
Debate Info

I'm a vaccer I'll NEVER get ANY disease
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 I'm a vaccer (3)

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excon(18262) pic

Do you vaccinate, or do you fret about vaccination?

I'm a vaccer

Side Score: 4

I'll NEVER get ANY disease

Side Score: 0
2 points

I was vaccinated in school before there was any objectors. I was vaccinated in the military where there couldn't be any objection. I am thankful that it was done. The only one of the preventable diseases I had was a mild case of Chicken Pox. I thank those who did the deed. :-)

Side: I'm a vaccer
1 point

It would be wholly irresponsible and indeed reckless not to avail of all accessible vaccinations, not only for yourself but also your dependents and those in your charge.

Side: I'm a vaccer
1 point

Anyone who thinks Autism is worse than debilitating and deadly diseases, is an idiot. Especially when they base that claim off a now-proven-FALSE medical journal from a doctor who has since lost his licence.

Side: I'm a vaccer
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