!