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 Do aliens really exist ? (11)

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laxmisunder(24) pic

Do aliens really exist ?

do  you think we're alone in the universe ? 
no, absolutely not. it's a huge universe, we are not at the center or central in any way and it would be the height of vanity to think humans or earth are in any way special or significant we might be. there's never been any firm evidence of extraterrestrial life, and our galaxy is old enough that intelligent civilizations should have spread everywhere by now. aliens and related paranormal activities have been a staple for popular fiction as far back as we know. and no, these have not been the subject of ridicule or humour. it has mostly been an attempt too understand a mystry, which is probably was beyond our processing abilities.
Actually aliens are what ?
a word used to refer to beings from other worlds. this of course is a simplified definitions of extraterrestrial life. the science that studies the existence of alien life is know as xenobiology.
are aliens real? are they coming to earth? these are questions that have haunted scientists and common people for ages. but there are several, who are firm believers in the existence of life on other planets. several scientists have spent their lives trying to establish links between strange phenomena and the existence of life in outer space. principal among them are carl sagan and frank dake. carl sagan theorized that alien life just bacteria exist not only on our planet but throughout the universe. how do we know that they are aliens? 
it is a possibilities that we are mutually unable to recognize each other as life. to them, are we aliens? also there may be a problem of mismatched technology, so how do we know what to look and where.
johann wolfgang von goethe , famously said, 
''everything is simpler than you think and at the same time more complex than you imagine''. while theorizers about aliens and extraterrestrial life may benefit from following that adage to answer questions like whether aliens exist, believers [including me] can continue to refer to the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy and prepare ourselves for conversations.
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1 point

Flash Gordon and Jules Verne were looked at with ridicule and humor at one time, and flying was for birds and insects. Anyone who sees this world as the ONLY inhabited one are the ridiculous and humorous ones, to my way of thinking.

SatintLater(283) Disputed Banned
1 point

So then Christians and their belief in god should follow by that logic. they are ridiculed now and by that fact will be correct in the future. and I would think you would disagree with that statement. so perhaps you should append that statement you just made?

1 point

Whatever they are, they are not aliens, they are liars and lies originate in Hell.

SatintLater(283) Disputed Banned
1 point'd really think that God only made one sentient creature. what about Angels? are they from the physical heaven or a metaphysical heaven? and why does it follow that there are ONLY humans on ONLY one planet. God made the heavens. the bible doesn't mention those places beyond. so where does it say that humans were the only ones kicked from eden?

KNHav(1957) Disputed
1 point

Wow you take being swept away in a flood of Deceptions to a whole nother level. Wow!

Do you want to be decieved or would you prefer to know the truth?

1 point

how could you say that there are angels , have you see them anywhere

cownbueno(407) Disputed Banned
1 point

What kind of education did you receive as a child? What Grade did you drop out of? 2nd? 3rd? Can't be any later than 5th.

Saintnow(3684) Disputed Banned
1 point

Same education as you, and probably more........I had evolution and atheism shoved down my throat in school and through television, books, music and movies the same as you. You caved in to it, you let them force it down your throat and now you're full of it, like you swallowed a record so when I push a button, you respond with a programmed response saying exactly the same things as others who programmed you or were programmed to say the exact things you say the same way. What you are doing goes against your own life, it's going to take you to Hell if you keep it up and it's justice. God made the way for you to be set free, pardoned, forgiven, saved but I guess you like being a parrot for whoever is at the top of the line of people who repeated the same thing to you so much, and pressured you into agreeing with them so you resigned your own right to think for yourself, sold your soul to the devil. God Himself paid the price by dying for you as the Son of God to buy you back from that bad deal you made when you sold yourself out to the devil. You made a bad deal and God will get you out of it if you'll trust Him.

laxmisunder(24) Clarified
1 point

hey...u want to know that how much grade i have earned than listen ....its non of ur business

so friend, mind ur business

laxmisunder(24) Clarified
1 point is ridiculous that u had said that they r not aliens they r liars.......

we r not alone in this universe ok, there r so much things that r out of r u should not say that they r liars ....had anyone said to u that they r liars....just think about it..

1 point

I am of the belief that extra-terrestrial intelligence is absolutely teeming in the Universe. We are not anywhere near being special, or alone.

Why should we think we were? There is nothing at all remarkable about our planet, or our solar system, or even our own Milky Way Galaxy, which is only one out of hundreds of billions other galaxies. Each of them, of course, with their own hundreds of billions of stars (suns) and their own attendant planets.

Our sun is an average middle-aged "G-Type" Main Sequence Star. Nothing special about it either. So why would we be? One rock, third out from our own star, in the backwaters of an average spiral galaxy.

Hell, I doubt we are even alone in our "Local Group" of Galaxies.

Let alone in the Virgo Super-Cluster of Galaxies which encompass the local group.

That all being said, I do not think we have been visited by ET's.


The distances, man!

Over four light years to the nearest star system, which is the Alpha Proxima/Centauri binary star system.

With our current best and fastest space propulasion technology, it would take us over 20,000 years to get there!

If somebody HAS visited us, they have surely mastered near-lightspeed travel. Or maybe they can fold Spacetime. Or maybe they have mastered quantum level teleportation. Any of these, and they are so far ahead of us that it is like the difference between you and your pet goldfish.


Saintnow(3684) Disputed Banned
1 point

Sorry, friend, you are indeed special as is everybody else. God loves you so much He gave His Son to die for you. That's how special you are. Maybe you feel that you are "not anywhere near being special" because you have no real hope due to setting up a brick wall trying to hide behind it away from God?

Why do you want to be "not anywhere near being special"? That sounds so pitiful that you think of yourself that way.

laxmisunder(24) Clarified
1 point

what ridiculous ur talking......go to the mental asylum

whatever u had commented is not understandable coz its ridiculos

1 point

I'm sure they do, the universe is enormous and the possibilities are endless. But I'm also sure 99.99999% of them are probably nothing like the humanoids we imagine in our science fiction. There's probably a whole lot of microbes and bugs and fish and such. Technically even plants would count.